A testament to our speed that we were traveling at the time we hit the bubble of jello is to the fact that this jello bubble spanned many universes and was a trap. It was designed to capture ships like a spider web and then later after time had gone by, who ever set the trap would come and collect the bounty that was trapped in the jello…
After Prometheus was able to sort out the mass of the jello and what was trapped in it, she discovered thousands of ships captured in the jello stuff. Then we discovered a graveyard of spacecrafts off to the side and realized that these were the ships that were stripped after being captured…
Prometheus used a special beam of energy and cut a tiny path to each ship as she communicated to them. We found 1876 spacecraft of various worlds captured and still alive in this mess. She also found 6 Reaper Ships in this stuff. They had been traveling a much less speed and were near the middle of the mass. They never figured out how to get out. Now we had a meeting to see what we could do to get all these ships out and try to recruit them to help us fight the Zombies…
We all set down and had a talk. Ben came up with the idea that maybe the old thrown away crafts might be useful also and we should check them out after we save everyone. Clare was silent until the end of the meeting and Dogg just wanted to sleep. Prometheus was trying to figure out how to destroy the jello stuff without destroying all the craft inside of it…
I said to everyone that somehow the creatures that make the trap can remove the craft, so there is a way. We all argued back and forth and really came up with nothing, until Clare spoke up…
Clare said, “Use an atom disruptor! Kinda like a neutron bomb except it is tuned to take out only a certain atomic structure!” Then Ben said, “Yes, a energy bomb that is capable of breaking the atomic structure of the jello substance only! That would work and it would leave anything with a different atomic structure alone.”
I said, “What?” Then Prometheus said, “I can do it! I can fine tune a special energy structure and modify it to only disrupt a certain molecular structure and then put safeguards within it to keep the total explosion within certain guidelines as to stop the destruction of living and non living tissue. But first we need to get a sample of this jello substance and test it for properties…”
Then with that Ben, Clare and Prometheus disappeared and they went to build a bomb! A big bomb…
I looked at Dogg and said, “Did you understand what they are going to do?” Dogg just looked at me and shook his head! I said, Well at least someone is the same smarts as me and that is not too smart at times!”
I then said out loud, “Meeting adjourned!”
Prometheus then heard me and asked what happened and I just told her, “Nothing, just go back to what you all are doing!”
That is when Dogg and I decided to check out a flashing light on the consul of the bridge as we walked into the room. It looked like a communication from a planet a light year away. I saw that the sensors pinpointed it as a ship leaving the planet and from that ship and planet a message was being relayed. I saw that the ship was gaining speed and then I figured out how to translate the message…
The message said, “You are violating Sitconna Space and we lay claim to all with in twenty trillion percepts of here. Prepare to be boarded…”
I said to no one in general, “Hey everyone, bomb party is over! We have company coming and they look unhappy with us!”
Dogg said, “Woof woof!”
The Zombie Source Code…