Okay – Okay – Okay! I know I have not been back to tell you all how much I love you and tell you about Dogg.! Well maybe I will not tell you how much I love you after all, but I am here to tell you that we are back on the road and we have Dogg. Well at least a little facsimile of Dogg as he was, as a little cute puppy…
Okay – Okay! Dogg as we know him is gone for now. He has to grow up again and the old Eskimo said he will be even more bad ass than he was. It looks like the gods smiled upon him and have returned him to us from the green grass field he was playing in and now he is in my lap snoring loudly as we travel down the gravel road to Anchorage, Alaska. I have to say he is a cute little thing and has an attitude already…
I will get everything caught up as soon as we get more settled. We still have several days to travel till Anchorage and the gods gave the word that we are not to have any issues until we leave the port in Anchorage. That kinda gives me the creeps, because it seems what that means is that as soon as we leave Anchorage, Alaska then we can or could have all hell break loose…
Oh well! Lets enjoy the break while we can. Okay?
Now I promised that I would get everything caught up and so by tomorrow, I will have the flash back to what happened when we stopped to let Ben take a piss. I will then catch up on everything else and we will be even–steven at that point…
Now to step back to what Ben said in his post: Ben is my friend and he has no reason to lie, it is just that I do not see myself as Ben see’s me and in actuality, I see myself as weak and worthless. Ben is much stronger than I am and Dogg is like the epitaxy of power on the planet. Without either of them I am worthless…
Just take what he says with a hill of beans and lets just get going on with our quest to rid the earth of what threatens her and her humans inhabitants…
Now I will write, eat and sleep. Ben will drive for two days and it looks like I have to go anyway! Dogg has decided that it is time to stop and take a pee. He is such a cute little guy…
I will talk to you tomorrow…
The Zombie Source Code…
PS: I promise tomorrow…