I am a Grim Reaper of the Zombies… (Part 1)

Well Ben has come back to earth after Clare and him had a talk. They decided that love can wait until the universe is saved. Thank goodness…

Now the next news!

We found the tunnel that Clare had told us about and it looks to be something beyond earthly made! It looks like it is protected by an energy shield and my sword nor armor can penetrate it. In fact nothing we do seems to have any effect and Girl had a great idea!

“Think for once and stop trying to use brute force!” said Girl…

I know it makes sense, but hey I am a guy and I like to smash things… 🙂

We found a terminal on the wall of the tunnel and it showed us a diagram of the complex that was behind the door. It is a huge dome shaped structure, it has a flat floor and looks big enough to hold two football fields. There is one way in and one way out. The walls look to be 15 foot thick or 5 meters and it has a full force field surrounding it. Power source unknown. The door is the thinnest spot, but at 3 meters thick, it is still not too thin…

So we tried everything that we could think of and then I remembered something that the Old Eskimo said to me during one of our conversations about life…

He said, “With your heart, you will overcome the biggest obstacle! With your soul in hand as a key, you will open all doors! With your sword of a soul, you will defeat all enemies!”

My sword? My soul? My heart? My hand? Then I decided to try something…

I walked up to the door and as I retracted my armor, as my sword was put away, as my shield was put away, as my cheeks turned red from me standing there naked, as I placed my hand on the handle of the door, I concentrated on allowing my soul to speak to what ever it was that was controlling this force field. The field did not repulse me and I felt the power wavering around the door as it responded to my presence. I was not offensive and I expressed myself to the door as a human who needed help. A human who needed to get inside…

Then I felt the door handle give and I was able to turn it…

The door made a popping noise and a hum. Then it started to creak open slowly. Then faster and faster as the energy field resided and dispersed all together…

I stepped back and Ben brought me some cloths that we keep for this occasion and as I put them on the door finished opening. The darkness was deep and as if to respond to our thoughts, the room lit up in a brilliant blue color and after our eyes had adjusted. In the middle of the complex was a craft, that I only could describe as not made of earth…

The only thing that I can say is that it was beyond anything that you can imagine and I do not have the ability to really describe it. Lets just say it was a huge round ball with a perfect mirror surface, that changed colors as it became all the colors of the spectrum and as it changed red so did the room. Did I say huge?

I want you to understand, When I say mirror I am talking about a no distortion type of mirror. I have never seen reflections this pure. After we walked up to the mirror surface, you could feel the presence of something, like the ship was alive, like the ship was intelligent…

We all looked at each other and Ben said, “I feel it and it seems to be an intelligence eons old!” I shook my head in agreement…

Girl touched the surface and said it was not cold at all, then Ben touched it and so did Clare. They all agreed, it was like almost warm feeling. Like it was alive…

I reached my hand out and as I touched the surface of the mirrored ball. I was hit by a sharp blast of energy and my hand stuck to the surface and I could not remove it. I tried to expand my armor and it would not expand. My sword was stuck in its sheath. Then it hit me as a million. billion, trillion and much more bits of data crashed upon me. It started slow then increased in speed and after a few minutes, what ever was happening realized that I needed my suit of armor to survive and as it expanded, the energy flow of data went into the suit. As I passed out I felt the suit changing and growing. I felt me changing and growing. I passed out as I was looking upon the face of a Grim Reaper, an older and wiser looking Reaper than what I fought…

He laid his hand on my head and said, “So you are the Reaper killer? When you wake you will be a Reaper yourself and may god be with you! I hope a human can with stand the ritual. Sleep and all will be revealed…”

So I finally woke and am sitting in the corner of the huge room and doing some thinking’s. Everyone is leaving me alone and everyone is staying away from the ship. For all has been revealed to me and my next post will be about what was expressed to me. Yes we are leaving earth very soon…

Lets just say to make a long story short for now!

I am a Grim Reaper and I am a Grim Reaper of the Zombies…

No choice in the matter and that is that…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: Dogg just came over to me and he laid his head on my lap. I saw in his eyes that once life was so easy and simple. Just kill Zombies and that is that. But…

Now Dogg is correct, But – life has become very very complicated and hard. Maybe one day we will be able to just drink a beer and read a book. I thought of the old days as I scratched Dogg behind the ears and he smiled at me…

Crack the Missile Base… (Part 2)

Ben is in control of the hundred thousand or so Zombies that are left after we breached the base walls. I told him to send them back to Denver or wherever they came from. They did their job well…

That left Ben, Dogg, Girl and I standing in front of this gigantic, huge and thick door of solid titanium steel. I knew that behind this door was possible a few hundred rich and past powerful people, who had caused the Zombie crises to bloom like a rose on a cool sunny spring day. I knew that inside here was the group of people that fed Zighile Comstock his money and equipment to destroy the earth. I knew that these were the people that caused the Universe to become a war zone in the Zombie war of the gods…

I knew it was time to get them and then get on to the war of the Zombie gods…

I was standing in front of the huge door or vault as I like to think of it. A bomb proof vault. I told everyone to stay above in the outside as I work on the door. After everyone left, I expanded my armor and pulled my sword. The sword sang and screeched its song of death and I knew that by using this sword to cut the vault open would be the demise of all inside. As when the sword is used it must be fed and it must be fed blood and more blood…

I jabbed the sword all the way to the hilt into the center of the door. I realize that it did not go near all the way through, but the energy that it was putting out was melting the door like it was made of ice and a red hot paper clip was pushed into it. The sword sand and the door melted…

I expected that they would throw everything at me once the hole was big enough to try to kill me. I also realized that they were trapped and trapped rats are dangerous at times. Hey they have nothing to loose and all to gain. That is why I sent the rest back up top and away from things…

I also knew that the ones I really wanted would be buried deep into the complex and that is where we all would go hunting. I wanted people alive, but I realized that they knew , that I knew, that they caused all this. So they would not go with out trying to kill me…

I held on to the sword and levitated myself off the floor. The floor was running with liquid melted titanium and it was like a shimmering pool of fiery death. It was getting deeper and deeper as the door melted. Then all of a sudden the sword and I went forward and we cane out the other side. I spun and cut a huge circle real quick and made the whole in the door big enough to walk through. I turned back around and I was hit full on by another one of those guns that unleashed hell out side. A 30mm cannon and it was going full blast trying to take me out. I was slammed back through the hole I cut and they pushed the gun out the hole and turned the room I was in into hell itself. I finally got the shield up in front of me and realized that my suit was once again trying to deal with the energy of all the blasts that was hitting it. I was in the red line right before suit meltdown. I also remembered that I told the suit to hold the energy. I then rescinded my order and that is when things got interesting…

The suit funneled the energy into my shield and my propitiation energizers (What ever they are?). Then it pushed an energy shield slam against the gun and the gun self destructed…

Now that was loud. I walked back through the hole I made and my armor was shiny as titanium, as I had rolled all over in a huge pool of melted burning titanium. I know that I was radiating heat like a furnace and I would imagine that who ever was left inside was wondering who this devil was coming to get them…

I finally got mad and I smashed the cannon out of the way. I entered the hallway behind the door and it was empty. I turned around and put my hand into the huge pool of liquid molten titanium and drew the energy from it. I told my suit to keep the energy until told to release. The titanium cooled and solidified. I soaked the energy up like a sponge and walked then down the hallway. I came to the end of the hallway. At the end of the hallway, I ripped a regular blast door off the underground base and I knew that this was the military part of the operation. I released the energy as a huge burst of gamma radiation…

I watched as hundreds of men and Zombie gods? – trying to fire at me with their weapons – melted into pools of tissue that was overloaded by radiation beyond what any life can absorb, they simply liquified as the atomic structure broke down and disintegrated…

Zombie gods and I mean 50 or 60 of them inside this base…

I left to get Dogg, Ben and Girl…

Now it is time to see if we can find out who is the bottom line cause of the Zombie War of 2012. Well that is we will find out after we eat some lunch. I am starved and who knows what we will find deep in the base as we search…

I know I heard a familiar moan, that shock the walls of the base. It sounded like one of those Super Zombies that Zighile always left to whoop up on us as he ran away…

Time for lunch and a nap, then I will get back to you after what is what…

The Zombie Source Code…

The Monastery…

*** Before the storm hit I would have sworn that I saw a church in the distance. It was unlike any church that I have seen before. If my eyes did not deceive me the cross had a beam at the foot of the cross and it was angled. I have never see a cross with two sets of arms. One big one up high like a normal cross and then a small one at the bottom. Like a foot rest for Jesus when he was crucified. Interesting – I would say I was just seeing things and when this storm clears we will find out. Happy Easter… ***

We awoke the next morning buried under three foot of snow. All through the night I kept poking a hole through the snow surface so that we could keep fresh air flow. We were insulated well and about mid morning the blizzard stopped. Then we dug ourselves out of the huge drift we were in…

The sky was clear and the air was crisp. You could see forever as far as the eyes could see. The ice extended endlessly the way we had come and I realized as I turned around from the frozen sea, that I was correct and had seen a steeple of a church. There also was a bell tower and it was all surrounded by a huge stone wall. We were and had been all night, on land and had set up camp right next to an old Monastery…

After packing everything together and digging out the snow mobiles. We made our way to the Monastery and stopped at what looked like the front gates. The gates were made of hammered steel and were huge. I called out and heard no answer. Ben looked at me and I said lets walk around the place and see if there is another entrance…

About half way around we found a door open. It was standing open with several feet of snow deposited inside the doorway. We knew from that, that the door had been open all night. We walked in silence and all that could be heard around us was the panting of the dogs and my coarse breathing from exertion. Ben the Zombie did not breath except to talk, so Ben was silent as a mouse…

We proceeded down empty hallways and after awhile we started to let our guard down a little bit, we seemed to be the only ones around. But a nagging feeling kept me alert as something just did not feel correct. That is when we heard a moan. A Zombie moan…

Zombies like Ben are so different from Zombies of the risen dead that Ben is like still normal. But a risen dead Zombie which as I explained a long time ago, is a long dead and decayed person risen from their grave. Or it is a Zombie that is risen from dying and their brain is dead from other reasons. These are the Zombies that the movies are made from. These Zombies are really scary because they are just plain sick and slimy…

We found a door that lead to a set of huge stone stairs, that went down into the bowls of the Monastery. We opened the door all the way and the moans were amplified twenty fold. It sounded like we had a bunch of Zombies in the lower levels…

I looked at Ben and him at me and we both agreed that locking the door would be the best idea. Then we heard a chant and it was in English, Greek and Russian mixed…

So after gathering what weapons we would need we silently descended into the depths of the Monastery…

Dogg lead the way and I was glad to let the little attitude take the lead. He could change very fast into one big ass Bear when needed and that would be a blessing, if what I think was down here was down here. We leveled out into a long hallway under the whole Monastery and the hallway was lined with doors. Each door had at least one or more moaning risen dead Zombies behind it. It looks like they locked up the Zombies as the caught them. But where was the live people? The moaning sounds from the Zombies seemed to be in tune with the chanting that happened on a regular basis…

Then we heard another chanting at the end of the hallway. It was from the very last door on the left. I looked in through the window of bars in the door and saw a monk sitting on the bed in the room. He was holding his head in his hands and would look up every few minutes and chant in a mixture of languages. As he looked up this time and started to cry out his chant! I told him to shut up…

He froze as he heard my voice and then he saw me in the window of bars. He just looked at me and I opened the door as the key was still in the lock from the outside. (All the doors were that way.) Then the monk fainted and fell on the floor. I gotta tell you that was just plain strange…

Then we found out why the monk was in a cell instead of out running around like a good monk should be doing. Most likely this is why he fainted also. He was petrified that something would wake up and we discovered later that his rhythmic yelling for help was what kept the creature at bay???

With the stopping of the Monks chanting so awoke the beast…

Before I could react to a noise in the hallway! Dogg changed into a Bear in a split second. I heard at the end of the hallway that we had come in at a terrible roar of what must have been a huge Zombie. I had a image in my mind of the few giant Zombies that we have met so far and I knew that this might not be good. Dogg/Bear pulled our door shut and Ben, Rex and I were trapped for the moment. Then something exploded outside or door and Dogg/Bear roared and some Zombie roared as they collided in front of the door. The wall around the door cracked as the stones took tremendous  impact and understand that these walls are 4 to 5 feet thick in solid stone and brick…

The battle outside the door lasted about 15 minutes and then the two battlers moved down the hallway away from our door. I was then able to open the door and we all stepped out into a crumbling hallway full of blood and guts. All I could see was Zombie parts everywhere and in the middle of the hallway, halfway to the stairs was a little Dogg. He looked mighty pleased with himself and ran to Ben, to get a hug. Ben gave him a huge hug and we grabbed the monk and got ourselves out of that basement area. We left the Zombies for now…

Dogg was wagging his tail and looking at me as if he was waiting for me to say, “Good Boy!” Okay fine, he is a good boy and he whooped the big bad Zombie all by himself. It was – well it was like we never even got to pull our swords or fire our guns…

I am writing this from the library at the Monastery and there seems to be only one living soul left amongst the monks. His name is Sergy and he has been a monk for 25 years. He said that all the others in the basement were monks or buried saints and such just a few days ago. He said that there is several types of Zombies amongst the mess and that no one cared what Zombies where put with what Zombies. He said that they could not bring themselves to killing Gods creatures, but after a lengthy stay in that cell and chanting to his almost demise to keep the huge Zombie under control, he has come to the conclusion that Zombies need to be killed and is sorry for trying to save the Zombie souls…

I asked him how many were in the basement and he said around three hundred Zombies in all. Then he talked about the strange man and a little girl that appeared at their front gates and that is when all the Zombie issues started…

It seems that our Sergy had a vision about us while he had fainted and he talked with Vitaly about our mission. Vitaly asked him to help us and take care of his dog. Rex took to Sergy very strongly and they are best friends now. It looks like Vitaly is with us anyway, even though he died…

We are going to stay a few nights here and regroup, plan things out and let me see if I get a bearing on what we need to do…

We later found Sergy in the basement with Dogg and Rex killing Zombies. We found him as he chopped the head off the last one. Dogg grabbed a head of one of the Zombies as it was still chomping at everything around it and Dogg went to play. Rex followed him, I guess – to see what Dogg was up to…

Sergy was looking at us and said that he was practicing and he needed to catch up to our pace. So he decided to cleanse the Monastery of Zombies. He then said that he is sure that God will forgive him, as even a saint would not want to be left as a disgusting Zombie. Then he looked at Ben and said, “Present company excluded!” Ben said, “I understand!”

Once again I was think about Dogg killing the big Zombie and now Sergy, Rex and Dogg killing the rest. It dawned on me that Russia was defiantly a different country. Instead of Zombies trying to kill us, Zombies are going to fear us, before it is over. I could sense a change in the wind. This country was use to hardship and a bunch of Zombies were not going to stop this country in its tracks…

So tomorrow I will write and tell you of our plans that we have and get everyone caught up on what we are doing and how we will do it. Damn! There goes Dogg with a Zombie head and Rex is trying to take it away from him. Sergy is chasing them and Ben is chasing Sergy. I gotta go and we have to burn all these bodies. This is a place of God and we need to leave it in good shape before we leave…

I also see there is a shortwave radio… Hmm!

The Zombie Source Code!

Flash Back and Catch up Time…

*** Now I will write, eat and sleep. Ben will drive for two days and it looks like I have to go anyway! Dogg has decided that it is time to stop and take a pee. He is such a cute little guy… ***

Well we did not stop in time and Dogg had a puppy accident as I grabbed him to get him outside. I forgot about those days and now here we are again… 🙂

I slept and had a good meal! Ben never has to sleep so I take advantage of that and let him drive! He is a Zombie remember. So now I will take us back in time a little bit and tie up all the loose ends that have gathered together, like a twisted ball of yarn played with by a kitty cat…

Lets talk about when Dogg came and got me the day we stopped on the side of the road and Ben and Dogg went and took care of the call of nature…

I ran after Dogg who was frantic and going crazy. As I approached where I last so Dogg disappear into the brush and deep snow. I had a bad feeling about what I would find…

I pulled my 444 Marlin from the being slung over my shoulder and realized that I had about 8 rounds of ammo and no sword. I twisted through the brush that was taller than me and stepped out into an open area that had a broken down cabin, Ben hung by the neck from a flag pole and Dogg was gone out of sight. I also found around 10 guys standing around Ben swinging from the flag pole and laughing. You see Ben does not just die like a human from lack of oxygen. He just hung there struggling and everyone thought that was funny…

I without hesitation, shoot the rope in half around Ben’s neck and as he dropped I shot three guys through the head. Reloaded and shot 4 more through the head! That left three guys alive and one pissed off Stryker. I used the rifle as a weapon and ripped the head off the first one and by then the last two woke up to what was happening. They tried to fight back. I grabbed the first one that pulled his gun and spun him as he shot. He hit his partner in the chest and he went down. Then he fell and shot me in the arm. I felt it go straight through my arm and miss the bone. That gave me an adrenaline surge like no other and I snapped the guys neck as I said, “That is for Ben!”

Ben was trying to get up and right then a helicopter hovered overhead and I saw a camera taking pictures. Then I heard a rumble of what sound like a big truck. Then two more helicopters appeared. I grabbed Ben and told him that we have to get armed with weapons…

We ran back to the truck and Ben and I gathered what we would need to survive with against armed men. I grabbed a .50 caliber Brush Rife. Ben grabbed his AK47. These men now knew we meant business and fun and games are over. That is when I asked Ben about Dogg. He said that they took Dogg inside the broken down cabin and from what he could tell this cabin was the entrance to a base. Like in the same as what we found at the old power plant long ago…

We heard a terrible yelp by Dogg and we took off running toward the cabin. That is when all hell broke loose. Men came out of the copters and trucks that appeared from out of nowhere it seemed…

Then is a blurry of activity and death, Ben and I dropped inside the door of the cabin and set up the .50 Rifle on its stand. The door of the cabin tried to close on us and I jammed a huge rock in the way. The door was 6 inches of solid steel that slid out of the wall. Then I knew we picked the correct spot. With the rock keeping the door open by about 7 inches we had a port to shoot from. Ben had his famous AK47 and I single shot huge holes in the bastards as Ben filled them with hardball, Russian style…

The floor behind us exploded upwards as a trap door opened and Ben spun and made the hero’s decide to keep the door closed. Then he pushed a heavy dresser on top of the trap door and came back to help me kill government agents. The trap door was silent after that…

The cabin was six inches of steel plate designed to look like a old broken down cabin in the Alaskan wasteland. The men outside were shredding the outer frame of the cabin off, but we were safe inside. Ben took a few hits in the chest but being a Zombie it did not affect him…

I realized that we had to take out the copters and trucks that the guys came in on. They made a big mistake and parked everything right sight of front door. As I shot the engines out of all the vehicles, they realized what I was doing and the copters tried to take off. One made it into the air but if you have ever seen a 750 grain hardball hit a rotor shaft at 100 meters while spinning. Then you have missed a real sight of destruction. I would say that because of this one crashed helicopter that we killed 60 guys at once. There was more screaming than I have ever heard before. The were not very smart and since we were behind a small opening they all gathered to shoot at that one opening. They knew that there was no other way inside at all possible…

Before that explosion of the copter had settled down, Ben and I ripped the door back into its wall and we stepped outside to finish what they had started. Two handed Chinese Broad Sword in my hands and Ben with his famous Samurai sword…

About another 50 very disorientated men later we had only one left and he was the commander and I knew him…

His name was Jack and he spilled the beans like a fat sack with a slice in the bottom…

We found out that we had been being followed and they were waiting for the right moment to grab us and remove us from the equation. It seems that we actually caught them off guard by stopping to take a pee. They had other plans and having all this happen near a base was not in those plans…

The fact that the first group caught Ben and hung him was what caused the whole thing to fall apart. These were a mixture of local and government that really had no business even capturing Ben or Dogg. They were given orders to stand down…

Jack trembled in fear as he saw my eyes and then he almost choked on his fear as I asked were is Dogg? He told us that Dogg is underground and being dissected. Dogg was to be killed as we were to be killed also. He said 25 men were still left in the base underground. I said well one is dead most likely, after I thought about Ben and the AK47 ripping the one in pieces that stuck his head out of the trap door…

Ben said, “What will you do with Jack now? He talked and answered your questions!” I looked at Jack and said, “You were my friend once! So I will kill you quickly!”

With that I took his head off at the neck like a hot knife through butter! I told Ben, “I always hated him!”

Ben looked at me with those eyes of a man who is not sure what manner of demon that he walks the earth with, as we hunt Zombies.

I just smiled and said lets get Dogg…

Then you know the story as we regrouped to get Dogg, so I will talk a little about what happened when we found Dogg…

We went back to the cabin/base and moved the dresser. Ben was very upset about Dogg, as you know from the past article. He ripped open the trap door we found a hand scanner that I recognized from my past workings with the government. I told Ben excuse me, then I put my hand on it. Unbelievable – the mechanism triggered and the hatch slid open. Now talk about luck and stupidity of the highest magnitude. I guess they never in a million years thought to clear old data bases of past employees. Or maybe I am still an employee, but regardless, I realized who is part of this whole government destroy the world Zombie issues. Later it would register with me that my organization was behind a lot of what is happening…

I just knew that right now we had to move before they realized that they had been breached. Time to slice and dice…

Ben went first as he mumbled that he can withstand bullets better than me and who am I to argue about that. He is a Zombie…

So Ben took enough lead to start a bullet factory as we removed the heads from 23 guys. We found the 24th guy in a room still cutting Dogg in pieces, then tossing the parts into a fire. Ben lost it and he must have cut the man into 100 slices of filet Mignon before he calmed down. I just looked at Ben as if to say, See we all have our moments! Ben looked down at the mess he made and said, “Alas!  An old adage says that when a civilized man captures a primitive cannibal, he may punish him in any way he pleases except…he may not eat him!” I guess I will not eat him…

Which really says a lot for a Zombie to say that…

I gathered Dogg up and we walked out of the cabin and that is when we met the Old Eskimo!

I will end here today. I will write in the next day what the old Eskimo has said. I said I will and I promise. We are just traveling to Anchorage, Alaska and all is calm finally. So I will take the down time and write some more…

Ben says, “HI!” and Dogg says, “arf arf” Dogg also says, He has to pee again… 🙂

Looks like we are going to have a long trip with all the little pee pee stops for a new puppy. What a time to be reborn. Dogg says he is hungry also…

The Zombie Source Code…

Stryker Awakes…

*** Well with that I hear a plane coming from the South! Looks like our guest from the government are coming and soon Dogg and I will hide to watch from a safe spot. I hate to leave Stryker alone but I think that we won’t do Stryker any good if we are all captured. Yes I do not trust the government and never will. But I do trust Stryker and he said to call. I hope to write again… ***

Well this is Ben and Dogg again. As I said the last time that I wrote, Dogg and I were going to hide and hide we did. It is a good thing that we did and a good thing we stayed to watch what was happening…

Dogg and I watched a group of twenty men in sealed suits against germs and viruses. They had their own oxygen even. These men came gingerly into the room that I had placed Stryker and they checked the room thoroughly to see who else was around. Dogg and I were quiet as a mouse and watched everything with interest. The suits they wore really hindered them in checking things out and these same suits would make life very difficult for them before long…

They surrounded Stryker after they checked the room and that is when things got interesting…

I saw one inject Stryker with a bright blue fluid in a syringe. As soon as that was done is when I heard a noise that could only be one thing. There was gun shots outside and screams then a big ugly bad Zombie ripped the door off the building and made a much bigger hole coming through the door…

Then all hell broke loose and as Dogg and I watched twenty government people were ripped limb from limb by a Jolly Green Giant Zombie that had grown a hand back. It was no contest and the only way to get out of the room was through the Zombie and out the hole he had made in the wall. No one succeeded…

When he was done killing government personnel he turned to Stryker laying on the table I had left him on. Then as he bent over Stryker he started to sniff the air and he raised his head up sniffing. I knew right then he had smelled us as we were hiding…

This was not good because the only way out was once again through him and the results did not seem to be in our favor at this point. He started to walk toward our hiding place and was sniffing the air the whole time. Dogg started to growl and I saw him shaft-changing to a huge wolf in anticipation of a fight. His growl took on an insane roar as the Giant Zombie pin pointed our position and started to tear the wall apart that we were hiding behind. It was solid steel reinforced concrete and he was make it crumble like it was made of paper…

I had my sword and was ready to leap as soon as the wall was cleared far enough and Dogg was crouched to do the same. Titanium teeth flashed in the dim light that reached us…

Then everything got quiet! The Zombie fell over dead and or well I should say he fell over in two pieces. One half fell one way and the other half fell the other way. As the pieces of his body hit the ground I saw a Stryker lay back down on the table and went back to sleep…

Dogg and I looked at each other like, “What the Hell!” Then we climbed out of the mess that the Zombie had made and walked over to Stryker. Strykers Two Handed Chinese Broad Sword lay all bloody on the ground and Stryker was out cold. In fact he was ice cold to the touch…

Not knowing what else to do we decided to go outside and get some fresh air. We also wanted to see what kind of vehicles that these government guys brought and we also needed to get out of that room of death. We were afraid to touch Stryker for fear of what response we would get. I mean he just cut that Jolly Green Giant Zombie down the middle like it was nothing and went calmly back to sleep…

Dogg changed back into Dogg and we stood in awe at the wonderful government half-track vehicle that they had brought us. Well they could not use it anymore and we sure could. It even had two machine guns mounted on it… 🙂

We looked around and saw several dead soldiers that the Zombie had killed before coming inside the building.

Dogg decided to go find a rabbit or something to play with and I went back inside to check on Stryker. After I checked him over and decided that it was safe to carry him. I took him to another building and fired up the heat. I decided that I needed to get him warm because he was definitely colder than death itself…

Then I called Dogg after going outside and Dogg and I went to the local pizza place and made a pizza then another pizza. I have such a craving for pizza since being changed into a Zombie. I ate pizza and Dogg ate the crusts. Dogg and I stayed in the pizza place for almost 24 hours, because we were not sure what to do.I would go check on Stryker from time to time and make sure he was warm enough…

After the twentieth pizza, Dogg and I heard the bell on the front door of the pizza place! That is when I heard a familure voice, “I knew I would find you two here munching on pizza! Is there enough for me also?”

OMG – I said! Dogg said, “Bow Wow!”

Dogg leaped in Strykers arms and I ran to hug him! Stryker is really back and he seems okay? The smile on his face made everything okay…

So I will let Stryker write the next article. I am not really good at this writing stuff and prefer Stryker to be the one to tell you what is happening.

I will only say that Stryker has a plan and he saw many dreams. I was correct in that I figured that Zighile went to a port and left the country. Stryker will also will not say who or what he is. I asked him about the blue liquid and he just says, “Later!” Maybe he does not really know…

So “later!” as Stryker says…

Ben Zombie
The Zombie Source Code!

Dogg gets cornered by 100 Zombies and I had fallen down in a Pit…

***So today I am writing this to let you know that we are getting a new place set up. I went and got a new laptop and some new weapons. I will talk more in detail in the next few days after I get the power situation worked out in the building. It looks to be a great place to stay safe and I am just too busy to write a whole lot right now. I do promise to try to get a picture of the place and get everyone updated on what we are doing next…***

Well it has been awhile since I have been able to get back to the posting! Had a big issue and we almost lost Dogg…

As you know Dogg and I have found a new home and we were going to fix it up. The first thing to do was to get electricity going. Dogg and I went to look for the power box in the underground building we were in. I knew we had power to the meter of the building but somewhere deeper in the lower levels of the building was a huge electric panel that we had to play with to get the power back on. So Dogg and I went searching…

We had searched the whole lower levels except one door was locked and made of beaten and riveted cast iron bands on top of what looked like concrete. It was a massive door. My guess is that is where we have to go to turn the power on…

We finally figured out how to get the door to open! It was a chain hanging from the ceiling and as you pulled it the door open. Actually there was two chains and one opened the door and the other closed the door. Strange…

I opened the door and that is when life got rough! Some how the room behind the door was full of Zombies. I mean about 100 Zombies and they all tried to come out at the same time, after I opened the door. I backed up without looking behind me and when I stepped on a wood part of the floor it gave away under me. I was 10 foot down in a pit… (That hurt!)

Dogg looked down into the pit and whined at me! Right then a Zombie grabbed Dogg. I could not see what was happening but I heard Dogg growl and all hell broke loose up above my head. It was Zombie killing time and I was stuck in this damn hole in the floor…

The next thing I knew was that Dogg was pushing Zombies into the pit by jumping at them and knocking the ones near the pit down on top of me. At first I said, “Dogg, you trying to kill me?” Then I saw a method to his madness and started to decapitate Zombies as fast as he knocked them into the pit. Dogg did not have to knock that many down into the pit because they fell in on their own. There was literally a hundred plus Zombies. I heard Dogg yelp in pain and growl in retaliation, but he did not give up…

In between the decapitations, I piled the headless bodies on top each other to make a mound to help climb out of this pit. It was getting crowded and I was climbing on top of bodies as they hit the pile and I chopped heads off as fast as I could. I also split the head open like a ripe melon to make sure that it would not bite me…

Lucky for me these were graveyard style Zombies and they had very poor motor control of their limbs. I just chopped and chopped for all I was worth. I was worried about Dogg though because I was getting tired and there still seemed to be a lot of Zombies up top…

I finally could reach the top of the pit and I sheathed the machete and pulled myself up and out of the pit. I was right and Dogg was cornered across the room by about a hundred still moving Zombies. So that makes the count in the room at better than 200 Zombies. Dogg had blood dripping from about 15 wounds all over his body and he looked as bad as I felt…

But the site of my buddy injured and still ready to die for me gave me renewed energy. I pulled out both matching Mexican Machetes that I had specially made and yelled at the Zombies to leave my Dogg alone! About half of the Zombies turned my way and started to come after me moaning like a bunch of sissy pants girls…

Dogg saw that I had made it out and that gave him renewed energy to kill Zombies with. I guess he had decided also that being tired was no excuse and it was kill or die…

Dogg and I slaughtered Zombies for what seemed like forever, until we had one last Zombie in the corner of the room. Dogg was getting ready to pounce on him when he climbed the wall and clung to the ceiling like a spider would do running from you…. (WTF went through my mind!)

To be continued…

The Zombie Source Code…

Visit From a Zombie…

I have had very little rest after the run in with the leader Zombie in the story a few days ago, but alas I was to have no chance for rest. I was lucky though and decided today to do some rethinking on my weapons that I am using. I also decided to rethink my clothing…

So I made a trip to the local shopping establishments. I got snakebite proof boots, hunter’s canvas pants, a leather long sleeve pull over shirt, a long trench coat and some new weapons. The weapons consisted of a new machete and a trench knife…

I also picked up some special claw boots for Dogg with titanium claws. He is out back digging with them now as I write this. I can tell he likes them… 🙂

I realized that I need a little more protection now that it is starting to look like the number of Zombies is increasing. But that is all minor in comparison to what was waiting for me when Dogg and I got home from shopping for our toys…

So to get back to the gist of the article: When Dogg and I got home from shopping. Dogg was upset as he stood by the front door waiting for me to unlock it. He was sniffing the door where it meets with the frame. I put the key into the lock and realized that the door was unlocked…

I stopped what I was doing and pulled the new machete out of the case it was in and the trench knife out of the box. I then laid the rest of the stuff on the front porch of the house. I opened the door and allowed Dogg to go in and find what was wrong or better yet who was there…

I walked in slowly and could feel a problem but nothing seemed disturbed. Dogg was upstairs running from room to room and I was downstairs checking each room. I then heard Dogg growl and I took off for the upstairs. Dogg was in the last bedroom down the hall. I quickly entered the bedroom and flipped the light on. That is when I froze in place. For standing in the center of the room, was a small child that obviously was a Zombie? It was a graveyard raised Zombie. It had glazed eyes and was grey pallor in color. That is the normal color of the embalmed undead. She looked to be very old and I realized that she most likely was from the graveyard that was located in a small wood near my house. It was a place that has been set aside to preserve a graveyard from the 1800’s…

Those made me realize that a source code Zombie is around the area. For they are the only ones that can bring the long dead back to life and all they have to do is walk through a graveyard. Other words in a huge graveyard you could have hundreds of Zombies wandering looking for tasty humans to eat…

What I could not figure out by looking at the little Zombie was how she got into the house. She is obviously a risen dead from a long ago death. That is when the hair on the back of my neck stood up and Dogg at the same time realized that something was behind us. The little Zombie was a plant for putting us off guard. I told Dogg to get the little Zombie and I turned 180 degrees around. I saw a fast flash at the door way of the bedroom. Something ran from me and it was fast…

I left Dogg to kill the little Zombie and I ran out into the hallway to see a man of about 25 years old standing at the top of the stairs. He was dressed in t-shirt and blue jeans. He was barefooted and was pale blue in color with sharp green eyes and brown hair. I could see the thoughts in his eyes at what he should do. Attack me or run…

Then something made up his mind and he came straight at me at full speed. I had just enough time to react and that reaction was pathetic at best. With my arms up to block him he proceeded to slam into me and pushed me through the wall at the end of the hallway right into the bathroom that was located there. I dropped the machete but of course I had a trench knife that was on my hand. I watched him pull a long thick splinter out of his face from the broken wall and his face healed instantly. I knew that my wounds were bad as I started to feel blood seeping around me. My blood on the floor made the Zombies eyes glaze over for a second. That is what happens when a Leader Zombie smells blood. The Zombie instinct takes over and becomes stronger than the human side of them…

I realized my one chance and stabbed him with the trench knife right in the chest. I then twisted the blade back and forth trying to do as much damage as I could. I had to get him off of me before he bit me. He recoiled at the brutal assault that I assailed upon him. Being that he has so much human in him it had to have hurt…

He stood up and tripped over the opening that we had made in the wall. I got up with machete in hand and cut his arm off as he used it to block my blow with. He grabbed his arm and pushed with his legs against the wall and scooted himself out of my immediate reach. He then attached the arm back in place and in a second it was like he never had an injury…

His eyes unglazed and I could see fire smoldering behind the lenses. He got up and came at me again. This time I was ready though and met him with a charge of my own with trench knife in his guts that doubled him over and then sever the spinal column in his back with the machete. I knew that would not stop him long. So I proceeded to start chopping for all I was worth. I had to get his body cut in half before he could pull away. Then I had to separate the two halves of his body. I could then kill him a lot easier…

I realized that I was very lucky that this Zombie was a non-combat trained Zombie because I would be history right now it he could fight…

He grabbed my legs as I finished cutting him in half. He had a simple thought at this point. Just bite me is what he wanted to do. So I was far from safe. Dogg had finished what he was doing to the little Zombie and walked out into the hallway. Dogg evaluated the situation and bit into the back of the neck of the Zombie. I heard those razor sharp titanium teeth crunch down upon bone…

Dogg was trying to drag the upper half of the Zombie away from me, but the Zombie would not let go of my legs. Then Dogg let go of the back of his neck and the Zombie turned his head toward the dog and screamed at it. I knew that Dogg would finish him now…

Dogg grabbed the front of his throat under his chin and bit as hard as he could. Then Dogg proceeded to shake the Zombie like a rag doll and was ripping the Zombies throat out. The Zombie let go of my legs and grabbed Dogg. That is when the fight began. For you see a Leader Zombie has to have its brain chopped into small pieces to kill it. So Dogg and the Zombie went into a death struggle right in front of my eyes. Dogg was not going to let go of the Zombie throat unless he was killed. I was trying to get to the Zombie to help Dogg but I was afraid of hurting Dogg by slashing with my machete…

Then they turned in the hallway and I had my chance. I cut the top half of the Zombies head off with a smashing blow of my machete. I swung so hard that the machete was embedded into the wood floor in the hallway. The Zombie stopped moving…

Dogg let go of the Zombies neck and sniffed at the Zombie. I then saw Dogg do something that I have never seen him do before. He pissed on the Zombies face and looked at me like, There, That is how you kick a Zombie butt…


PS: What a mess to clean up and then I had to come up with a good story at the hospital on how I ended up with glass, wood splinters and such embedded in my back. Ouch and 48 stitches, is all I can say is the next story is about checking out the graveyard for more risen dead Zombies from the Source Code Zombie…

Zombies – Getting too Old for This…

I took Dogg and he and I went searching for the leader Zombie. Dogg is great at sniffing them out from a long ways off and I like the advantage that gives me. I had an idea that I could find the leader Zombie in an old run down factory on the outskirts of the city. I went at night knowing that a leader Zombie would have a headquarters set up and it would most likely be lit up. You see a leader Zombie is not a whole lot different than you or I and with proper makeup to cover the blue tinge that the body has, you have no way of telling that they are dead…

A leader Zombie will fake breathing and eats normal food. All functions of the leader Zombie body can be kept going including the heart and pumping blood. A leader Zombie is cold to the touch, (like your wife’s feet are at night!) and blueish color because of the blood is blue in the veins. They also are very strong, fast and heal quickly. Oh by the way they can not die except by brain destruction. Even chopping the head off does not kill them and if you attach the head back to the body it will reanimate as a very pissed off Zombie…

So Dogg and I made a trip to the factory. As I suspected I saw a window lit up high in the 12 story tower that is part of the factory. The way dogg was acting I knew that we had Zombies nearby…

Since Dogg like all dogs are immune to what ever makes a Zombie a Zombie, I do not have to worry about him. He is 15 kilos of Zombie killing Doggy. I took him too a dentist that implanted special titanium teeth razor sharp and I had a special flak jacket made to protect his body. He enjoys Zombie steaks and cutlets and gets really excited when we go for a Zombie walk. He knows when we are on a Zombie walk because I have my special walking stick and a Black Kukri-style machete with a carbon-steel blade. It is razor sharp and cuts neck bones like butter…

I told Dogg to scout around and kill. Then while he went silently to mess up some Zombies I planned what I was going to do. I knew that there had to be a leader Zombie up that tower and I had to get him before we had big issues in the area…

When I heard the first Zombie kill by my dog I knew it was time to go. Every Zombie would be tracking Dogg and leave the way open for me to find my target. So I was in the tower in less than a minute and found some stairs leading upward. I found that the stairs just creaked no matter what I did and decided that time for stealth was past and that I would kill what ever I found as quickly as possible. I knew that the leader would be over confident and he would not run. He knows that I am alone, I am sure of that…

As I climbed the stairs I could hear Dogg growling amongst the few growls and moans of the Zombies outside and I hoped that Dogg would be okay. I then heard a sharp command from a person on the other side of a door at the end of the hallway that I just entered from the top of the stairway.  I knew I had a leader because he talked very normal. He was barking commands to several Zombies that were in the room with him. I decided that 4 Zombies total were in the room. I could see light coming from under the closed door and shadows moving in the room…

My walking stick was a modified cattle prod that delivered 4 massive electric shocks that would kill a human or stun a Zombie. My past tactic was to stun a Zombie and behead it. A stunned Zombie was down for 10 to 15 minutes and so I realized that in this instance, I had to stun first and kill later. I kicked the door open and walked into…

12 Zombies and one was a bad ass huge leader Zombie. I said hi and lets die. Because I had stepped over the Rubicon and there was no going back. The leader Zombie stepped against the back wall and let his biddies come after me. I saw the windows was open and I screamed for Dogg. I hope he heard because I needed his titanium teeth right now…

I shocked the first 4 Zombies with my walking stick and as I knew would happen that was all she wrote and I tossed it to the ground. (I gotta get better batteries!) Then the next 4 beheaded like a hot knife through butter and as I turned to face a few more. The leader Zombie smacked me across the room with a huge backhanded slap. (damn that hurt) I have an emergency backup weapon and it is strapped to my right ankle. It is a 9mm Beretta with 10 rounds of saber point Winchester. I consider this an emergency and did not care if the gunshots brought the cops…

One Zombie had hold of my right foot and as I squeezed the trigger of my gun. I told myself, head shots, head shots, head shots and make them count. I made them count the best I could and was laying there looking up at a leader Zombie. He was really pissed off. For you see all his Zombie friends were dead at this point or stunned…

But I was out of bullets and clicking the hammer on an empty gun. That is when Dogg figured out where I was at and entered the room behind the leader Zombie. I heard a deep growl by Dogg and saw that Dogg had enjoyed himself. He was covered in blue blood…

The leader Zombie turned to see who was growling at him and I grabbed the hilt of my machete and brought the machete in an upward motion as hard as I could between his legs and into his family jewels. Now I knew that family jewels meant nothing to a regular Zombie, because I have kicked them their before. They did not care. But I was hoping that a leader Zombie had different feelings about those jewels. He did and I found a new way to bring a tough leader Zombie to his knees. Dogg of course proceeded to go for his throat and I let Dogg have his fun while I finished the first 4 Zombies that I had stunned. They where starting to stir…

I then called Dogg off and proceeded to split the leader Zombies head down the middle. Then chop it into smaller pieces. Dogg was happy and I said lets go home…

As I have said before, nothing on the news about this incident. Nothing is ever on the news about these incidents. That is how I know that the government knows there are Zombies and they know that someone kills them. But they do not let it out into the public. Also if anyone comes forth with the fact that there is Zombies then they are labeled insane and crazy. Most people believe that Zombies are a good Hollywood movie but never ever would be real…

Well I am going to bed and really just wanted to get the information down before I would forget most of it. I did learn something from this! I got to get better weapons and I am getting too old for this… 🙂

The Zombie Source Code

PS: Oh! By the way Dogg had cleaned up the Zombies outside real well and all I had to do was split their heads open as we left. He is a good doggy…