I asked Prometheus to scan Earth for Ben and Clare…
Results were Clare was never born and Ben is located in Atlanta, Georgia. I told Prometheus to drop Dogg and I off near Ben. When she did I looked up and saw those golden arches that you all love so much now, called McDonald’s. McDonald’s was new to me at that time for we never had them in the other time zone…
I went inside and was told to leave Dogg outside! That did not go over well, but Dogg is obedient and I promised him a box of chicken nuggets when I came back out. That solved his issues…
I asked the first employee that I saw if they knew a Ben? They said they have a Ben and he is out back smoking! Ben smokes now? I went out back of the building and standing leaning against the back wall staring at the drive through cars was Ben! He was slowly savoring a cigarette and really just spaced off in a another world…
I debated to just leave and would have except Dogg saw Ben and went crazy. For Dogg knows Ben and Ben was Dogg’s buddy. Ben freaked out as Dogg came over and tried to jump on Ben. I told Dogg, “NO!” Dogg was confused and did not understand completely why Ben did not know him. It made me sad…
After I introduced myself to Ben and asked a few questions, I knew that this Ben was not and the Ben that has saved my life so many times. The Ben who stood by me no matter what…
As I started to walk away, Ben said, “Do I know you? You seem like someone in my dreams!”
I said, “All we have is dreams now!” Then I told him, “You should be a doctor! Take the money and go to med school!” With that Prometheus zapped us back to her safety. Then I had Prometheus put monetary funds in Ben’s account! (Yes we can do anything we want to everyone on earth! We just do not, very often bother things!) Last I saw he was in med school and years later I visited him and he was head surgeon at a major hospital…
Of course after a long life Ben passed away, but I still remember him and always will…
That was happened to Ben…
The Zombie Source Code…