I looked at him and waved to him to come on, with my machete… ***
His name is Benjamin or Ben for short. He was a doctor at an emergency room at a hospital. Ben was turned by a Source Code Zombie that was giving birth to a Zombie baby. He was helping what he thought was a woman who was in direr need of doctors assistance in a wooded area by his house. He found out a second too late that she was no ordinary woman. He was infected not by a bite or scratch but by the fluids that were present at birth as the baby was being born. It seems he got some in his eye. He tried to cure himself with his vast array of drugs that were available to him, but to no avail. He still turned…
But his turning into a Zombie was much different than normal. He was a walking dead but he had no appetite for eating humans or their brains…
I sat an listened to his tale. We were in my house and I was doing some sideline thinking of my own. I was trying to figure out why I trusted him and did not kill him when I had the chance at the cemetery? Dogg seemed okay with the Zombie in the house and that was most likely why I was okay with it all. For Dogg would kill him if he was a problem…
My interest perked back to what he was saying to me as I heard him talk about the child of the Source Code Zombie that he helped to bring into the world…
He said: The child was huge in fact so big that the mothers pelvic bones cracked and she split opened giving birth to this creature of a baby. The woman did not utter a sound in pain and that is when I realized that her blood was blue in color and she had no heart beat. She looked at me with pleading eyes as if to ask help on getting this child out and then she could get on with business. I helped the child be born…
Once this child was born it tried to bite me and took off running away from me. It did not care about his mother or anything. It just left. The mother watched it run a second and then turned toward me and I saw her eyes change. She wanted to eat me and that was clear. I was thinking as I got up and ran, that she was a Zombie! But Zombies are not real, I kept telling myself that as I started to feel the effects of something changing myself into a living dead. I tried everything I could to stop from becoming a Zombie and I kept telling myself that Zombies are no real…
The fact I changed into a Zombie saved me from being eaten on my last day as a human. I ran into the Zombie woman again and she sniffed at me and walked away. Then I was smashed against a wall by the creature that she had born. It was huge. It had grown in days to the size of a very large man and looked to be still growing. He was hovered over me and seemed to be in the mood to rip my head off and then he stopped and sniffed at me. He dropped me and left me to finish changing into a Zombie…
I was at the old power plant when all this happened. The female Zombie wanders around the old plant like she is lost now. The next time I saw the Zombie Baby was when you spared me from total death. The Zombie Baby is about 2 weeks old and the size of a bulldozer…
Ben stopped talking as if he was in deep thought at this point. I was thinking about what he had just said. It seems that we now have two new types of Zombies. Ben was one and the Zombie Baby was another…
Ben the Zombie I can handle, but the Zombie Baby! That could be a real big bad issue…
The Zombie Source Code…
PS: Next post – Ben is asking to partner with me and kill Zombies…