The Government Trying to Stop us From Stopping Zighile Comstock…

*** Funny a military jet just screamed by at a very low altitude and scared me to death. It broke the sound barrier way too low and that just shook the earth. Oops – I gotta go! Dogg just came up to the half-track and he is frantic and trying to get me to go with him. Problems? Government? Zombies? Ben? I will get back as soon as I can… ***

Hey world! I am still alive and so is Ben! But Dogg can’t be found… (We have an idea where he is at!)

Everything is rather fuzzy at this point and I am not sure what individuals are to blame for all that has happened in the last week. But I do know what government agency is behind all of this crap and that is the USA government and Ben, Dogg and I just spent a week killing government agents by the hundreds. I do know that we have about 24 hours to find Dogg and get out of Dodge, so to speak…

So this will be a short entry as Ben and I are working out plans to attack the last strong hold of the government dicks, that caused all this. There are about 25 men still left, held up in a government military base that Ben just happened to have to stop by and take a piss near. As you remember Dogg came and got me and that is when all hell broke loose…

To make a very long story short and I promise to catch you all up on what has happened, if we live through the next 24 hours and get on a freighter to Russia. Now it is time to blow a hole in the electric fence that is protecting 25 men who shot Dogg full of so many holes that I can see no possible way he lived. Lets hope Dogg is alive somewhere in the base and lets hope that we make it ourselves. I hope a totem dog is really tough…

One thing that is fact! We have discovered the money source behind the Zombie program and we have discovered why! The whole program is definitely a continuation of the original WWI program that the Germans tried to create indestructible War Zombies and Zighile Comstock is the key to the success…

The money source is a huge secrete government agency that is financing and protecting Zighile. My sources are much smaller and weaker but no less determined to stop this madness that threatens the world. That is why once we clear this area of living government bodies, then we will be able, with luck to get to Russia. It is funny (Not Ha Ha Ha funny!) how one government agency will kill off another agency in attempt to survive. I just happen to be working for the least of the evil of government agencies… 🙂

I promise if I Ben and I live, that we will catch everyone up on what is happening. I may have to be careful from now on about telling you all where we will be going exactly. I do not want to get the whole world involved in being wiped out by some scum agents. This has turned out to be very interesting and very deadly. Ben is pissed right now and he is ready to go get Dogg. Dogg is Ben’s buddy as well as mine and we fight to the death for each other…

Talk to you later. Ben says, “You will hear my war cry as I enter the fight today, even from where you are reading this article. Just listen carefully and you will hear the cry’s of the damned! The one’s damned for hurting Dogg…”

Guess he is pissed. I know I am… ;(

The Zombie Source Code!

PS: 24 hours! Either I will be back or you will never hear from us again…