Well it looks like I am stupid, dumb, ignorant and a plain reject…

*** So I have caught you up to date and I will get back with you in a few days! I am writing this as I sit on the hood of the half-track. We are looking at the sign that I saw in my dreams that said Tok, Alaska! By tonight I will allow Dogg to play with Zighile Comstock head. Well at least he will have it to play with after I remove it with my bare hands. Slowly and twisting as I do it… ***

Well it looks like I am stupid, dumb, ignorant and a plain reject, as I sit contemplating life after the last 24 hours. Ben is patching me up and Dogg has gone into Totem land to heal his wounds. Ben is even tore up so bad that it took him an hour to heal and that means it was bad. We just ate a huge pepperoni pizza that we made in the local Pizza Parlor (They don’t care no more!) and sipping on a two liter of diet coke…

So what happened after I was going to put Zighile Comstock’s head on a pole then let Dogg have it to play with. Good Question and I am glad you asked…

Well we rolled  into town as quiet as a half-track could and as we rumbled down the streets we noticed that we were more than a little late. The sign said that 1258 people lived in Tok, Alaska, but it looked like 1258 Leader Zombies had taken over. Plus every grave yard in the whole country side had been activated with the risen dead…

I knew that this was Zighile Comstock’s personal army of living dead and they were the distraction he needed to get out of dodge so to speak. The fact is if it was not for some good ole boys who lived near Tetlin Junction nearby we would be dead or worse. So enough bull let me tell you a tale of 3000+ Zombies and one Mega Jolly Green Giant Zombie…

Ben made mention as we pulled into town that he felt real bad about this as in real bad. I remember Ben opened the hatch and mounted the heavy gun, then locked and loaded a whole canister of those 705 grain solid points. Dogg found himself a spot to ride on Ben’s seat and was staring out the font window…

As we hit the center of town the half-track died. I mean just quit running for no damn reason. It was like God was saying something like, “You wanted to have fun, well have fun! Next time watch your thoughts about killing people!” Ben looked down at me and screamed, “Heaven help us!” I wondered at that point if he heard God also?

The zombies came out of every door, window, nook and cranny! They came out of the ground where they had been buried long ago in the yards before cemeteries. Everywhere was Zombies and they were closing in on our half-track that decided to die in the middle of hell!

The problem that was obvious right off the bat, was that the Leader Zombies had all the risen dead in front of them. Then the Leader Zombies carried shields of steel plates to try to help protect them. Then at the edge of town in the distance could be seen – Zighile Comstock, my daughter and a mutated Zombie that made Baby Zombie look like a… Well a baby in comparison…

Ben did not need to be told to start mowing down Zombies or we die. He unleashed that 50 caliber and Zombies dropped like a hot knife slicing through butter. But I knew that ammo would not last long at this pace and I screamed to Ben to watch out for the barrel turning red from heat and warping. We had two extra barrels and I grabbed the asbestus gloves and squeezed out my hatch. I knew that it was just a few minutes before that barrel gave out. I also knew that Ben would not understand and keep firing until issues happened…

I had the Ak over my shoulder and un-slung it. I let loose clip after clip in to the Zombie crowd that was getting ready to try to climb on board the half-track. You could not miss and it was literally Zombie mayhem. I saw that Ben was loosing the big gun and I grabbed a barrel and burned the hell out of my hands even through the gloves. But I got that barrel switched and Ben almost took my head off as he swung it toward me. I still am a little deaf from that overgrown gun, blasting in such close proximity…

We kept them at bay for 20 minutes or more. It seemed like 20 hours! I switched the last barrel and last canister of shells. That was it and we had gone through 5000 rounds of ammo. Ben fired until there was no more. That is when Jolly Green Giant the Mega Zombie came running at full speed. He covered the distance like in two bounds and Ben and I fell inside the half-track. The next thing we knew we were tossed like a child’s toy and landed on our side. I grabbed my Chinese Broad sword, Ben grabbed his Samuri Sword and Dogg was sharpening his teeth on a grenade (Which by the way I grabbed and put in my pocket!) and we opened the back door and rolled out…

Pure luck we were tossed away from the pack of Zombies. That gave us the 10 seconds we needed to get up and ready. I told Ben it was nice knowing you and slapped him on the back! Ben got that face of death that he had when fighting and Dogg! Well Dogg, bless his heart! Being a totem dog, he transformed in front of our eyes into the biggest and baddest looking wolf you have ever seen. He was huge and he howled one time and the sound echoed everywhere. Then as I looked at Ben and Ben at me. Dogg ran straight into the Zombie pack. Titanium teeth and all. You could see Zombies going down left and right as Dogg shredded them to pieces…

I yelled at Ben, “Dogg needs our help!” So Ben Zombie and I charged to the fry pan, like we had God on our side and a thousand men behind us, to back us up…

The battle lasted forever and it was forever. I swear that I should have died 12 times but at the last moment I found the strength to keep going. I was covered in blood and this time it was mine and theirs. I figured that my time to be a Zombie was here because I had to be infected by now. So I was going to take out Zombies and if I changed I would still take out Zombies! Just like Ben does…

I saw out the corner of my eye that Ben went down under a mass of Zombies. I was not able to help him, as I had a multitude of Zombies attacking me. Then I saw Dogg from out of nowhere leap onto the pile of Zombies on Ben and was biting heads off left and right. Dogg was drenched in blood and I could see huge gaping wounds all over him. But he fought like a soulless rabid beast that had no fear of dying. I heard his death growls of joy as he snapped neck after neck of Leader Zombies and it was because his buddy Ben was being killed. It is at these times that I am glad Dogg is on our side…

Then into the fire pan with us appeared the Mega Jolly Green Giant Zombie. Dogg was smacked aside like a stuffed animal, Ben was stomped on like an ant and I was help up in the air like rag doll…

That was when two pickup trucks full of good ole American red necks pulled up and decided to try to help stop this onslaught of killer Zombies. They had what all good rednecks have! Beer, guns and big dogs on log chins! They unhooked the dogs, guzzled a can of beer and started to shot Zombies as fast as they could pull the triggers and reload…

I was still in the Mega Zombies hand and was being shook to death. I tried to use the grenade but just succeeded in dropping it. The overgrown Zombie was not paying attention to me at all. I still had my Chinese Broad Sword in hand. That is when I swung as hard as I could at his elbow joint. It was a bad angle but beggars can not be choosey and I took my chance…

As bullets caught the Jolly Green Giant all over his body he was not expecting to have some peon try to take his arm off. Well I did and he lost an arm. As I hit the ground his forearm and hand were still attached to me and they were not going to let go. They had a mind of there own. The hand was squeezing the life out of me…

Dogg saw what was happening and came to help, but he had to stop and kill three Zombies as they tried to kill him. I could not breath as the constriction was so tight that my lungs would not pump air. I was literally suffocating…

With my last clear vision I saw the Mega Zombie bound away and then just as everything was black spots and stars. I felt the pressure let up and I heard Dogg dragging something away. Dogg had the hand and was trying to bite the fingers off of it. I want you to realize that this was a huge hand…

I passed out and awoke two hours later, but the whole time I was in la la land I was dreaming about were my daughter was being taken. I was dreaming about fighting and was dreaming about we finally won the battle. I dreamed that I lived, Dogg lived, Ben Lived and three other guys lived…

But the Tok the Alaskan town was dead, Zighile was gone and with him he took my daughter the Zombie child. It looks like his body guard the Jolly Green Giant was gone also. Dogg stood near me as I woke up. I looked around and realized that what I dreamed had happened. I woke standing with sword dragging the ground…

Dogg converted back into Dogg and fell over asleep and then became a totem pole! At least he was still here, so I assumed that he was in Totem land…

Ben told me that I never stopped fighting and it took him a few minutes to realize that I was Possessed. It seems that my daughter had Possessed me and kept me going. This was not the first time and might not be the last time…

Well I started this article with where we are at now and I have to do some thinking’s. This is getting rough and with Zighile on the loose he is converting Zombies fast than we can kill them. This could get to epidemic proportions real quick…

So we are all right! Well as all right as can be after 3000 Zombies tried to rip us in shreds. The three men that were left went home to what was left of their life and Ben and I are going to pow wow and figure out what our next step is…

That will teach me for being stupid, dumb, ignorant and a plain reject…

Time to sleep and try to heal! I hurt and I mean I hurt real bad! I am getting way too old for doing this type of business…

Maybe – God was on our side and a thousand men behind us, to back us up…

Now I am just worrying about whether I could change to a Zombie after all the blood I was soaked it…

The Zombie Source Code!

The Noise Deep in the Old Power Plant… (Part 3)

*** Something was inside the building and from what I could hear it was not happy. Dogg looked at me as I looked at Ben. I said get ready because we are going to take our home back… ***

In the rocks near the front door of the Old Power Plant, I keep  a safety lock box. It has one of my 444 Marlin Lever action rifles in it with a box of shells. I quietly opened that box and removed the rifle and shells. It also had a wicked spiked collar for Dogg and I put in on him as it will help protect his neck and last but not least I keep my emergency two handed Chinese Broad Sword. I can cut Zombies in half and down the middle with one swipe of that sword. Ben had his Samurai Sword and I went into the building first…

The first Zombie I saw was the mayor Zombie from town. He had his back to me and was watching a whole bunch of other Zombies tear our place to bits. I noticed some changes happening to the structure of said building, but that will have to wait until later…

I raised the rifle with my left arm and said, “Adios Amigo!” (I always wanted to say that!) and blew the head off the mayor as he stood there watching the destruction. That woke the Zombies up and they started to come after us. Dogg ran through the pack of Zombies and went to the back wall and there he started to bite the Achilles tendons of the Zombies and make them fall down. Then Dogg likes to chew their heads off and then after the battle is over, he can play with the heads…

Ben waded into the crowd of Zombies slashing his sword like a helicopter blade at full speed. Ben may be a sacredy cat at times but when he has to he can tear up some Zombies and I mean bad…

I unloaded my rife into three more Zombie heads and picked up my Chinese Broad Sword. Then with a war cry, I joined the Frey to put a end to this Zombie mayhem in our home. I sliced and diced Zombies until we stood as the only victors and had successfully defended our home. Once again our home was a mess. It looked as if all the Zombies from town had been there…

Dogg came over to me as I slumped to the floor and he looked like he had been bit 10 times, but he had a head in his teeth to play with so I knew he was okay. Ben sat next to me and said, “I am getting to old for this!” I just looked at him and chuckled…

Ben’s battle wounds healed quick as he is a Leader Zombie, but Dogg and I would take a while. I was not bit or scratched but since Zombies can use weapons, I was cut up pretty bad and really was loosing a lot of blood. Ben realized this and he disappeared to get some medical supplies and bandages. Dogg and I just sat there and looked around…

Then as Ben was working on our wounds. Something noticeably started to happen to the building we were in. I yelled to get out fast and we hobbled out side and hopefully to safety. I realized that this had to do with what we had started up down stairs in the basement. (Yes the generator!)

The Old Power Plant sank into the ground and then another structure came to the surface. It was much smaller but it was made out of some type of metal. It was surrounded by a metal plate as a surface all around the building. The metal plating ground was at least a hundred meters across. In the middle was a new building. To be honest it looked rather scary. All got quiet and still after all the rumbling and shifting of the earth. It was definitely like a small earthquake…

We walked gingerly to the door and as I looked at the door I realized that the walls of this building were at least 12 feet thick steel of some type. The door had a huge wheel in the middle of it and it turned very easy. As soon as the wheel was turned twice completely around. The door clicked and started to swing open. We backed away and as the door swung open, I could see it was as thick as the walls and was mechanized powered…

Then we heard a noise outside and when we ran back outside we saw a huge wall pushing up through the ground all around the whole complex. It was made of the same steel. It was obvious that this was a fortress of some type. My answer that this was a government installation was answered with these final pieces of the puzzle. Who and what made it I have no idea but we were going to find out…

We went back inside and looked around. We found a main control area, three bedrooms and several other living quarters for play and rest. There was also a kitchen. It had stairs going down and everything was spotless. No dust, Zombies or color. It was pure shiny metal everywhere. The walls inside where as thick as the walls outside. It was a fortress..

I accepted our turn of luck and accepted that we will stay here. We had the keys and possession is nine tenths of the law. This was our weird place and I was not giving it up…

I st at chair that was permanently mounted on the floor and did thinking’s. Ben went to get food as he asked for the keys to the vehicle and Dogg was outside playing with a Zombie head that he had found somewhere…

I had to do some thinking’s! I had lost everything again but what we gained my be much more important, I also am perplexed by the desire that I had to cut the chains on that generator turbine. It is as if something took me over and made me do it. It is as if this place is tied in with the rash of Zombies that we are seeing all over the place. It also seems that there is much more to this place than we have found…

Ben came back hours later as Dogg and I had found a place to sleep. Ben had to wake us up. He had food, a laptop, dog treats and lots of other stuff. He went to WalMart and said that while there was hardly anyone in town. He did not see a Zombie (Other than himself!) anywhere. It looked like they all came with the mayor to kill us…

So I am typesetting on the new laptop and he also bought a Sim modem for internet, but I found out that we had internet through a satellite system of this new home we have. Things are getting stranger and stranger as we look around the place. This was something out of a science fiction novel and I was not sure what to think at this point. I need more information…

Then as if in answer to my inquiries, I found in one of the bedrooms a book called: Zombie Source Code Manifestations, Creations, Evolutions and Degradations – by Zighile Comstock…

I started to read…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: Next time we talk about the beginnings of the Zombie crises that is going on right now as we read this. Zombies have been around as long as man has been around, but Zombies have always been risen from the dead. Now it seems that we have a stronger, longer lived and sometimes as intelligent Zombie, Plus we have super Zombies that have powers beyond what we comprehend. I look at Ben Zombie and realize that he is superior to me…

The Noise Deep in the Old Power Plant… (Part 1)

*** Ben looked at me and said, “What was that?” I said, “That is what you, Dogg and I are going to go find out as soon as we get a good night sleep!” ***

Well Ben is back and we are happy. I never thought I would be happy about having a Zombie live with us but it seems Dogg and I are happy. We got up in the morning and Dogg reminded me that we had a noise to find! A noise deep with in the bowels of the old power plant…

Ben does not sleep and he had breakfast already for Dogg and I. Now that was treat and it looked like Ben also has been cleaning the area we live in. I guess he will be good to keep around… 🙂

Now that other Zombies can not see, hear or think what he sees or hears or thinks, life is good…

After a great breakfast of scrambled eggs and ham we got  together the weapons to go into the basement of the power plant. Ben wanted the Samurai Sword and that was it and I took my collection of ceramic machetes, the Spider Zombie was very fresh in my mind still…

Dogg grabbed his dead chicken toy and off we went… (I told him he would lose it!)

We wound down into the lower levels of the power plant and after about an hour we seemed to come to the end. It has all been explored by Dogg and I before and there just does not seem to be any lower levels. But Ben said he felt like there was. His senses which are different than a humans, are telling him that we are missing something…

The next thing I knew was that Dogg had found a soft spot in the floor. What should have been concrete was actually dirt and Dogg was digging and whining…

Ben and I looked at where Dogg was digging and helped Dogg dig. After about two feet of dirt was removed out of a square area that was 3 foot by 3 foot. We hit bottom. It felt like metal. We cleaned all the dirt out of the hole and found that we where looking at a metal door in the floor. It had a huge steel ring that was used to pull it open…

I pulled on the ring and the door did not move. But then Ben reached down and added a little help and the door came up a few inches. A stale dank odor came up from the crack that was opened and I said to get ready. I yanked as hard as I could and the door swung up and stayed open. The hinges were rusty and there was no danger of the door slamming back shut…

We peered down into the hole and all we could see was a metal ladder leading into the deep darkness. I said I forgot a flashlight and Ben said nope I brought one… 🙂

The beam from the light did very little to scare the darkness away in that hole. But I decide to descend the ladder and see what is going on at the bottom. I stated down and Dogg was really upset as he waited at the top. I got to the bottom and all I could see was a tiny white dot at the top of the ladder. I could just make out Ben’s and Dogg’s heads looking down at me. Or try to see me. I flashed the light at them to tell them I was okay…

I shined the light around and saw a switch on the wall near me. I flipped it and too my surprise lights came on. Just some lights, for many bulbs were burned out, but it made a huge difference and now I could see. I heard a noise above me and when I looked up I saw a Ben Zombie with a Dogg in one arm working his way down the ladder. Soon I was not alone anymore…

We all stared around and were discussing where to go next. Dogg seemed to think that we needed to go down a tunnel to the left. I wanted to go down the tunnel to the right and Ben decided that leaving was the best thing and started to climb the ladder. I grabbed him and said what a Zombie scared? He said. “Damn Right!”

Then at that moment a terrible rumble and moaning noise echoed through all the tunnels that we could see. Then the door at the top of the ladder slammed shut…

That just could not have happened unless someone closed it on purpose. We heard what sounded like something very heavy being pushed over top of the door. Well it sounded like we won’t get back out that way…

That is when Ben said, “We are all going to die!” I told him don’t be a doofus – Dogg and I will die, you are already dead. So no babies today and get your sword out and get ready to use it…

That is when we heard a scraping noise and Dogg let out his Zombie killing growl. I could see his titanium fangs glinting in the light…

Well that is it for today, I have got to go change some bandages on Dogg and I. Also Ben said it is time to eat. So I will finish the story tomorrow or the next day…

I am getting too old for this…

The Zombie Source Code!