We Meet The Grim Reaper of The Zombie Gods…

I am recovering as is also Dogg, Girl and Ben. We won but got royally kicked hard in the ass…

I will be in the next few days telling about “The Zombie God a Grim Reaper from Hell…”

I am not sure if this is good or not, but we won and I absorbed him and I am in trouble…

To Be Continued…………………….

The Zombie Source Code

Tick “Tok” Alaska – No More…

*** Talk to you in a few days and I will give more information about things that are happening. Oh and it is time to bring my friend that I talked about earlier, into this action. We need a new partner that has contacts beyond my level of expertise. He knows Russian as he was born in Russia and he is a martial art expert. He is the one that helped me when no one else would or could… ***

Well we are on the road again and Ben is driving right now! Ben say’s “Hi!” Dogg say’s “Bow Wow!”

Just get a out a map of Alaska and find highway 1 and you will find Anchorage at one end and Tok at the other. That is where you will find us for the next few days! Traveling one of the few roads in Alaska, but it leads us to where we need to go and that is all that counts…

I made a few calls and explained how all the men died and I got a lot of disbelief at the other end of the phone line. I told them to bring a clean up crew because the town is dead on arrival. Ben and I put official quarantine signs up on the town borders and from the looks of it, no one will bother things. Word spreads fast and even if the population is sparse, the gossip is thick. All other humans know that hell broke loose in Tok and they will stay away for a while. Ben, Dogg and I made sure that we burned the town down so that there would not be a chance of the Zombie Virus spreading. We drove through town and tossed some of the thousands of fire grenades into windows and such, that we had access to since we had run of the town and its National Guard supplies. No one lived to miss anything and once again we watched the flames as we drove off and I noticed in silence, that towns are burned to the ground after we leave… 🙂

Not sure what will happen if we have to kill a whole city! But if we can get to Zighile soon enough in Russia! Siberia will be a great place to have a last stand so to speak. Desolate and cold as hell. Maybe the Eskimos will have resistance to the virus like American Indians seem to have?

That seems to be the goal, a last stand at the Zombie corral in Siberia. That way we can cover this mess up once and for all. But until then we have to plan how to catch him and get my daughter back…

My friend is going to meet us in Anchorage, Alaska and he is bringing his dog, a huge Asiatic Mastiff and I mean that is one big bad dog. He is about 150lbs and 35inches tall. He has paws as big as my hand. He is trained to kill Zombies also and I look forward to having him working with my Dogg. I have yet to see if Dogg will be happy about this and remember that Dogg can shift-change. But Dogg is only a little guy normally and he weighs about 15 kilos or 35lbs…

My friend does not know about Ben yet and as my friend hates Zombies this should be interesting…

Oh as I end this today, because I am tired and going to eat a bite and sleep while Ben drives these desolate roads of Alaska, I thought I would tell you my friends name! He calls himself – Vitaly of Death! When you see him in action you will know why he calls himself that! He carries a Medieval War Sword with an overall length of 41” and he knows how to use it. I told him about the Spider Zombie and what it was able to do to regular steel and he said don’t worry that his is not regular steel…

Vitaly told me get to Anchorage and get a ship lined out and when he gets there he will tell me how he will get us into Russia. He would know, for he is Russian you know…

The Zombie Source Code!