Ouch and God…

I did not know what to do and really all I could see was death everywhere…

Prometheus was blocking Proton torpedoes and I had one bearing down on me to blow Dogg and I out of the space forever. Then I decided that all this has to stop. That all this has to stop before everything goes sour like a lemon…

Something happened inside of me and a energy beam went out of my little ship. It spread as far as you could see like a flat window glass between Prometheus and I and the battle cruiser. It was just like a glass pane, it could be seen and it was clear…

Prometheus ran into the flat energy shield that I made and the torpedoes exploded harmlessly against the shield. The battle cruiser crumpled its nose against the shield and I just say there and wondered what I just did…

Then Prometheus and the battle cruiser threw everything they had at the shield and after a few minutes everyone realized that nothing was going to get through the shield I made. I still did not understand what I just did, but I knew it had something to do with my feelings inside of me…

I tried to contact Prometheus and she would not listen, she was frantic and had decided to go up and over the energy shield. So I just put her in a box of a shield and she bounced around like a pin ball in a pin ball machine. I did the same to the battle cruiser…

Then Dogg looked at me and went woof woof and smiled…

I was sitting thinking about all what was happening and the next thing I knew! I was sitting crumpled in front of a huge throne. You know the type of throne that kings sit on and Queens also…

The room was huge and very pleasantly earth tones in color. I knew where I was and I always believed heaven was white and nothing but white. This was not white…

I looked up and the throne was empty. A voice asked me if I was okay? The same voice asked me am I going to get violent?

I said yes and no to answer the questions and I then stood and waited…

Out from behind the huge throne came a very very old man! He was walking with a cane and I just knew who he was. He did not look like we are taught to think he looks like and to be honest, he looked like a little old man. Just a little old man…

Next I will give you what happened and then what has changed in all the Universe. It really is very simple and that is that…


Looks like a field of green grass waving in the breeze…

*** So: I have tears in my eyes as I write this! Ben is curled up in a ball in the corner of the base and trying to gather his thoughts about all that has happened. I am just going to try to think about what the kindly old Eskimo gentleman showed us and hope for the best… ***

Ben and I sat outside most of the night and watched with awe at the Eskimo’s and their insistent chanting over the burial of Dogg. I have come to the conclusion that they are trying to save Dogg’s soul…

Ben and I just stay out of the way and I decided to write this article to give me something to do. I will be writing an article about what all happened in more detail and I really promise that I will but so much is happening right now that I do not want to miss what these Eskimo’s are up to…

So Ben and I are just watching. The Eskimo’s have made 6 replicas of Dogg and they have made 6 burial pilings. They are burying 6 more Doggs and from what we understand this is to confuse the gods and make the gods take the wrong soul and hopefully the real Dogg soul will come back to earth…

I understand that each replica has a soul of one of the men who killed Dogg and that if that soul is taken instead of Dogg’s that he will suffer greatly, because once the gods find out that they have the wrong soul, he (the wrong soul) will pay with a life of terror. No one else pays, just the false soul in place pf Dogg’s…

There are a total then, of 7 burial pilings. Seven fires burning and seven people chanting at one time. It looks like 40 or 50 Eskimo’s are here now and more arriving. This is a big deal to them and I feel rather worthless in all of this. I keep being told, just to heal and allow the gods to play their games in their ways…

This is the best that I can explain and since Ben will not speak right now and communicate with me or anyone. I will do the best that I can to surmise the situation. Ben is very upset and just stares at the burial pilings and mumbles to himself. I sense that Ben has a lot of healing inside to do and that will take time…

So for now the chanting of the Eskimo’s goes on and has lasted all night. They take turns in chanting and each one chants for hours at a time. The old Eskimo man who took Dogg sits alone in the snow and rocks back and forth as if in tune to a silent song that only he can hear. His lips move but no sound is uttered. He sits with his eyes closed and several women look after him as he rocks…

I am understanding after being told by the girl that takes care of me, that he is with Dogg in the green grass field of the ancestors. He is trying to help Dogg make a decision about the afterlife…

Also off to the side of this whole burial going on is a man who appeared a few hours ago. He brought with him a long narrow log of what is called saint wood. He seems to be carving a totem pole and one of the animals in the pole is a dog. There is a bear, wolf, feline, human and dog all on one pole. It looks like he will be done in a few hours…

One more day they say and we will know what is going to happen…

So I sit here and drink a wonderful coffee type drink made by the girls who watch over us. It has a taste of hazelnut with a touch of chicory and a splash of green tea. It seems to heal the soul and brighten the day. Ben just sits and stares and will not acknowledge anything. Ben seems to be in the same field as the old Eskimo and trying to save Dogg also. If you look into Ben’s eyes, you can almost see the green grass waving in the breeze…

Will Dogg come back? Can Dogg come back? Does Dogg want to come back? I feel bad because I was not able to save Dogg and inside I hurt and fell it is my fault. We had a terrible battle and while we killed 200 men on one side we lost Dogg!

Just maybe I should have stayed out of all of this Zombie stuff and lived my life, ignorant like the rest of the world to what is happening. I seem to have lost my family as it was and most likely never will be back whole again and now I lost Dogg. My little girl and wife are lost souls in the voids of space and time and now I seem to be seeing Dogg’s soul travel the same path…

All I ever want in life is to have my life back. I would love to see my girl swinging on her swing and my wife telling us dinner is ready. I would like to see Dogg running after squirrels again and chasing rabbits for joy and fun…

Time to quit writing this article and I will be back. It seems that the world is at a low point and my life has reached a turning point. I will sit here patiently and listen to the chanting that I hear. It is soothing and I think that is the only reason that I am still sane. You know the sky is starting to take on a green tinge and almost looks like a field of green grass waving in the breeze…

Maybe Dogg is in a better place…

The Zombie Source Code…

We bury Dogg – Eskimo Style……

*** Talk to you later. Ben says, “You will hear my war cry as I enter the fight today, even from where you are reading this article. Just listen carefully and you will hear the cry’s of the damned! The one’s damned for hurting Dogg…” ***

I have tears in my eyes as I write this! Ben is curled up in a ball in the corner of the base and trying to gather his thoughts about all that has happened. I am just going to try to think about what the kindly old Eskimo gentleman showed us and hope for the best…

True to Ben’s words as we stepped into the last round of this battle. He made the ones left alive suffer for what they did to Dogg. They had chopped Dogg into pieces and tried to burn the parts. When I found Dogg’s remains I gathered all I found and wrapped him up in a blanket. Ben screamed a blood curdling scream and finished by himself what the government guys had started…

The whole story later after we are done here. I promise…

Now about the Eskimo guy…

I had carried Dogg’s body out of the building and was surprised by an elderly gentleman that was standing surveying the damage and destruction. His eyes alighted upon the bundle that I carried and his face darkened with deep concern. It was as if he knew what was wrapped up in my arms. I had stopped walking and was staring at the Eskimo and felt some sort of power emanating from this man. He walked up to me and held out his hands and wanted to take Dogg…

For some reason I gave Dogg to him without question and he walked away with our Zombie killing Dogg. That was when tears started to run down my face and I could not stop them. I also heard the last scream and cry of a man dying at the hands of Ben. Ben stepped out from the building and I have to tell you he was a mess. I would say a hundred bullet holes and he was soaked in blood. Not all his I may add…

Ben watched as I did as the old Eskimo walked away from us. We looked at each other and together we followed the man. That is when we silently watched the old Eskimo put the pieces of Dogg back together and stitched all parts together the best he could. He was so kind and gentle with the body. Then as Ben and I stood silent and watched a dozen more Eskimos came and surrounded the old guy. They then built a burial grave on pilings out in the open field. Dogg was laid to rest by the Eskimo’s and then they started a ritual that is only known to them. Ben and I looked on and finally we had enough! I was bleeding to death and Ben was ready to drop from exhaustion…

Later the old Eskimo found us in the building that we had taken refuge in. I had built a fire and dragged all the bodies outside to be frozen by the harsh Alaskan Winter. He spoke very good English and touched us both on the heads. As he touched us he said something in his language and we could feel some of the pain leave us. In our minds appeared a message in a video form. It was of Dogg running and playing in a field of green grass. I also understood that we are to wait and be patient until whatever it is that he is doing is done. ???

Two Eskimo girls have stayed with us and fixed food and cleaned the place up. They cleaned our wounds and fixed us a place to sleep. They told us in broken English that we must be good for 2 days! The energies of evil need time to disperse and be propagated properly by the energies of good. They said Dogg is running the fields of his ancestors and only the gods can decide what happens now…

I promise to get back and I have called Vitaly of Death and found out that he is in Anchorage and told me to do what I am told. He said that powers of the Indians are very strong and that this Eskimo has been sent to help us. We must do as we are told. Vitaly of Death said that he is fine and will wait until we get there…

So: I have tears in my eyes as I write this! Ben is curled up in a ball in the corner of the base and trying to gather his thoughts about all that has happened. I am just going to try to think about what the kindly old Eskimo gentleman showed us and hope for the best…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: I had a vision that my governmental group that I work with, turned coated on me. That they are the ones that sent the agents on us. Remember I called and talked to them not long ago and they are the only ones who could have known to try to kill us. Time to do some thinking’s…