Naukan: Let God Protect this Village for we have buried her secretes…

*** Zighile is going to reanimate the dead reanimated army of over 10,000,000 creatures that have been conveniently all placed in one spot just for his convenience to reanimate. OMG: It is one thing to reanimate the dead and still be able to kill them again, but quiet another thing to have the dead reanimate again and again and again… ***

Well we just got back from an excursion to the village of Naukan…

Dogg and Rex took the high ground and Ben, Sargey and I took the lower ground. Dogg showed that he could also change into a huge, I mean huge, like in (Did I say Huge?) gigantic Eagle. He then grabbed Rex and they few off to the village 10 kn away. So as we watched them disappear into the morning sunrise. Sergey said lets hit the tunnels…

I was thinking as we walked to the stairs leading to the tunnels, that I hope Dogg and Rex leave some Zombies for us to play with and as Serge opened the door to the tunnel, I could smell the sent of rotten death reeking from the open doorway and I knew that we would have our share right then. Zombies were infested in the tunnel…

I asked Sergey, “Did you bury saints down here like you do upstairs?” Sergey replied, “Oh yes! In fact most were buried or reburied in this tunnel.” He then said, “Oops!” as I cut a Zombie Saint down the middle and extinguished its light of rebirth forever…

Sergey said to keep them busy a second while he gets the lights turned on and gets his sword he has hidden. Ben said, “Hurry because it sounds like there is hundreds of them.” I just turned to the task of slicing and dicing with my machete. The Chinese Broad Sword was too big for the small confines of a tunnel and trying to use it would be dangerous to both me and my friends. Ben’s sword was just right and I had the ceramic Mexican machetes to deal havoc with and more. I was wishing that Dogg and Rex was here about now and that was reenforced as…

Just then the lights came on and the tunnel was revealed to be wall to wall Zombies. Tiny little Zombies about 4 foot tall. It seems that a long time ago people were much smaller than now days and Saints seem to be smaller yet! They all had on these beautiful robes that all Saints are adorned with at burial. They also were covered in gold! I wondered if God will forgive me to kill these Saints, but any doubt was put out of my mind as Sergey pushed past us and with a double swipe of each arm he laid to rest 5 Zombies. Sergey said, “Don’t just stand there. I am not killing all of these by myself, you know?” Ben looked at me and I looked at Ben and I said, “You take position next to Sergey and I will take the mob of Zombies that has just gathered at our rear!”

Ben turned and screamed like a little kid and Sergey looked at him like are you nuts? I am use to Ben’s outputs like that and I know that he is tough as nails. Sergey soon found out about Ben…

It looks like the dead had all risen in the tunnel and they were all coming to greet us and the more noise we made, the more Zombies there seem to be. We were not 10 feet from the door we entered and had been fighting for 20 minutes for all our lives. I hope that Dogg and Rex are doing better than us. I laughed as I thought about Dogg and Rex fighting over a Zombie head as they waited for us to show up from the tunnel… 🙂

It was a bloodless battle for these Zombies where preserved many many years ago and they were mummified type Zombies. Their skin was leathery and no fluids were available, but that did not make it any easier to kill them. In fact they proved to be tougher than a normal Zombie that had body fluids to leak out. It seems that they functioned on a different level than normal Zombies. I know as a fact that normal Zombies still have blood and it still has a function and as you chop a Zombie up in pieces. That deters the ability of the Zombie to function. Same as cutting a hydrological line and the backhoe stops working, or the bulldozer ceases to function…

These little guys would try to kill you with their little finger if that is all they had left to fight with. We had body parts scattered everywhere and all those parts just kept on trying to get us. It was really kinda sick…

Then I saw something that made me cry out like a little girl and when Sergey turned to see what I was screaming about. He saw what I saw…

The pieces of chopped up Saint Zombies were re attaching themselves to the original body and growing back together. In the case of the Zombie that I had cut in half, we had two almost reformed Zombies getting back up from the tunnel floor as I stared at them. All got quiet as we watched every Zombie that we had killed reanimate into a new Zombie. In fact we now had three times the number of Zombies and they would all want to kill us…

Ben said, “We need to run as the trance they are in will cease in a second and resume their attack. They are using their energy to re grown new Zombies. Do not touch them any more than you have too and lets run like crazy.” So we got the door back open and slammed it shut and bolted it so that no Zombie could come out. That is when I said, “Are those the reanimated, reanimated Zombies of Zighile?”

Ben said, “No! They are just very powerful Saints that have different energies than a normal Zombie, but I am sure that Zighile is going to use the same process to do what he wants to do. That may be why he stopped here and I am sure that he has several of these Zombies with him right now! They are the answer to reanimating the reanimated dead…”

I asked Sergey about the exits to this tunnel and he responded that only one way out is possible and that is at the village. Sergey told us to stay back and he released a lever that made a huge stone wall slide over the door way that we had gone into earlier. It seal the entrance to the tunnel forever on this side. Then Sergey said that we need to hurry to get to the other side and stop these Saint Zombies from escaping. Ben then said that if they escape they have the power of a Source Code Zombie and they will spread the Zombification process like wildfire, if they ever get into a populated area. It looked like we had a race on our hands to the other end of the tunnel, because if Dogg and Rex were fighting these things and they were multiplying? Then we could have a small army already at that end…

We piled on the snowmobiles and took off. When we got to the other end, it was as feared. Zombies everywhere surrounding 20 Eskimos, plus Rex and a Dogg/Bear that was smashing Zombies like flies with a fly swatter. Just to see them get back up and keep crawling toward them to eat the group of valiant fighters…

More Zombies were coming out of this doorway that led into a small church and that I knew was where the exit was. My plan was to try to get these Zombies back into the tunnel and seal the tunnel off…

I without thinking told Ben and Sergey to help the Eskimos and Dogg and Rex. When they fought through the crowd of Zombies and were with the group, I tossed a grenade to the side into a drift of snow. The noise defined everyone and did what I needed to have done. All Zombies are attracted to noise and the louder the better. They all tuned to face me and I started to yell at them to come and get me. Ben, Sergey and everyone else just stared at what I was doing. I think they were dumbfounded…

The only one that did not freeze was my buddy Dogg and he changed into Dogg again and ran like lightening to be by my side. He knew what I was doing and started to bark. Then Rex came and he started to bark. I motioned for Ben and Sergey to stay where they were at. The Zombies were all coming for us and we were fighting our way back into the tunnel. I yelled at Dogg that he was not to change into a bear yet. We want the Zombies to all come with us…

Now we had blood everywhere. For we were being bit scratched and tore up. There had to have been 500 Zombies and more were trying to push their way to eat us. We were the prize of the day…

The last Zombie came into the open door way of the church and I was just able to reach the door handle. I yanked it shut as a Zombie bit me on the back and as I slammed the door shut. I screamed the most bloodcurdling war cry I could scream and decided to die taking all these Zombies with me…

I had five grenades left and I tossed one deep into the open tunnel entrance and we had Zombie parts everywhere. I told Dogg to get his bear and ram the Zombies back into the tunnel. I told Rex to keep the Zombies from biting me to death…

Bear/Dogg is impressive and he is a ton of raw muscle that has been given to us by the gods. Dogg smashed and drug Zombies and smashed and squished Zombies. He was slowly but surly stuffing Zombies back into the tunnel, one piece at a time, literally…

I made a huge effort and cut down 10 Zombies that were still milling around out of Bears reach and then started a fire. I took a flare and started to burn what ever would burn, Even the wooden cross and statue of Jesus that was on the wall. I know that I will be going to hell and I most likely sealed that fate for sure, right then and there, but hey I needed something to burn. Zombies hate fire and these Zombies had to go back into the tunnel…

The top of the church had a huge open area and it was full of bells, so I had ventilation to keep a big fire going. The smoke went up and out. I fed all the wood and paper that I could find and then once that fire was super hot. I started to burn the Zombies body parts that were trying to re grow into a new Zombie…

Bear was almost at the point of being over run again by moaning Saint Zombies. I told Rex to help Dogg/Bear. Rex threw himself into the fight with bear and they help their own. I was attacked by a Saint Zombie that I did not know was there and he bit down on my arm. Damn that hurt and I really do hope that I am immune to these ass holes…

I spun around and grabbed the little guy by the neck and held him up. It was chomping at me and lucky all it got was some of my shirt I had on, in its mouth. It wanted more though. I tossed it full on into the fire. It started to scream like I have never heard a Zombie scream. As it tried to get out of the fire I kept kicking it back and making it scream more and more. I realized that all was quiet behind me at the tunnel entrance. I turned after kicking the Zombie again into the fire and saw Zombies including Rex and Bear/Dogg staring at me. They were silent…

The Zombie tried to get up out of the fire again and I once more kicked it back into the fire…

Then I turned and yelled at the Zombies, “Back, Back, Back you demons from hell! Back into the tunnel! Or I will burn everyone of you!”

Guess what they all went back into the tunnel!

I told Dogg and Rex to go to the front door of the church. I then grabbed the Saint Zombie that got out of the fire for the 10th time by the neck and tossed him into the tunnel with the other Zombies. I noticed that above the tunnel entrance was a huge statue of a Saint of some type. It was a she and she had a child in her arms. As I tossed 4 grenades into the tunnel entrance. I hope that God would forgive me and that if this was Mary and Jesus, please let them be strong enough to keep the 500 plus Zombies buried forever…

I hit the front door and Dogg and Rex tumbled out with me as the grenades went off. I saw through the open door as the statue fell down on top of the tunnel entrance and then a rumble happened. The whole church caved in and fell into a mound of rubble. That sealed the tunnel off for good…

I will continue later with the story because that is not all. We are all back at the monastery and it seems that the Eskimos that survived will be coming with us. They have heard of the Stryker from America and that he is a god of war. It seems that my escapades did little to dissuade them in their thoughts and they now will follow me because they own their lives to me. Of course Ben, Sergey, Dogg and Rex are honorary demigods as they are with me…

The call is out and the Eskimos of Russia are coming to help us in our quest to save the world…

I was just thinking back to when Zombies where just a issue that I could take care of by just cutting off their heads and how things have become so complicated that I am not sure what is real or not anymore…

But Reality spoke to me as Ben sat down next to me a few minutes ago…

Ben Said, “Can you stop 15,000,000? Because I have it by good sources, that Zighile is two days away from the volcano and we are a week away!”

I said, “He is just a little ways in front of us.”

Ben said, “Yes but he has left a trail of Zombies all the way there and they will be ready to fight us every step of the way.” Ben also said, “You would be surprised at how many Zombies there are buried in the wilderness of Russia and they are all waking up to do Zighile’s bidding…”

We have got to figure out how to kill a reanimated, reanimating Zombie now. The ante was just upped a whole bunch in the last few days. I hope we can call the ante and not fold the cards as of now. Zighile has to be stopped in the Volcano because once he gets out of that volcano then the earth is lost…

I had a dream last night that I had to kill my Daughter and she just said, “It’s okay daddy! I understand and so does mommy! It’s okay daddy! The cuts will stop and the pain will end! It will end the Zombies! It is okay daddy…”

The Zombie Source Code…

The Monastery…

*** Before the storm hit I would have sworn that I saw a church in the distance. It was unlike any church that I have seen before. If my eyes did not deceive me the cross had a beam at the foot of the cross and it was angled. I have never see a cross with two sets of arms. One big one up high like a normal cross and then a small one at the bottom. Like a foot rest for Jesus when he was crucified. Interesting – I would say I was just seeing things and when this storm clears we will find out. Happy Easter… ***

We awoke the next morning buried under three foot of snow. All through the night I kept poking a hole through the snow surface so that we could keep fresh air flow. We were insulated well and about mid morning the blizzard stopped. Then we dug ourselves out of the huge drift we were in…

The sky was clear and the air was crisp. You could see forever as far as the eyes could see. The ice extended endlessly the way we had come and I realized as I turned around from the frozen sea, that I was correct and had seen a steeple of a church. There also was a bell tower and it was all surrounded by a huge stone wall. We were and had been all night, on land and had set up camp right next to an old Monastery…

After packing everything together and digging out the snow mobiles. We made our way to the Monastery and stopped at what looked like the front gates. The gates were made of hammered steel and were huge. I called out and heard no answer. Ben looked at me and I said lets walk around the place and see if there is another entrance…

About half way around we found a door open. It was standing open with several feet of snow deposited inside the doorway. We knew from that, that the door had been open all night. We walked in silence and all that could be heard around us was the panting of the dogs and my coarse breathing from exertion. Ben the Zombie did not breath except to talk, so Ben was silent as a mouse…

We proceeded down empty hallways and after awhile we started to let our guard down a little bit, we seemed to be the only ones around. But a nagging feeling kept me alert as something just did not feel correct. That is when we heard a moan. A Zombie moan…

Zombies like Ben are so different from Zombies of the risen dead that Ben is like still normal. But a risen dead Zombie which as I explained a long time ago, is a long dead and decayed person risen from their grave. Or it is a Zombie that is risen from dying and their brain is dead from other reasons. These are the Zombies that the movies are made from. These Zombies are really scary because they are just plain sick and slimy…

We found a door that lead to a set of huge stone stairs, that went down into the bowls of the Monastery. We opened the door all the way and the moans were amplified twenty fold. It sounded like we had a bunch of Zombies in the lower levels…

I looked at Ben and him at me and we both agreed that locking the door would be the best idea. Then we heard a chant and it was in English, Greek and Russian mixed…

So after gathering what weapons we would need we silently descended into the depths of the Monastery…

Dogg lead the way and I was glad to let the little attitude take the lead. He could change very fast into one big ass Bear when needed and that would be a blessing, if what I think was down here was down here. We leveled out into a long hallway under the whole Monastery and the hallway was lined with doors. Each door had at least one or more moaning risen dead Zombies behind it. It looks like they locked up the Zombies as the caught them. But where was the live people? The moaning sounds from the Zombies seemed to be in tune with the chanting that happened on a regular basis…

Then we heard another chanting at the end of the hallway. It was from the very last door on the left. I looked in through the window of bars in the door and saw a monk sitting on the bed in the room. He was holding his head in his hands and would look up every few minutes and chant in a mixture of languages. As he looked up this time and started to cry out his chant! I told him to shut up…

He froze as he heard my voice and then he saw me in the window of bars. He just looked at me and I opened the door as the key was still in the lock from the outside. (All the doors were that way.) Then the monk fainted and fell on the floor. I gotta tell you that was just plain strange…

Then we found out why the monk was in a cell instead of out running around like a good monk should be doing. Most likely this is why he fainted also. He was petrified that something would wake up and we discovered later that his rhythmic yelling for help was what kept the creature at bay???

With the stopping of the Monks chanting so awoke the beast…

Before I could react to a noise in the hallway! Dogg changed into a Bear in a split second. I heard at the end of the hallway that we had come in at a terrible roar of what must have been a huge Zombie. I had a image in my mind of the few giant Zombies that we have met so far and I knew that this might not be good. Dogg/Bear pulled our door shut and Ben, Rex and I were trapped for the moment. Then something exploded outside or door and Dogg/Bear roared and some Zombie roared as they collided in front of the door. The wall around the door cracked as the stones took tremendous  impact and understand that these walls are 4 to 5 feet thick in solid stone and brick…

The battle outside the door lasted about 15 minutes and then the two battlers moved down the hallway away from our door. I was then able to open the door and we all stepped out into a crumbling hallway full of blood and guts. All I could see was Zombie parts everywhere and in the middle of the hallway, halfway to the stairs was a little Dogg. He looked mighty pleased with himself and ran to Ben, to get a hug. Ben gave him a huge hug and we grabbed the monk and got ourselves out of that basement area. We left the Zombies for now…

Dogg was wagging his tail and looking at me as if he was waiting for me to say, “Good Boy!” Okay fine, he is a good boy and he whooped the big bad Zombie all by himself. It was – well it was like we never even got to pull our swords or fire our guns…

I am writing this from the library at the Monastery and there seems to be only one living soul left amongst the monks. His name is Sergy and he has been a monk for 25 years. He said that all the others in the basement were monks or buried saints and such just a few days ago. He said that there is several types of Zombies amongst the mess and that no one cared what Zombies where put with what Zombies. He said that they could not bring themselves to killing Gods creatures, but after a lengthy stay in that cell and chanting to his almost demise to keep the huge Zombie under control, he has come to the conclusion that Zombies need to be killed and is sorry for trying to save the Zombie souls…

I asked him how many were in the basement and he said around three hundred Zombies in all. Then he talked about the strange man and a little girl that appeared at their front gates and that is when all the Zombie issues started…

It seems that our Sergy had a vision about us while he had fainted and he talked with Vitaly about our mission. Vitaly asked him to help us and take care of his dog. Rex took to Sergy very strongly and they are best friends now. It looks like Vitaly is with us anyway, even though he died…

We are going to stay a few nights here and regroup, plan things out and let me see if I get a bearing on what we need to do…

We later found Sergy in the basement with Dogg and Rex killing Zombies. We found him as he chopped the head off the last one. Dogg grabbed a head of one of the Zombies as it was still chomping at everything around it and Dogg went to play. Rex followed him, I guess – to see what Dogg was up to…

Sergy was looking at us and said that he was practicing and he needed to catch up to our pace. So he decided to cleanse the Monastery of Zombies. He then said that he is sure that God will forgive him, as even a saint would not want to be left as a disgusting Zombie. Then he looked at Ben and said, “Present company excluded!” Ben said, “I understand!”

Once again I was think about Dogg killing the big Zombie and now Sergy, Rex and Dogg killing the rest. It dawned on me that Russia was defiantly a different country. Instead of Zombies trying to kill us, Zombies are going to fear us, before it is over. I could sense a change in the wind. This country was use to hardship and a bunch of Zombies were not going to stop this country in its tracks…

So tomorrow I will write and tell you of our plans that we have and get everyone caught up on what we are doing and how we will do it. Damn! There goes Dogg with a Zombie head and Rex is trying to take it away from him. Sergy is chasing them and Ben is chasing Sergy. I gotta go and we have to burn all these bodies. This is a place of God and we need to leave it in good shape before we leave…

I also see there is a shortwave radio… Hmm!

The Zombie Source Code!