Dogg and I have a really a pretty good life, just no one left alive….

It is 2019 and I finally decided to start writing again. Dogg and I have spent all these years just surviving and killing Zombies. A few Zombies I have left alone because they are somewhat company. The world is very devoid of humans…

In fact the Zombies that came out of the Zombie War of 1012 are all just regular Zombies that shuffle around slowly and never seem to die. All the Leader Zombies and Source Code Zombies and any other specialty Zombie seems to have disappeared. All there is, is just plain old brain desiring Zombies that go ugggggggggg and unnnnnnnnnn and ommmmmmm and try to bite you. They are driven by just plain old hunger to eat a human brain and or body parts if nothing else is available…

I guess Dogg and I should be glad that we are not here fighting Zombies the size of a house and Zombies that crawl like a spider and spit poison. Dogg still has Zombie heads to play with and I get to keep my target practice up to date by taking pot shots at Zombies all day if I so desire…

Let me try to recall when Dogg and I woke up after the Zombie War…

I remember waking from a wonderful dream of running with Dogg and everyone else who was friends in a green grass field and the grass would blow gently in the breeze. Then I remember my face getting all wet and I woke to a Dogg licking my face and we were in the front yard of a deserted home in a small town in middle America or at least as we found out, what use to be America…

I remember Dogg was so happy to see me get up and I sat for what seemed like 10 minutes trying to get my bearings.That is when I saw a Zombie…

The Zombie was shuffling around at a haphazard slumped over pace and was so bad off that it just kept running into fences and walls and trees. Then I saw another Zombie and it was dragging its left leg behind it. It walked right into the first Zombie and they both fell down. After a few minutes they finally got back up and continued on their way…

Dogg looked at me and I knew what he was thinking and he was wondering what happened to the Zombies? But that did not stop Dogg from running after one of those Zombies and after I heard a dieing moan from a Zombie. Dogg appeared with a Zombie head and was happier than a Pig in a mud Waller. Zombie heads have always been Dogs favorite toy to play with…

So I got up and gingerly started to check myself over to see if I was all in one piece. It seemed that all parts were there and I was fit as a fiddle. Dogg looked fine also…

So Dogg, the Zombie head and I went walking. I had a sack with a special laptop, hand cranked power generator, electric connection cord, bottle of water and dog treats. I also had my two handed Chinese Sword that I loved so much. With all that in hand Dogg and I decided to find a place to sleep for the night, because sleeping on the ground would not be safe no matter how slow the Zombies were…

(Information on laptop: It seems to be able to connect to some sort of internet through a portal, this portal seems to have a time slippage of some type and so as I understand what I write will appear back in the year 2012 to inform everyone what about what is happening. More about all this mambo jumbo later…)

I remember that we had walked to the center of the town and as we stood on the town square is when the Zombies decided to catch the scent of Dogg and I. There was thousands of Zombies and they came out of every open doorway and from out from under bushes and trees. They appeared just like someone rang the dinner bell and said come and get it…

Dogg dropped the Zombie head and as the Zombie head gnashed it’s teeth at us laying on the ground, I told Dogg that we are gonna fight another day. I want to see what is what first…

I then saw what looked like a small town prison and it was on the only street that we could navigate with out much issues. Dogg and I took off down what was called Jailhouse Rd and came upon what looked to have been a brand new jail built but never used. It still had construction materials in the yard around it and had a sturdy two layer security fence. I looked into the guard shack right at the front gate and saw a set of keys laying on the desk. Dogg was barking and trying to tell me that either I hurry up or we need to whoop some Zombie ass…

I saw that the Zombies were frantically trying to shuffle their way to us so that they could have dinner. (You know regular Zombies are just plain yuck!)

I finally got found the correct key and slid the main gate open. It was heavy as could be and looked like it could withstand an impact of a moving car. I got the gate slid back into place just as hundreds of Zombies reached me and tried to grab me through the bars of the gate. I found a lever that locked the gate solid and I did not need the chain and lock any more. I also saw that there was a hand crank to help open the gate from the inside…

The inner gate was not locked and we locked it after we went through, then Dogg and I ran around the whole building checking to see if the fence was complete all the way around and it was. The Zombies tried to follow us and the air was full of Zombie moans and groans…

Then it dawned on me that we never found food and a bunch of dog treats are not gonna feed me and Dogg for very long. I found the key to the main door of the prison and Dogg and I checked out the inside…

To be continued…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: I am going to spend a few days getting several chapters done to catch everyone up to date. Remember that Dogg and I have been on earth for 6 years now and a lot has happened. This is all flash back to what was! Once I get caught up then you will understand that things are much different than what it seems at first…

Dogg has been Reborn? Oh my!

*** We are trying to find Dogg and the Old Eskimo says that we should not worry. I gotta go I just heard a puppy bark outside? ***

Okay – Okay – Okay! I know I have not been back to tell you all how much I love you and tell you about Dogg.! Well maybe I will not tell you how much I love you after all, but I am here to tell you that we are back on the road and we have Dogg. Well at least a little facsimile of Dogg as he was, as a little cute puppy…

Okay – Okay! Dogg as we know him is gone for now. He has to grow up again and the old Eskimo said he will be even more bad ass than he was. It looks like the gods smiled upon him and have returned him to us from the green grass field he was playing in and now he is in my lap snoring loudly as we travel down the gravel road to Anchorage, Alaska. I have to say he is a cute little thing and has an attitude already…

I will get everything caught up as soon as we get more settled. We still have several days to travel till Anchorage and the gods gave the word that we are not to have any issues until we leave the port in Anchorage. That kinda gives me the creeps, because it seems what that means is that as soon as we leave Anchorage, Alaska then we can or could have all hell break loose…

Oh well! Lets enjoy the break while we can. Okay?

Now I promised that I would get everything caught up and so by tomorrow, I will have the flash back to what happened when we stopped to let Ben take a piss. I will then catch up on everything else and we will be evensteven at that point…

Now to step back to what Ben said in his post: Ben is my friend and he has no reason to lie, it is just that I do not see myself as Ben see’s me and in actuality, I see myself as weak and worthless. Ben is much stronger than I am and Dogg is like the epitaxy of power on the planet. Without either of them I am worthless…

Just take what he says with a hill of beans and lets just get going on with our quest to rid the earth of what threatens her and her humans inhabitants…

Now I will write, eat and sleep. Ben will drive for two days and it looks like I have to go anyway! Dogg has decided that it is time to stop and take a pee. He is such a cute little guy…

I will talk to you tomorrow…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: I promise tomorrow…

Looks like a field of green grass waving in the breeze…

*** So: I have tears in my eyes as I write this! Ben is curled up in a ball in the corner of the base and trying to gather his thoughts about all that has happened. I am just going to try to think about what the kindly old Eskimo gentleman showed us and hope for the best… ***

Ben and I sat outside most of the night and watched with awe at the Eskimo’s and their insistent chanting over the burial of Dogg. I have come to the conclusion that they are trying to save Dogg’s soul…

Ben and I just stay out of the way and I decided to write this article to give me something to do. I will be writing an article about what all happened in more detail and I really promise that I will but so much is happening right now that I do not want to miss what these Eskimo’s are up to…

So Ben and I are just watching. The Eskimo’s have made 6 replicas of Dogg and they have made 6 burial pilings. They are burying 6 more Doggs and from what we understand this is to confuse the gods and make the gods take the wrong soul and hopefully the real Dogg soul will come back to earth…

I understand that each replica has a soul of one of the men who killed Dogg and that if that soul is taken instead of Dogg’s that he will suffer greatly, because once the gods find out that they have the wrong soul, he (the wrong soul) will pay with a life of terror. No one else pays, just the false soul in place pf Dogg’s…

There are a total then, of 7 burial pilings. Seven fires burning and seven people chanting at one time. It looks like 40 or 50 Eskimo’s are here now and more arriving. This is a big deal to them and I feel rather worthless in all of this. I keep being told, just to heal and allow the gods to play their games in their ways…

This is the best that I can explain and since Ben will not speak right now and communicate with me or anyone. I will do the best that I can to surmise the situation. Ben is very upset and just stares at the burial pilings and mumbles to himself. I sense that Ben has a lot of healing inside to do and that will take time…

So for now the chanting of the Eskimo’s goes on and has lasted all night. They take turns in chanting and each one chants for hours at a time. The old Eskimo man who took Dogg sits alone in the snow and rocks back and forth as if in tune to a silent song that only he can hear. His lips move but no sound is uttered. He sits with his eyes closed and several women look after him as he rocks…

I am understanding after being told by the girl that takes care of me, that he is with Dogg in the green grass field of the ancestors. He is trying to help Dogg make a decision about the afterlife…

Also off to the side of this whole burial going on is a man who appeared a few hours ago. He brought with him a long narrow log of what is called saint wood. He seems to be carving a totem pole and one of the animals in the pole is a dog. There is a bear, wolf, feline, human and dog all on one pole. It looks like he will be done in a few hours…

One more day they say and we will know what is going to happen…

So I sit here and drink a wonderful coffee type drink made by the girls who watch over us. It has a taste of hazelnut with a touch of chicory and a splash of green tea. It seems to heal the soul and brighten the day. Ben just sits and stares and will not acknowledge anything. Ben seems to be in the same field as the old Eskimo and trying to save Dogg also. If you look into Ben’s eyes, you can almost see the green grass waving in the breeze…

Will Dogg come back? Can Dogg come back? Does Dogg want to come back? I feel bad because I was not able to save Dogg and inside I hurt and fell it is my fault. We had a terrible battle and while we killed 200 men on one side we lost Dogg!

Just maybe I should have stayed out of all of this Zombie stuff and lived my life, ignorant like the rest of the world to what is happening. I seem to have lost my family as it was and most likely never will be back whole again and now I lost Dogg. My little girl and wife are lost souls in the voids of space and time and now I seem to be seeing Dogg’s soul travel the same path…

All I ever want in life is to have my life back. I would love to see my girl swinging on her swing and my wife telling us dinner is ready. I would like to see Dogg running after squirrels again and chasing rabbits for joy and fun…

Time to quit writing this article and I will be back. It seems that the world is at a low point and my life has reached a turning point. I will sit here patiently and listen to the chanting that I hear. It is soothing and I think that is the only reason that I am still sane. You know the sky is starting to take on a green tinge and almost looks like a field of green grass waving in the breeze…

Maybe Dogg is in a better place…

The Zombie Source Code…