The Trip to Heaven… (Part 1)

Prometheus explained that we need to be seated and seat belted in. We would have to stay that way for a full day or so…

This is different than normal travel. We have so many millions of light years to travel that we have to start slow and build the speed. We will be abstaining a speed that is unknown to man or any one…

Prometheus has figured it out and what would have taken us two years to transverse before will take a few weeks. We were told to be ready to get sick and maybe injured, but that she would do her best to keep it at the tolerable maximum in acceleration…

I did not understand what the difference was compared to how she was able to transport us out of orbit and such and we did not even know it happened. But she assured me that we are so far a way that we have to do some special tricks to get there, well at least before the Zombie rule the Universes… 🙂

I am going to do some more explaining about what is happening and what will happen, or at least what I hope to happen. This I will do later…

Right now I will explain what happened during acceleration for 36 hours. It took 36 hours because we are too weak and would have died if Prometheus had full acceleration and as it is we are in bad shape, but we have two weeks to recover and in those to weeks, I will do a lot of catching up on things to everyone in the Universe on what is happening. I know kinda boring sounding…

Prometheus got everyone in their places and then she said, “Giddy Up!”

I smiled at that statement and that was the last smile for a day and a half…

We were pushed back into our seats that we were strapped into and for the next 12 hours we were smashed hard against the cushion of the seat. I could hardly breath and Prometheus adjust acceleration as we needed it to keep from dying. I remember when Prometheus announced that we exceeded the speed of light and then every second ticked off as every second we jumped one more times the speed of light. When I heard 100 times the speed of light, I gave up and concentrated on just staying alive…

12 hours into the flight everything eased up! Then Prometheus said run, bathroom break time. We did not run we crawled and then when we got back into the seats, hell started again. Prometheus explained that once we reached a speed then we stayed at that speed unless we accelerated or slowed down on purpose…

I remember she said that we would reach the speed of 2,997,924,580,000 m/s or 10,000 times the speed of light before it is over. Prometheus said that we will start seeing very strange things at that speed. She calls it “Quantum Weirdness” and no one has reached this point in known history…

So get ready in 24 hours to reach “The Quantum Weirdness Zone…”

In another 12 hours we were allowed to pee again and definitely no food nor water! Dogg looked rather green around the gills and Ben and Clare seemed to be doing the best of us all. Of course I was the boss so all was great with me as I tried not to throw up in front of everyone…

I looked out the portal that Prometheus opened and we were moving so fast that a star in the distance was a white streak going by us. As you moved on the Ship, you could see particles of yourself trying to catch up to the rest of yourself. Things were become unstable and Prometheus said she was struggling to keep gravity at this speed. She said that we will not be allowed out of our seats again, so get all done right now…

As we accelerated again. The Ship and all of us blurred and we started to stretch and elongate as atoms started to be affected by the forces of speed. Prometheus said, “Close you eyes and hang on!”

The next thing I knew was that it felt like we turned inside out and everything started to shudder and shake. Then just as I thought that we wee going to explode, it all smoothed out and everything reordered itself into alignment…

We broke the speed of the atomic structures ability to communicate with each other and we entered our own capsule of energy. Prometheus was very silent and I guessed she was under a lot of stress keeping us alive. Little did I know how true that was. Prometheus had focused energy in to a sphere round us and was keeping us alive by shear power on her part. We accelerated faster and faster…

I m writing this at 10,000 times the speed of light and we are screaming toward Heaven! Prometheus is trying to calculate how to stop us at this speed and she says that it will take at least 36 hours to stop us as it took to accelerate us…

She said that she will use the term 10,000 times the speed of light as it is all that we can relate to. But our true speed is unknown. Lets just put it this way, “We are traveling too damn fast for any sane person!” She also said that one mistake and we will explode through a time line, what time line we do not know, but any time line different than ours would be a universe destroying situation. She just realized that we have exceeded all known physics in any and all universes and all known knowledge. She said no one else has been stupid enough to try this before…

That sums up everything, “Stupid enough!”

I will get back with you later. 10,000+ times the speed of light and I am tired…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: Prometheus explains that every step upwards in the speed of light is exponential to the last. It is the same as doubling the speed every time we go up one. 1 x speed of light is the speed of light. 2 x is 2 times speed of light. 3 x is 6 times speed of light. 4 x is 8 times the speed of light, 5 x is 10 times the speed of light and so on and so on… (Got it? Neither do I!)

Dogg has been Reborn? Oh my!

*** We are trying to find Dogg and the Old Eskimo says that we should not worry. I gotta go I just heard a puppy bark outside? ***

Okay – Okay – Okay! I know I have not been back to tell you all how much I love you and tell you about Dogg.! Well maybe I will not tell you how much I love you after all, but I am here to tell you that we are back on the road and we have Dogg. Well at least a little facsimile of Dogg as he was, as a little cute puppy…

Okay – Okay! Dogg as we know him is gone for now. He has to grow up again and the old Eskimo said he will be even more bad ass than he was. It looks like the gods smiled upon him and have returned him to us from the green grass field he was playing in and now he is in my lap snoring loudly as we travel down the gravel road to Anchorage, Alaska. I have to say he is a cute little thing and has an attitude already…

I will get everything caught up as soon as we get more settled. We still have several days to travel till Anchorage and the gods gave the word that we are not to have any issues until we leave the port in Anchorage. That kinda gives me the creeps, because it seems what that means is that as soon as we leave Anchorage, Alaska then we can or could have all hell break loose…

Oh well! Lets enjoy the break while we can. Okay?

Now I promised that I would get everything caught up and so by tomorrow, I will have the flash back to what happened when we stopped to let Ben take a piss. I will then catch up on everything else and we will be evensteven at that point…

Now to step back to what Ben said in his post: Ben is my friend and he has no reason to lie, it is just that I do not see myself as Ben see’s me and in actuality, I see myself as weak and worthless. Ben is much stronger than I am and Dogg is like the epitaxy of power on the planet. Without either of them I am worthless…

Just take what he says with a hill of beans and lets just get going on with our quest to rid the earth of what threatens her and her humans inhabitants…

Now I will write, eat and sleep. Ben will drive for two days and it looks like I have to go anyway! Dogg has decided that it is time to stop and take a pee. He is such a cute little guy…

I will talk to you tomorrow…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: I promise tomorrow…

Stryker Awakes…

*** Well with that I hear a plane coming from the South! Looks like our guest from the government are coming and soon Dogg and I will hide to watch from a safe spot. I hate to leave Stryker alone but I think that we won’t do Stryker any good if we are all captured. Yes I do not trust the government and never will. But I do trust Stryker and he said to call. I hope to write again… ***

Well this is Ben and Dogg again. As I said the last time that I wrote, Dogg and I were going to hide and hide we did. It is a good thing that we did and a good thing we stayed to watch what was happening…

Dogg and I watched a group of twenty men in sealed suits against germs and viruses. They had their own oxygen even. These men came gingerly into the room that I had placed Stryker and they checked the room thoroughly to see who else was around. Dogg and I were quiet as a mouse and watched everything with interest. The suits they wore really hindered them in checking things out and these same suits would make life very difficult for them before long…

They surrounded Stryker after they checked the room and that is when things got interesting…

I saw one inject Stryker with a bright blue fluid in a syringe. As soon as that was done is when I heard a noise that could only be one thing. There was gun shots outside and screams then a big ugly bad Zombie ripped the door off the building and made a much bigger hole coming through the door…

Then all hell broke loose and as Dogg and I watched twenty government people were ripped limb from limb by a Jolly Green Giant Zombie that had grown a hand back. It was no contest and the only way to get out of the room was through the Zombie and out the hole he had made in the wall. No one succeeded…

When he was done killing government personnel he turned to Stryker laying on the table I had left him on. Then as he bent over Stryker he started to sniff the air and he raised his head up sniffing. I knew right then he had smelled us as we were hiding…

This was not good because the only way out was once again through him and the results did not seem to be in our favor at this point. He started to walk toward our hiding place and was sniffing the air the whole time. Dogg started to growl and I saw him shaft-changing to a huge wolf in anticipation of a fight. His growl took on an insane roar as the Giant Zombie pin pointed our position and started to tear the wall apart that we were hiding behind. It was solid steel reinforced concrete and he was make it crumble like it was made of paper…

I had my sword and was ready to leap as soon as the wall was cleared far enough and Dogg was crouched to do the same. Titanium teeth flashed in the dim light that reached us…

Then everything got quiet! The Zombie fell over dead and or well I should say he fell over in two pieces. One half fell one way and the other half fell the other way. As the pieces of his body hit the ground I saw a Stryker lay back down on the table and went back to sleep…

Dogg and I looked at each other like, “What the Hell!” Then we climbed out of the mess that the Zombie had made and walked over to Stryker. Strykers Two Handed Chinese Broad Sword lay all bloody on the ground and Stryker was out cold. In fact he was ice cold to the touch…

Not knowing what else to do we decided to go outside and get some fresh air. We also wanted to see what kind of vehicles that these government guys brought and we also needed to get out of that room of death. We were afraid to touch Stryker for fear of what response we would get. I mean he just cut that Jolly Green Giant Zombie down the middle like it was nothing and went calmly back to sleep…

Dogg changed back into Dogg and we stood in awe at the wonderful government half-track vehicle that they had brought us. Well they could not use it anymore and we sure could. It even had two machine guns mounted on it… 🙂

We looked around and saw several dead soldiers that the Zombie had killed before coming inside the building.

Dogg decided to go find a rabbit or something to play with and I went back inside to check on Stryker. After I checked him over and decided that it was safe to carry him. I took him to another building and fired up the heat. I decided that I needed to get him warm because he was definitely colder than death itself…

Then I called Dogg after going outside and Dogg and I went to the local pizza place and made a pizza then another pizza. I have such a craving for pizza since being changed into a Zombie. I ate pizza and Dogg ate the crusts. Dogg and I stayed in the pizza place for almost 24 hours, because we were not sure what to do.I would go check on Stryker from time to time and make sure he was warm enough…

After the twentieth pizza, Dogg and I heard the bell on the front door of the pizza place! That is when I heard a familure voice, “I knew I would find you two here munching on pizza! Is there enough for me also?”

OMG – I said! Dogg said, “Bow Wow!”

Dogg leaped in Strykers arms and I ran to hug him! Stryker is really back and he seems okay? The smile on his face made everything okay…

So I will let Stryker write the next article. I am not really good at this writing stuff and prefer Stryker to be the one to tell you what is happening.

I will only say that Stryker has a plan and he saw many dreams. I was correct in that I figured that Zighile went to a port and left the country. Stryker will also will not say who or what he is. I asked him about the blue liquid and he just says, “Later!” Maybe he does not really know…

So “later!” as Stryker says…

Ben Zombie
The Zombie Source Code!