Prometheus meets a Zombie Ship… (Part 1)

What a battle and if this is any sign of the future then it is going to be a long hard war…

This little planet that Prometheus just happened a few days ago to bring us to to practice fighting for the Zombie God War, has turned out to be a hornets nest of Zombie activity and is a very important part of the Zombie War…

I found Zighile alive and well here on this planet and he is up too his regular terrible things he does, except this time he is turning gods, demigods and angels in to Zombies. He also turned a Grim Reaper Ship into a Zombie and as you know these ships are very very powerful. Prometheus got to have some practice as she was attacked by a Zombie Ship and she could not help us as we were in the battle of our lives on the planet, trying to save as we found out, over 500 gods, demigods and angels…

Let me begin…

I had Prometheus set us down on the surface of the planet, near the opening to the underground facility that was a prison, mad scientist lab. The plan was for Prometheus to eradicate a huge area of Zombies and while they regrouped from that attack we would save the gods and angels…

I always say, life does not work out the way I want it too! As soon as we were dropped off on the surface. Prometheus was attacked by another Ship like herself, except this ship was Zombiefied…

We were in the middle of millions of Zombies and Prometheus was fighting for her life. I looked at Clare, Girl, Ben, Dogg and the two demigods! I said, “Fight like you life depends on it!” and I smiled and let my sword feast on Zombie blood…

I yelled to watch my back, to my grew and then my sword separated into two swords and I had a twin Reaper soul snatcher. The swords just passed through the Zombies and did not even cut them. It just removed the souls. It just sucked the souls and blood out instantly at contact. I spun the swords as a windmill and I could feel the energy keep building up in me. I wondered did anyone every wield two Reaper weapons at a time before?

I kept an eye out on my buddies and they were making Zombie mayhem behind me and my back was covered. They also knew enough to stay far behind me and out of the swords way…

I made it to the cave entrance and told Ben to hold the entrance, I would go alone and try to find the gods. I told him to hold that entrance no matter what! It was our only way out. Ben smiled as he took the head off a Zombie and nodded that he understood. I made my way deep into the tunnel as I heard Dogg/Bear roar and shred Zombies like rag dolls. I hoped and prayed for them as I would not be there to help them against millions and millions of Zombies. Then my thoughts turned to Prometheus…

Prometheus heard my thoughts and told me that she was okay and that I should do what I had to do. I felt her in pain and under stress. I started to worry. Prometheus sent happy thoughts and asked me to smile also. She was more worried about us then herself and she was mortified that she was taken out of the equation and felt that it was done on purpose…

That part I found out was very correct. Zighile has turned a Ship into a Zombie Ship and sent it to attack my Ship. Inside that Zombie Ship was a Zombie Grim Reaper. I had told Prometheus to take no prisoners and to destroy that Ship and Reaper totally. I told her as I lost contact when I went deeper into the planet, to remember that she is Prometheus of the Reaper Ships…

I found myself surrounded by Zombies and they were so thick that it was wall to wall. I had killed so many that I had built literally a wall of Zombies behind me, that was threatening to seal the cave off. Then as I was being piled on by Zombies, I saw him and knew what was happening on this planet as soon as I saw him. I saw Zighile Comstock through the crowd of Zombies. He was way back deeper in the caves and in the glow of the lights erected in the caves I saw him laughing and commanding his minions to attack and attack some more…

That was when I became pissed off and all I could see was red…

To be continued…

The Zombie Source Code…

We find a few hundred gods, demigods and angels captured…

It is hard for humans to understand that there really is gods, angels and demigods. We are so brainwashed to believe in one almighty god! Even though history has told us that most humanity has always talked about the gods as in many of them…

Well I am hear to tell you that there is more gods than humans and many more angels than all the rest put together. The angel race is very old and very powerful, but it looks as though they have met their match with the Zombie Virus…

Prometheus found a underground chamber that was being used as a facility to convert gods, angels and demigods into Zombies. Bless my little soul, but guess who was running the facility? None other than my arch rival, who I was sure was dead, Zighile Comstock…

A battle ensued as we attempted to release these gods and angels. I won’t spoil the story by telling you what happened and the next post will be the results of that battle. It was some good and some bad, but I will tell you that the universe is being overrun with Zombies and soon if it is not put in check, Zombies will be the main creature in the Universe…

So next article will be called: “Prometheus meets a Zombie Ship…” and the battle to save the captured gods will be told…

The Zombie Source Code…

Time for the tough to get going…

I was deep in thought at dinner time and did not hear the others trying to communicate with me. I came out of my thoughts with a crying Prometheus and everyone looking at me with remorseful faces…

I was wondering to myself how a spaceship could cry and then it hit me…

No not why a spacecraft could cry, but what I need to do…

I realized that I am the boss, the only boss and that means leader. I have the weight on my shoulders and no one else. I have to make the decision, whether it is correct or not and I have to stand by that decision. My people want to have someone strong enough to admit a mistake, but at the same time make the decisions and they will stand behind them right or wrong. They will not blame me for their deaths and they will follow me to hell and back, as they have done many times…

I looked at the faces of the two demigods and realized that they expectantly waited for my thinking’s and thoughts…

Then I talked to the group and told them that we are going to take this planet back from the Zombies and that we will show the Universe who is boss…

The two demigods got up from their seats and bowed before me and told me that they swear their allegiance to me. I grabbed them and stood them up and said something like, not to bow to anyone. Keep there head up and look for danger. I am no god and will never be a god, for I am just human under all this facade. I actually was kinda embarrassed and such…

Dogg and Ben bowed and snickered too each other. I ignored them…

I then told the group to get ready and we are going to the planet and take on the Zombie force that is there. Prometheus always likes to burst my bubbles and said that at her estimation, give or take a few million Zombies! There is about 890,000,000 Zombies on the planet and there could be even more hidden in caves and such and are out of her sensor range. She will let me know as soon as she gets a updated count…

She also said that she picks up several more demigods and they would be helpful to try to save, as they have great powers and could be of use to us in the long run…

I looked at the small group of fighters I had and realized that we are growing in size. I had to build an army and in response to my thoughts, Ben spoke up! He said we need to save as many demigods and gods as we can. I also suggest to start saving as many angels as we can also. I saw several dead ones killed by the Zombies. They have great powers also, the way to the end of the Zombie God War is going to be long and hard and we may lose several of us. Every planet infected is going to be billions of Zombies to destroy. We must not destroy the planet if at all possible, but maybe we will have to wipe out planets also…

I thought back to the billions of Zombies on our own earth and realized how huge of a problem this is, as we have discovered that the Zombie virus has spread from one side of the universe to the other. Question is: How many Universes has it infected?

Time to go free some demigods and gods and time to then eradicate a few (900,000,000 or so) Zombies…

The Zombie Source Code…

The Attack and the Bounty…

I was practicing with my Katana blade and minding my own business when I heard Dogg yelp and Girl scream. I spun around and saw Dogg laying unconscious against the fence in a heap and Girl was holding her arm as if it was broken and her leg was at a funny angle. That is when, I then focused on a large and very muscular Zombie! I recognized it as one of the demigods from the Zombie War of 2012. He was now an evil Zombie and he pointed at me and said, “There is a bounty on your head for a trillion credits! I like credits and will have fun spending them!” With that he leaped in the air and came to attack me. I saw another Zombie appear near Dogg and another one standing over Girl! That was when I exploded with rage…

No one was going to take my two sidekicks away from me…

As I screamed my war cry, I realized that is what I really think of them and that is most likely why I was getting jealous and grouchy. But hey a sidekick can be tough also, but when the going gets really tough, then the boss takes over and right now the boss took over…

I met the demigod Zombie with a full swing of the Katana and he materialized a shield out of nowhere. But even a gods shield has limitations and I split the shield down the middle. You should have seen the look on his face when I did that…

I spun very quickly and I took the dagger that was attached to my belt and sank it between the eyes of the Zombie standing over Dogg. Then I swung back at the demigod Zombie with all my speed and might with my sword. He just got out of the way in time. My shotgun was laying next to the remains of the silo 1 cap and it was about 10 feet from me. I threw my Katana as hard as I could and embedded it through the neck of the Zombie standing over Girl. Then I threw myself toward the shotgun. I rolled over as the demigod Zombie was just about to pounce on me with my dagger and my Katana sword. He was so fast, that it was scary…

But I was just a touch faster at this point and a whole lot luckier. I put 5 quick rounds of 00 buckshot in his chest. That set his motion from forward to reverse and I was able to stand up before he resumed his attack, 45 rounds later a demigod Zombie fell to the ground dead as a door nail. Damn he was tough as all get out!

Dogg woke up and started to run around and then he finished the Zombie with the sword in its neck, and Girl was silent as she sat there in a crumpled up form. She was not as bad as it first looked and nothing was broken, but she was knocked silly and Dogg? Well I have my doubts that Dogg was really knocked out. I think that he wanted his daddy to show someone, who the boss is…

I picked Girl up and put her in a bed. She hugged me and said, “Thank you!” She also said, “Now I know how you survived all these years!” Then she fell asleep…

So I am writing this article and trying to get my bearings as to what the game plan will be. Dogg came in and let me know that the Zombies are gone. I could see the imprint from where they laid in the grass. I was thinking about the bounty on my head. A trillion credits! I do not know what a credit is worth, but a trillion of them means that I might have a lot of guests looking to take my head off and go home with it, to collect some money…

I guess the next post will be the game plan post! We definably have to get to the Underground Bunker that the old Eskimo told me about! I hope Girl is okay!

I asked Dogg about, was he knocked out? He answered, “Bow Wow!” Then I know he smiled…

The Zombie Source Code…

Almost a World Army…

*** We are building an army but it looks to be small in comparison to Zighiles army of the living dead. Talk to you tomorrow and I will tell you what is happening… ***

Well I awoke after a terrible dream from my daughter about what Zighile is doing, to wonderful news about the army that is developing to help fight the Zombies…

First the good news. It seems that over the night, that we have stirred some interest in saving the world. As it stands right now – 1,000,000 people are coming from China, Mongolia, Russia, Vietnam, Iran, North Korea and many many other places. It seems that the only ones who are not coming is the Western world. That includes such countries as the USA, Britain, Canada, France, Spain and so on and so on and so on…

What they are doing seems to be typical of the Western Empire. They are bringing supplies into center of the volcano for Zighiles work to proceed. Remember that this whole escapade is being ramrodded by the West in the first place and it looks like the desire for Zombie soldiers out weighs common sense…

From what I understand we even have a select few demigods that are going to lead the troops so to say in battle. They are Epaphus, Gilgamesh, Hanuman and Orion and being half human they have a right to interfere in our messes that we (humans) create when they feel like…

I do not know who and what they are exactly. As I do not have time to look anything or anyone up. But I do know that I will take any help I can and if they are half god who am I to complain. I just hope more come instead of these four only…

The Old Eskimo has sent a message that he has convinced his gods to help from his side of the equation and I am guessing that to mean that Indians gods of nature will be there to help also…

I had a long talk with my God, who is a God, the Lord etc. that I count as important. That might seem nuts to many people but I am a believer in God, gods or god and any form there of is all right with me. In fact after all that I have seen this last few months, I believe just about in anything anymore. So I had a long talk with God and asked for all the help that he would offer and give. I accept the fact that I am just not enough man to do this by myself and anything and anyone can step into help at anytime. A lot of people are going to die and that just is a huge weight on my back, because it seems that my country has forsaken the world and would prefer to see the world destroyed by Zombies. I guess enough of the upper echelon has plenty of protection and feel that they do not want to share all the world resources with us low life’s, but I happen to think life is pretty good and would like things to go back to Zombie-less or almost Zombie-less…

I considered that I got a response from God when I was handed a package from China! This was just before we left in the helicopter and I opened it up. It was a unbelievably beautiful two handed Chinese Broad Sword. It was from the Chinese government and with it was a note explaining that 500,000 people are coming to stand against the Zombies. At the same time we had word that Russia had opened the borders near the Kamchatka Peninsula and all who prove to desire to fight will be allowed to die with honors. That did not sound too good (die with honors), but that is what was told to me…

This is strange because I always figured that Russia would be the worst country in helping total strangers to enter her boarders…

So as we stand right now we are gathering on the east side of the volcano that I told you about yesterday and it look like we have food supplies and personnel to at least attempt a initial attack at stopping this madness…

I am writing this article from the helicopter and using the satellite system that it uses to connect to the Internet. It works from anywhere in the world and works great. I have contacted many people to help. I am calling in all favors to every government official that I can and then some on top of that. A lot of high people owe me lots of favors and now I am calling them all in. I can honestly say the ones who ignore me at this point will have to look over their shoulders for the rest of their lives if I live through this…

Now the terrible news that my daughter told me about in my dreams:

It seems that Zighile has a base inside this volcano and through my daughters eyes I got a good look at what we are up against. The base is military grade and atom bomb proof. Zighile with the help of kidnapped Saint Zombies has finalized the virus and is in the process of manufacturing it by the tons. He used my daughter and infused the Saints with her blood. He restarted the circulatory system in the Saints Zombies and after they became able to pump blood again, he has two Saint Zombies that are able to produce Zombies that reanimate even after being killed again and again and again. In other words These two Saint Zombies can activate dead bodies like in a cemetery, just like a Source Code Zombie. Such as my daughter is…

It seems from what my daughter has told me in the dream, is that she is now even more powerful than before. She has been infused with all the Zombie virus that have been created including this latest one that comes from the Saint Zombie. Before she cut off the dream, she told me that she is not scared anymore and that she will not be able to talk to me anymore. For she is almost changed to the last and final level of Zombie and with that change she will no longer be my little girl but the beginning of a superior race of Zombies that will take over the planet. The physical change has begun and when the final steps of the physical change happen in two days. Then the metamorphic and mental changes will finalize. She will be a god and nothing will be able to stand in her way. Her rebirth father is Zighile and all Zombies will worship him for their salvation on earth. For earth will now rightfully be ruled by the Source Code Zombie…

Oh yes and before she broke contact she said, “Mom says hi and go die! She is a Source Code Zombie now also!”

See I told you that was bad news and that is why I gave the good news first…

My daughter a god? How are we going to stop her and I for some reason thing that Zighile is going to infect himself with the same virus and make himself a god also…

Damn life just sucks…

I promise to write after we land and regroup. I will let you know what is happening and I really appreciate all the letters of support. I know that many of you would like to help but leaving America is no simple task. You see I realize that you can’t just gather together like most of the world can do and help. You are trapped in the borders of America. It is something that we need to take care of if we survive this Zombie issue. You see if a million people from America want to come and help then they should be able to, but crossing the US border will get you in trouble. The world is different than you see it from America, as you see we have 1,000,000 people from all over the world trying to help stop this Zombie Virus to destroy humans…

Come if you can, because I figure we have just enough to all get ourselves killed and if we had another 1,000,000 we might have a few left over. The war against the Zombies starts April 23rd…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: Japan has sent word that they are letting 100,000 come to fight!