The Old Eskimo Speaks…

*** Looks like we are going to have a long trip with all the little pee pee stops for a new puppy. What a time to be reborn. Dogg says he is hungry also… ***

*** Like I said Stryker does not tell all to you guys and I refuse to tell all at this point also, but the Old Eskimo is going to talk to us about the future and he said that we must follow what he says. For the beacon of the gods has told him what is to be done… ***

Okay now I will tell about what the old Eskimo has told us. Ben looked it over before I posted it and said that it was pretty close to what he remembers the old guy telling us also. Dogg does not remember anything…

The Old Eskimo: I have listen to all of the stories and all of the information that each and everyone of you have been told by the gods as we fell asleep. I stayed awake the longest and had an in depth talk with the Beacon of the Gods. He is the most knowledgeable of all gods and the one who can tell the most about what will happen in the future…

Here is what he said: Stryker has chosen the path that must be followed. The path is not a guaranteed winner nor is it a guaranteed loser. But the path is guaranteed to lead to the death of one side or the other. For neither side will cease until they have won or been defeated soundly unto death…

A classic good and evil battle has developed and hence it has become bigger than just the souls of the mortals who attempt to alter the world as we see it. The powers behind the scene are the ones that need to be curtailed but they can not be due to the rules of the gods. For if a god calls out another god on interference in mortals ways and life, then they themselves will be caught in the same calling out of the other. For both good and evil in the gods have steeped beyond the boundaries of sanity and hence we have a dilemma that could end humans as we know them…

One god has the ability to stop all of this: TEKKEITSERTOK – God of the Earth who is the most powerful and owned all of the deer. Tekkeitsertok can not be found and the fear is that somehow evil has locked him away from view of the earth and his ability to help humans…

So Stryker must continue and not give up on his quest to save the world. Us Eskimo’s will gather in as large of a mass as we can and the word is out to all other Indians available. We will amass and pray to the gods for the restoration of human kind back to a better state. The chants and calls to all of nature and the souls of the earth will commence immediately and with any luck we will get some strength from the lessor gods as they are very very helpful to us humans, as the greater gods seem to look down upon us most of the times…

Torngasak – (The good spirit, representing everything in nature good and helpful to man.) has decided to join at one point, the group of good and will stay silent in the background until needed. He is very powerful and can be a great ally! Just never take him for granted and as always respect – Torngasak…

The gods have smiled upon Stryker, Ben and Dogg! Dogg was reborn and the powers he has a a totem dog have been multiplied. He now is a changeling that includes bear, wolf and dog! Ben has been given a dose of human again. While he will retain all aspects of the Zombie powers and attributes. He has been given back red warm living blood and spark to his soul. The gods see that he deserves his human soul back, for he is a good man and the Zombie virus was not able to remove the heart of a wonderful and good man. That kind of man should be rewarded. Stryker who is a bumbling fool of a hero that has no idea how important that he is, has been given a tattoo burned into his chest. it is of the Raven: The raven is sometimes considered a trickster like the coyotee. It is also known to be a teacher and horder. The raven is also the mark of a shape shifter. The last part is very important because what shape is the shift, is not known until the moment of the first time the shift is obtained and needed. The only way that the gods could save Stryker, was to impose a shape-shifter spirit from an unknown entity. Who is unknown, but powerful, very likely…

I have given Stryker a powerful necklace of the Butterfly spirit: The butterfly is a transformer and a symbol of metamorphosis and I hope that it will guide Stryker in his first shift in form…

Last but not least: Strykers family has one chance of survival, but only if he plays his cards correctly. One wrong move in the chess game of life will end the families existence. The issue with his family is that they will never be human again but they can become like Ben if they will allow Ben to help them after the war has been won, if the war is won…

So as we test the waters of the unknown I leave you with this thought by the Gabrielinos:

I know not if the voice of man
can reach to the sky;
I know not if the mighty one
will hear as I pray;
I know not if the gifts I ask
will all granted be;
I know not if the world of old
we truly can hear;
I know not what will come to pass
in our future days;
I hope that only good will come,
my children, to you.

So ends what the Old Eskimo said…

I do have a Raven tattoo burned in my chest, but I do not feel any different. This shape-sifting thing sounds scary if you ask me. What, am I a werewolf now? Lets hope not…

Ben and I have to stop again. Yes a little pee pot has to go again and he is hungry again. I swear he is growing like a weed as we drive. That has got to be my imagination though! But he is getting heavier…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: We are caught up now and I do not want to hear anymore about it…