Well I awoke after a terrible dream from my daughter about what Zighile is doing, to wonderful news about the army that is developing to help fight the Zombies…
First the good news. It seems that over the night, that we have stirred some interest in saving the world. As it stands right now – 1,000,000 people are coming from China, Mongolia, Russia, Vietnam, Iran, North Korea and many many other places. It seems that the only ones who are not coming is the Western world. That includes such countries as the USA, Britain, Canada, France, Spain and so on and so on and so on…
What they are doing seems to be typical of the Western Empire. They are bringing supplies into center of the volcano for Zighiles work to proceed. Remember that this whole escapade is being ramrodded by the West in the first place and it looks like the desire for Zombie soldiers out weighs common sense…
From what I understand we even have a select few demigods that are going to lead the troops so to say in battle. They are Epaphus, Gilgamesh, Hanuman and Orion and being half human they have a right to interfere in our messes that we (humans) create when they feel like…
I do not know who and what they are exactly. As I do not have time to look anything or anyone up. But I do know that I will take any help I can and if they are half god who am I to complain. I just hope more come instead of these four only…
The Old Eskimo has sent a message that he has convinced his gods to help from his side of the equation and I am guessing that to mean that Indians gods of nature will be there to help also…
I had a long talk with my God, who is a God, the Lord etc. that I count as important. That might seem nuts to many people but I am a believer in God, gods or god and any form there of is all right with me. In fact after all that I have seen this last few months, I believe just about in anything anymore. So I had a long talk with God and asked for all the help that he would offer and give. I accept the fact that I am just not enough man to do this by myself and anything and anyone can step into help at anytime. A lot of people are going to die and that just is a huge weight on my back, because it seems that my country has forsaken the world and would prefer to see the world destroyed by Zombies. I guess enough of the upper echelon has plenty of protection and feel that they do not want to share all the world resources with us low life’s, but I happen to think life is pretty good and would like things to go back to Zombie-less or almost Zombie-less…
I considered that I got a response from God when I was handed a package from China! This was just before we left in the helicopter and I opened it up. It was a unbelievably beautiful two handed Chinese Broad Sword. It was from the Chinese government and with it was a note explaining that 500,000 people are coming to stand against the Zombies. At the same time we had word that Russia had opened the borders near the Kamchatka Peninsula and all who prove to desire to fight will be allowed to die with honors. That did not sound too good (die with honors), but that is what was told to me…
This is strange because I always figured that Russia would be the worst country in helping total strangers to enter her boarders…
So as we stand right now we are gathering on the east side of the volcano that I told you about yesterday and it look like we have food supplies and personnel to at least attempt a initial attack at stopping this madness…
I am writing this article from the helicopter and using the satellite system that it uses to connect to the Internet. It works from anywhere in the world and works great. I have contacted many people to help. I am calling in all favors to every government official that I can and then some on top of that. A lot of high people owe me lots of favors and now I am calling them all in. I can honestly say the ones who ignore me at this point will have to look over their shoulders for the rest of their lives if I live through this…
Now the terrible news that my daughter told me about in my dreams:
It seems that Zighile has a base inside this volcano and through my daughters eyes I got a good look at what we are up against. The base is military grade and atom bomb proof. Zighile with the help of kidnapped Saint Zombies has finalized the virus and is in the process of manufacturing it by the tons. He used my daughter and infused the Saints with her blood. He restarted the circulatory system in the Saints Zombies and after they became able to pump blood again, he has two Saint Zombies that are able to produce Zombies that reanimate even after being killed again and again and again. In other words These two Saint Zombies can activate dead bodies like in a cemetery, just like a Source Code Zombie. Such as my daughter is…
It seems from what my daughter has told me in the dream, is that she is now even more powerful than before. She has been infused with all the Zombie virus that have been created including this latest one that comes from the Saint Zombie. Before she cut off the dream, she told me that she is not scared anymore and that she will not be able to talk to me anymore. For she is almost changed to the last and final level of Zombie and with that change she will no longer be my little girl but the beginning of a superior race of Zombies that will take over the planet. The physical change has begun and when the final steps of the physical change happen in two days. Then the metamorphic and mental changes will finalize. She will be a god and nothing will be able to stand in her way. Her rebirth father is Zighile and all Zombies will worship him for their salvation on earth. For earth will now rightfully be ruled by the Source Code Zombie…
Oh yes and before she broke contact she said, “Mom says hi and go die! She is a Source Code Zombie now also!”
See I told you that was bad news and that is why I gave the good news first…
My daughter a god? How are we going to stop her and I for some reason thing that Zighile is going to infect himself with the same virus and make himself a god also…
Damn life just sucks…
I promise to write after we land and regroup. I will let you know what is happening and I really appreciate all the letters of support. I know that many of you would like to help but leaving America is no simple task. You see I realize that you can’t just gather together like most of the world can do and help. You are trapped in the borders of America. It is something that we need to take care of if we survive this Zombie issue. You see if a million people from America want to come and help then they should be able to, but crossing the US border will get you in trouble. The world is different than you see it from America, as you see we have 1,000,000 people from all over the world trying to help stop this Zombie Virus to destroy humans…
Come if you can, because I figure we have just enough to all get ourselves killed and if we had another 1,000,000 we might have a few left over. The war against the Zombies starts April 23rd…
The Zombie Source Code…
PS: Japan has sent word that they are letting 100,000 come to fight!