Awaken the Gods Themselves… (Part 1)

*** Time to quit writing this article and I will be back. It seems that the world is at a low point and my life has reached a turning point. I will sit here patiently and listen to the chanting that I hear. It is soothing and I think that is the only reason that I am still sane. You know the sky is starting to take on a green tinge and almost looks like a field of green grass waving in the breeze. Maybe Dogg is in a better place… ***

Well this is part one of what just happened in the last 24 hours. I will only give you one clue as to what happened! I am still alive… 🙂

It all started not long after I had finished the last article. I had drifted off to sleep in a half daze, half dream state. I was awaken because all chanting stopped. As I gathered my senses about me, I realized that Ben was laying on his back, eyes staring at the sky and could not be made to respond to nothing. Then I realized that all the rest of the Eskimos were in the same state as Ben…

I got up and walked amongst the people laying all over the ground and then noticed that the old Eskimo was still rocking to his favorite tune, what ever that would be. I tried to shake him but I was unable to even budge him as he rocked. He was out, it seemed but still rocking as he was earlier…

I looked around and started to walk away and then the old Eskimo, spoke to me and I turned back to him, he said as he kept rocking, “Beware the gods! Beware the tonrar (devil)! For they are one and the same and you must stand before him! You are the warrior of the earth and must decide earths fate. So has spoken the inuksuk (beacon) of the gods!”

Then with that the old Eskimo fell over like the others and all was deathly quiet…

I walked around a minute and thought about what he just said, then I started to wander how long before the gods came? I was thinking about how long I should leave these people out in the freezing cold before they all freeze to death. My thoughts did not have long to wait…

The ground shook and the sky seemed to explode with colors of lights. It crossed my mind that more government men have come to finish what was started…

My eyes were messed up from the flashes of lights and so I grabbed my only weapon that I kept on me. My two handed Chinese Broad Sword that was strapped to my back. Just as I pulled the sword around in front of me, I was smacked off my feet by something that screamed with pain and anger at the fact that my sword is sharp as hell and was blade edge away from me. The dull backside of the blade dug into my chest and face but was not sharp enough to cut me much. I was knocked flat by what ever it was that hit me. When I could see…

I saw a man or being about 10 foot tall and he was holding his right forearm in his left hand and trying to attach it back to his right arm stump. I saw the arm start to reattach and turned to run and then what the old man had said, stopped me in my tracks. “You must stand before him!” Well I turned back around and decided to do more than stand before him! I attacked him with everything I had in me…

I plowed into this giant of a being and bowed him over. I then drive the sword through his chest and into the ground below him. He seemed to take offense to what I just did and as he screamed in pain and anger again, he smacked me 30 foot in the air and I came down hard in the snow…

I was half buried in hard snow and was struggling to get up. It seems that who ever this was (Obviously the god/devil!) decided his arm was reattached enough and came to finish me off. I realized at that second that the totem pole that was made recently, was next to me. I grabbed it with all my strength and swung it at the being that was going to kill me. It caught him at the legs and an explosion of light told me that this totem pole had some power in it…

The very top of the totem pole was where the figure of the dog was carved and it snapped off as I hit the being. I saw the dog figurine roll and disappear into the snow.  The being staggered and a look of fear came to his eyes for just a second. Then he picked me up and I grabbed the sword still stuck through his chest and held on for dear life. The more he tried to squeeze me and rip me limb from limb, the more I twisted and yanked on the blade. He froze and of course I quit twisting also. That made everyone happier at that point. I could see in his eyes that he was trying to figure his next move. Then we both heard a Zombie killing growl…

I could not turn to see who it was, but I could see a reflection in this beings extremely dark glassy eyes and I saw a four legged Dogg with titanium teeth shining in the last rays of a setting sun. Then I heard the god/devil being say, “You are not suppose to be here! It is impossible!” Then a samurai sword appeared through the being chest from behind and I was so excited that it did not dawn on me for a few seconds that the sword went into my shoulder at the same time…

I heard Ben say, “Oops!” as he quickly pulled the sword out and tried to slice the being in another spot away from me!

I passed out at that point from a trauma wound to the head, from the god/devil being slugging me in the mouth, and well – next Ben will have to tell you what happened…

Talk to you later. I will try to get Ben to write tomorrow! He has a nice Eskimo girl that seems to not care that he is a Zombie and Ben thinks she is cute. So he is rather occupied at the moment… 🙂

The Zombie Source Code…

Part 2 coming soon!

Looks like a field of green grass waving in the breeze…

*** So: I have tears in my eyes as I write this! Ben is curled up in a ball in the corner of the base and trying to gather his thoughts about all that has happened. I am just going to try to think about what the kindly old Eskimo gentleman showed us and hope for the best… ***

Ben and I sat outside most of the night and watched with awe at the Eskimo’s and their insistent chanting over the burial of Dogg. I have come to the conclusion that they are trying to save Dogg’s soul…

Ben and I just stay out of the way and I decided to write this article to give me something to do. I will be writing an article about what all happened in more detail and I really promise that I will but so much is happening right now that I do not want to miss what these Eskimo’s are up to…

So Ben and I are just watching. The Eskimo’s have made 6 replicas of Dogg and they have made 6 burial pilings. They are burying 6 more Doggs and from what we understand this is to confuse the gods and make the gods take the wrong soul and hopefully the real Dogg soul will come back to earth…

I understand that each replica has a soul of one of the men who killed Dogg and that if that soul is taken instead of Dogg’s that he will suffer greatly, because once the gods find out that they have the wrong soul, he (the wrong soul) will pay with a life of terror. No one else pays, just the false soul in place pf Dogg’s…

There are a total then, of 7 burial pilings. Seven fires burning and seven people chanting at one time. It looks like 40 or 50 Eskimo’s are here now and more arriving. This is a big deal to them and I feel rather worthless in all of this. I keep being told, just to heal and allow the gods to play their games in their ways…

This is the best that I can explain and since Ben will not speak right now and communicate with me or anyone. I will do the best that I can to surmise the situation. Ben is very upset and just stares at the burial pilings and mumbles to himself. I sense that Ben has a lot of healing inside to do and that will take time…

So for now the chanting of the Eskimo’s goes on and has lasted all night. They take turns in chanting and each one chants for hours at a time. The old Eskimo man who took Dogg sits alone in the snow and rocks back and forth as if in tune to a silent song that only he can hear. His lips move but no sound is uttered. He sits with his eyes closed and several women look after him as he rocks…

I am understanding after being told by the girl that takes care of me, that he is with Dogg in the green grass field of the ancestors. He is trying to help Dogg make a decision about the afterlife…

Also off to the side of this whole burial going on is a man who appeared a few hours ago. He brought with him a long narrow log of what is called saint wood. He seems to be carving a totem pole and one of the animals in the pole is a dog. There is a bear, wolf, feline, human and dog all on one pole. It looks like he will be done in a few hours…

One more day they say and we will know what is going to happen…

So I sit here and drink a wonderful coffee type drink made by the girls who watch over us. It has a taste of hazelnut with a touch of chicory and a splash of green tea. It seems to heal the soul and brighten the day. Ben just sits and stares and will not acknowledge anything. Ben seems to be in the same field as the old Eskimo and trying to save Dogg also. If you look into Ben’s eyes, you can almost see the green grass waving in the breeze…

Will Dogg come back? Can Dogg come back? Does Dogg want to come back? I feel bad because I was not able to save Dogg and inside I hurt and fell it is my fault. We had a terrible battle and while we killed 200 men on one side we lost Dogg!

Just maybe I should have stayed out of all of this Zombie stuff and lived my life, ignorant like the rest of the world to what is happening. I seem to have lost my family as it was and most likely never will be back whole again and now I lost Dogg. My little girl and wife are lost souls in the voids of space and time and now I seem to be seeing Dogg’s soul travel the same path…

All I ever want in life is to have my life back. I would love to see my girl swinging on her swing and my wife telling us dinner is ready. I would like to see Dogg running after squirrels again and chasing rabbits for joy and fun…

Time to quit writing this article and I will be back. It seems that the world is at a low point and my life has reached a turning point. I will sit here patiently and listen to the chanting that I hear. It is soothing and I think that is the only reason that I am still sane. You know the sky is starting to take on a green tinge and almost looks like a field of green grass waving in the breeze…

Maybe Dogg is in a better place…

The Zombie Source Code…

We bury Dogg – Eskimo Style……

*** Talk to you later. Ben says, “You will hear my war cry as I enter the fight today, even from where you are reading this article. Just listen carefully and you will hear the cry’s of the damned! The one’s damned for hurting Dogg…” ***

I have tears in my eyes as I write this! Ben is curled up in a ball in the corner of the base and trying to gather his thoughts about all that has happened. I am just going to try to think about what the kindly old Eskimo gentleman showed us and hope for the best…

True to Ben’s words as we stepped into the last round of this battle. He made the ones left alive suffer for what they did to Dogg. They had chopped Dogg into pieces and tried to burn the parts. When I found Dogg’s remains I gathered all I found and wrapped him up in a blanket. Ben screamed a blood curdling scream and finished by himself what the government guys had started…

The whole story later after we are done here. I promise…

Now about the Eskimo guy…

I had carried Dogg’s body out of the building and was surprised by an elderly gentleman that was standing surveying the damage and destruction. His eyes alighted upon the bundle that I carried and his face darkened with deep concern. It was as if he knew what was wrapped up in my arms. I had stopped walking and was staring at the Eskimo and felt some sort of power emanating from this man. He walked up to me and held out his hands and wanted to take Dogg…

For some reason I gave Dogg to him without question and he walked away with our Zombie killing Dogg. That was when tears started to run down my face and I could not stop them. I also heard the last scream and cry of a man dying at the hands of Ben. Ben stepped out from the building and I have to tell you he was a mess. I would say a hundred bullet holes and he was soaked in blood. Not all his I may add…

Ben watched as I did as the old Eskimo walked away from us. We looked at each other and together we followed the man. That is when we silently watched the old Eskimo put the pieces of Dogg back together and stitched all parts together the best he could. He was so kind and gentle with the body. Then as Ben and I stood silent and watched a dozen more Eskimos came and surrounded the old guy. They then built a burial grave on pilings out in the open field. Dogg was laid to rest by the Eskimo’s and then they started a ritual that is only known to them. Ben and I looked on and finally we had enough! I was bleeding to death and Ben was ready to drop from exhaustion…

Later the old Eskimo found us in the building that we had taken refuge in. I had built a fire and dragged all the bodies outside to be frozen by the harsh Alaskan Winter. He spoke very good English and touched us both on the heads. As he touched us he said something in his language and we could feel some of the pain leave us. In our minds appeared a message in a video form. It was of Dogg running and playing in a field of green grass. I also understood that we are to wait and be patient until whatever it is that he is doing is done. ???

Two Eskimo girls have stayed with us and fixed food and cleaned the place up. They cleaned our wounds and fixed us a place to sleep. They told us in broken English that we must be good for 2 days! The energies of evil need time to disperse and be propagated properly by the energies of good. They said Dogg is running the fields of his ancestors and only the gods can decide what happens now…

I promise to get back and I have called Vitaly of Death and found out that he is in Anchorage and told me to do what I am told. He said that powers of the Indians are very strong and that this Eskimo has been sent to help us. We must do as we are told. Vitaly of Death said that he is fine and will wait until we get there…

So: I have tears in my eyes as I write this! Ben is curled up in a ball in the corner of the base and trying to gather his thoughts about all that has happened. I am just going to try to think about what the kindly old Eskimo gentleman showed us and hope for the best…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: I had a vision that my governmental group that I work with, turned coated on me. That they are the ones that sent the agents on us. Remember I called and talked to them not long ago and they are the only ones who could have known to try to kill us. Time to do some thinking’s…

The Government Trying to Stop us From Stopping Zighile Comstock…

*** Funny a military jet just screamed by at a very low altitude and scared me to death. It broke the sound barrier way too low and that just shook the earth. Oops – I gotta go! Dogg just came up to the half-track and he is frantic and trying to get me to go with him. Problems? Government? Zombies? Ben? I will get back as soon as I can… ***

Hey world! I am still alive and so is Ben! But Dogg can’t be found… (We have an idea where he is at!)

Everything is rather fuzzy at this point and I am not sure what individuals are to blame for all that has happened in the last week. But I do know what government agency is behind all of this crap and that is the USA government and Ben, Dogg and I just spent a week killing government agents by the hundreds. I do know that we have about 24 hours to find Dogg and get out of Dodge, so to speak…

So this will be a short entry as Ben and I are working out plans to attack the last strong hold of the government dicks, that caused all this. There are about 25 men still left, held up in a government military base that Ben just happened to have to stop by and take a piss near. As you remember Dogg came and got me and that is when all hell broke loose…

To make a very long story short and I promise to catch you all up on what has happened, if we live through the next 24 hours and get on a freighter to Russia. Now it is time to blow a hole in the electric fence that is protecting 25 men who shot Dogg full of so many holes that I can see no possible way he lived. Lets hope Dogg is alive somewhere in the base and lets hope that we make it ourselves. I hope a totem dog is really tough…

One thing that is fact! We have discovered the money source behind the Zombie program and we have discovered why! The whole program is definitely a continuation of the original WWI program that the Germans tried to create indestructible War Zombies and Zighile Comstock is the key to the success…

The money source is a huge secrete government agency that is financing and protecting Zighile. My sources are much smaller and weaker but no less determined to stop this madness that threatens the world. That is why once we clear this area of living government bodies, then we will be able, with luck to get to Russia. It is funny (Not Ha Ha Ha funny!) how one government agency will kill off another agency in attempt to survive. I just happen to be working for the least of the evil of government agencies… 🙂

I promise if I Ben and I live, that we will catch everyone up on what is happening. I may have to be careful from now on about telling you all where we will be going exactly. I do not want to get the whole world involved in being wiped out by some scum agents. This has turned out to be very interesting and very deadly. Ben is pissed right now and he is ready to go get Dogg. Dogg is Ben’s buddy as well as mine and we fight to the death for each other…

Talk to you later. Ben says, “You will hear my war cry as I enter the fight today, even from where you are reading this article. Just listen carefully and you will hear the cry’s of the damned! The one’s damned for hurting Dogg…”

Guess he is pissed. I know I am… ;(

The Zombie Source Code!

PS: 24 hours! Either I will be back or you will never hear from us again…

Life is a Bowl of Cherries – Then you find a pit…

*** Gakona, Alaska is coming up soon and we are going to stop! Maybe they have a pizza parlor there!  That dream freaked me out. I remember now though and once I eat and rest again, I will tell you what happened after Zighile drug me into his lab. Talk to you later and don’t let the Zombies bite… ***

No pizza but a great cafe that had some wonderful meatloaf and brown gravy, plus some homemade bread! Yummy for the tummy! Ben insisted on driving as we left town and we also stopped at a gun store. A little extra cash and I picked up a riot 12 gauge shotgun with a 30 round drum clip. We also bought a case of buckshot shotgun shells in 12 gauage and Ben found a razor sharp Bowie Knife. We stopped also at a little pet market and picked up Dogg some rubber squeaky chickens to keep him busy. I am not going to allow him to carry a Zombie head all the way to Anchorage…

I am just glad that things were normal in Gakona and we did not have to burn it down also like so many times we have to do lately to towns that are infected. People might start to get the wrong idea about us after awhile if things did not turn normal once in awhile…

The trip has been pretty uneventful and that usually means that something bad will happen before long. But I am going to try to ignore that sinking feeling that I get in my stomach. maybe the meatloaf was not all that good after all!

We have seen bears, wolves and foxes. They all are constantly moving away from us and no hanging around to say hi! Dogg wanted to go chase them but I said no! 🙂

Right now we are stopped on the side of the trail we call a road and Ben and Dogg went to the trees not far away to do the call of nature. Actually Dogg doesn’t care if anyone watches, but Ben cares. I just noticed that there looks like a old home deep in the trees and it sorta looks like it is collapsing. I see now that there is a big truck all rusting a way at the edge of the trees. Typical country setting. Life leaves and what is left rots away slowly…

So after we stopped and I got bored sitting and waiting, I decided to write a little bit and tell everyone what is happening. They have been gone almost too long and I am starting to worry…

Funny a military jet just screamed by at a very low altitude and scared me to death. It broke the sound barrier way too low and that just shook the earth…

Oops – I gotta go! Dogg just came up to the half-track and he is frantic and trying to get me to go with him…

Problems? Government? Zombies? Ben? I will get back as soon as I can…

The Zombie Source Code!

Stryker has an Awakening…

*** Vitaly told me get to Anchorage and get a ship lined out and when he gets there he will tell me how he will get us into Russia. He would know, for he is Russian you know… ***

I awoke from a nightmare and it took a few minutes to realize where I was. It seems that since the last injection of that blue fluid that they just gave me, my past has even become much more clear to me. It seems that I am remembering even more than I had before…

I had fallen a sleep like I said that I would, after getting a bite to eat. The nightmare started out as a nice dream and my daughter and wife were in it. My daughter was playing on her special tire swing that I had made for her and it was where she spent a lot of time swinging in the summer. Then My wife came out of the house and she was smiling as she always did when she saw me working in the yard and our little girl swinging. Then the dream turned dark and the sky clouded over. My wife faded away and my little girl was gone from the swing. In fact the tire swing was still there and was swinging back and forth, but my girl was gone. Then a sharp crack of thunder and a brilliant flash of light happened and I was in a room, barely able to breath as I was gasping from these terrible chemicals that just made my skin feel as if it was on fire. I could see myself soaked in all kinds of blue, green, yellow, red, black, brown and clear liquids…

Then I remember a florescent light fixture fell from the ceiling. It was turned on and it hit the floor right next to me. The wires just pulled out of the ceiling tiles and never broke and I could feel the electric current flow through the liquids that were soaked all over me and I was in puddles of the liquids on the floor. I remember laying like that for days before the wires finally burned through. I laid in these huge puddles of mixed liquids and electric current flowed through me and back into the puddles. It was not until the puddles had been boiled away by the current that the wires finally gave out…

I remember seeing a framed mirror that had fallen off the wall and was laying so that I could see myself in it…

I was black and charbroiled looking! I looked bad but then the surface of my skin hardened into a shell and I was unable to even attempt to move, at all. I lay like this for what I found out later, two years…

I do not understand how I survived two years but it seems that I was in a stasis field that was created by the electrical current and the mixture of chemicals. It was a self regenerating field that fed off the natural energies of the earth and since I was laying on steel reinforced concrete that had been eaten away by the mixture of chemicals and other things. I was effectively kept alive by multiples of combinations of occurrences that never should have happened…

In stead of dying I laid there able to just glimpse an image of myself in a broken mirror and I spent my time in a hibernation state that kept me alive. I remember going stark raven mad as I was unable to move in anyway as I was locked in a cocoon of sorts…

I just woke a few minutes ago screaming as my dream showed me someone had found me in this room locked in like a prisoner teetering on the edge of death for two years. Going crazier by the day and unable to do a thing about it. I woke from my dream as the realization of the first person that found me was none other but Zighile Comstock himself and I remember he had a hammer and was cracking the burnt, blackened and charbroiled shell of of me. I remember Zighile saying…

“Now I have the missing piece of the puzzle” and he said, “My My Mr. Stryker! I will fix you up as good as new!” and then he said, “Your daughter will be my greatest achievement, even greater than your wife…”

I woke from the nightmare as he was ripping huge chunks of the shell off of me and I was screaming from the pain as skin that had not been exposed for two years became touched by air finally…

Ben freaked out and Dogg tried to hide as I sat up and covered in sweat and was visibly shaking badly…

I realized that it was the truth as to what happened and then as I was starting to calm down, I heard in my mind, “Help me daddy! He is cutting me again! He has mommy now also! Help me daddy…”

My wife and daughter are both alive? What is going on with this world and what do I have to do to stop this madness? I told Ben all that happened in my dreams…

Gakona, Alaska is coming up soon and we are going to stop! Maybe they have a pizza parlor there! 🙂

That dream freaked me out. I remember now though and once I eat and rest again, I will tell you what happened after Zighile drug me into his lab… 🙁

Talk to you later and don’t let the Zombies bite…

The Zombie Source Code!

Tick “Tok” Alaska – No More…

*** Talk to you in a few days and I will give more information about things that are happening. Oh and it is time to bring my friend that I talked about earlier, into this action. We need a new partner that has contacts beyond my level of expertise. He knows Russian as he was born in Russia and he is a martial art expert. He is the one that helped me when no one else would or could… ***

Well we are on the road again and Ben is driving right now! Ben say’s “Hi!” Dogg say’s “Bow Wow!”

Just get a out a map of Alaska and find highway 1 and you will find Anchorage at one end and Tok at the other. That is where you will find us for the next few days! Traveling one of the few roads in Alaska, but it leads us to where we need to go and that is all that counts…

I made a few calls and explained how all the men died and I got a lot of disbelief at the other end of the phone line. I told them to bring a clean up crew because the town is dead on arrival. Ben and I put official quarantine signs up on the town borders and from the looks of it, no one will bother things. Word spreads fast and even if the population is sparse, the gossip is thick. All other humans know that hell broke loose in Tok and they will stay away for a while. Ben, Dogg and I made sure that we burned the town down so that there would not be a chance of the Zombie Virus spreading. We drove through town and tossed some of the thousands of fire grenades into windows and such, that we had access to since we had run of the town and its National Guard supplies. No one lived to miss anything and once again we watched the flames as we drove off and I noticed in silence, that towns are burned to the ground after we leave… 🙂

Not sure what will happen if we have to kill a whole city! But if we can get to Zighile soon enough in Russia! Siberia will be a great place to have a last stand so to speak. Desolate and cold as hell. Maybe the Eskimos will have resistance to the virus like American Indians seem to have?

That seems to be the goal, a last stand at the Zombie corral in Siberia. That way we can cover this mess up once and for all. But until then we have to plan how to catch him and get my daughter back…

My friend is going to meet us in Anchorage, Alaska and he is bringing his dog, a huge Asiatic Mastiff and I mean that is one big bad dog. He is about 150lbs and 35inches tall. He has paws as big as my hand. He is trained to kill Zombies also and I look forward to having him working with my Dogg. I have yet to see if Dogg will be happy about this and remember that Dogg can shift-change. But Dogg is only a little guy normally and he weighs about 15 kilos or 35lbs…

My friend does not know about Ben yet and as my friend hates Zombies this should be interesting…

Oh as I end this today, because I am tired and going to eat a bite and sleep while Ben drives these desolate roads of Alaska, I thought I would tell you my friends name! He calls himself – Vitaly of Death! When you see him in action you will know why he calls himself that! He carries a Medieval War Sword with an overall length of 41” and he knows how to use it. I told him about the Spider Zombie and what it was able to do to regular steel and he said don’t worry that his is not regular steel…

Vitaly told me get to Anchorage and get a ship lined out and when he gets there he will tell me how he will get us into Russia. He would know, for he is Russian you know…

The Zombie Source Code!

I guess it is time to come clean…

*** I will only say that Stryker has a plan and he saw many dreams. I was correct in that I figured that Zighile went to a port and left the country. Stryker will also will not say who or what he is. I asked him about the blue liquid and he just says, “Later!” Maybe he does not really know. So “later!” as Stryker says… ***

Hey everyone, this is Stryker!

It looks like I need to come clean with what is going on. I started this whole diary thing to try to get information out about the Zombie threat that is taking over the world. Well with thousands of readers now, that has become a huge force of people that want the truth. Everyone says that they can not trust me until I tell them what I am and who I am…

So after eating some pizza and doing some thinking’s! I guess that since everyone including Ben and Dogg want to know that truth about me, let me tell you a little story today. This story kinda goes along with everything that is happening…

Lets start with my blood type: AB Rhesus Negative makes me one of about only 6 % of the population in the whole world that has this blood type. This has something to do with what I have become. It seems that this blood type has immense resistance to the Zombie Virus…

I in particular have been infected about twenty times with the Zombie Virus and it has altered my genetic structure to the point that I could actually be classified as not human. Hence the tie in with why they want my daughter…

If you remember that I told you that my daughter had America Indian blood in her and that is the million dollar deal when an American Indian and a AB Rhesus Negative white male mixed and had a child. This child has super abilities that come from government alterations of genetic codes and such…

I went through a rough period of time and bad depression due to my family being killed and now that I find that my daughter (Or what is left of her is alive!) I have to do what it takes to change this whole world and not allow us to become a Zombified World. The fact is that my little girl is the Source Code Zombie and she is very powerful but totally under control of a mad man call Zighile Comstock…

So lets get back on track about me! Oh by the way my daughter is called “Morning Star” she was named that because on her day of birth there was a star in the early morning that still shown bright right after she was born. Indians name their children under conditions such as what you see when the child is born…

I am not a Zombie but I am not all human! Many many years ago I stumbled upon a lab of government scientists that were doing experiments on humans of Bask decent! These experiments were inhuman and the situation was one that I could not walk away after I discovered it. I was told to walk away by my superiors and if I had, maybe my family would still be alive. I was trapped in a room, after I killed the scientists and what ever chemicals, viruses and drugs that were in that room and had been spilled by the fight, soaked into my skin and lungs and into every pore of my being. I feel that it even changed my soul. I was trapped in this underground room for two years. I do not remember what happened in those two years and I woke up in a hospital and could remember nothing about my past for years after that…

Everything came back to me and it was during this time frame that I found out that my family was dead. It is hard to explain and since I could trust no one in the government. I had a rough time of getting back my memory. I had no one to talk to. I could not decipher past from truth and lies. As a memory came to me I could not be sure if it was real…

I finally communicated with a friend that found me by chance and he took me to his home hidden in the rain forests deep in South America. This is the point of time that reality started to separate from fiction…

Too make a long story short and keep me from dealing with all the horrors of the past again! I will say that with patience and time I regrouped and become who I am today…

I am faster, stronger and more enduring than any human possibly could be. I am not smarter as that is not what the experiments that I walked in on with the Bask decent people was about. I was genetically changed physically and as such I can fight beyond death it self if need be. I do not age anymore and I understand that I will live forever. But I can die…

The blue liquid they gave me is a chemical compound that they keep trying to use on me to take me back to only pure human form. I never told them that they were messed up and every time they do that too me they make me stronger. I always act like it is a terrible thing to do and that makes government people happy and they keep doing what they think hurts you. That is why I told Ben to call them because they are predictable and I knew that they would try to turn me off, so to say! I guess the cat is out of the bag now, but after this last shot it looks like I have finished mutating…

I showed Ben what has happened to me and as I talked to him I moved so fast that he did not see me move and I ended up behind him still talking to him. It scared him to death as he never saw me move. Yes this last shot supercharged me and that is what I was hoping for as they kept experimenting on me all these years…

Now lets end that boring talk and talk about what is going to happen from this point. My daughter has talked to me in my dreams and it seems that they are now in Russia. It seems that they went to a seaport in Anchorage, Alaska and bribed their way onto a sailing ship headed to Russia. So that is next stop…

Dogg is fully recovered and it looks like Ben the Zombie is fully recovered. I feel good and we are going to raid this town and restock on supplies. Ben told you about the sweet half-track that the government is letting us use! And we are going to leave tomorrow to Anchorage!

We need a boat and we need to get to Russia. This should be interesting as Ben, Dogg or I do not speak any Russian. Russia is one huge huge country and getting lost in Russia looks easy. Zighile is a smart man and seems to be one step ahead of us at every turn. If we do not stop him it seems that he will turn the world into a Zombied World and that just will not be correct…

I like the world as it is…

Talk to you in a few days and I will give more information about things that are happening. Oh and it is time to bring my friend that I talked about earlier, into this action. We need a new partner that has contacts beyond my level of expertise. He knows Russian as he was born in Russia and he is a martial art expert. He is the one that helped me when no one else would or could…

You will meet him later as I write some more. I am hungry again. I think a huge pizza is in order before we leave this town… 🙂

The Zombie Source Code!

Stryker Awakes…

*** Well with that I hear a plane coming from the South! Looks like our guest from the government are coming and soon Dogg and I will hide to watch from a safe spot. I hate to leave Stryker alone but I think that we won’t do Stryker any good if we are all captured. Yes I do not trust the government and never will. But I do trust Stryker and he said to call. I hope to write again… ***

Well this is Ben and Dogg again. As I said the last time that I wrote, Dogg and I were going to hide and hide we did. It is a good thing that we did and a good thing we stayed to watch what was happening…

Dogg and I watched a group of twenty men in sealed suits against germs and viruses. They had their own oxygen even. These men came gingerly into the room that I had placed Stryker and they checked the room thoroughly to see who else was around. Dogg and I were quiet as a mouse and watched everything with interest. The suits they wore really hindered them in checking things out and these same suits would make life very difficult for them before long…

They surrounded Stryker after they checked the room and that is when things got interesting…

I saw one inject Stryker with a bright blue fluid in a syringe. As soon as that was done is when I heard a noise that could only be one thing. There was gun shots outside and screams then a big ugly bad Zombie ripped the door off the building and made a much bigger hole coming through the door…

Then all hell broke loose and as Dogg and I watched twenty government people were ripped limb from limb by a Jolly Green Giant Zombie that had grown a hand back. It was no contest and the only way to get out of the room was through the Zombie and out the hole he had made in the wall. No one succeeded…

When he was done killing government personnel he turned to Stryker laying on the table I had left him on. Then as he bent over Stryker he started to sniff the air and he raised his head up sniffing. I knew right then he had smelled us as we were hiding…

This was not good because the only way out was once again through him and the results did not seem to be in our favor at this point. He started to walk toward our hiding place and was sniffing the air the whole time. Dogg started to growl and I saw him shaft-changing to a huge wolf in anticipation of a fight. His growl took on an insane roar as the Giant Zombie pin pointed our position and started to tear the wall apart that we were hiding behind. It was solid steel reinforced concrete and he was make it crumble like it was made of paper…

I had my sword and was ready to leap as soon as the wall was cleared far enough and Dogg was crouched to do the same. Titanium teeth flashed in the dim light that reached us…

Then everything got quiet! The Zombie fell over dead and or well I should say he fell over in two pieces. One half fell one way and the other half fell the other way. As the pieces of his body hit the ground I saw a Stryker lay back down on the table and went back to sleep…

Dogg and I looked at each other like, “What the Hell!” Then we climbed out of the mess that the Zombie had made and walked over to Stryker. Strykers Two Handed Chinese Broad Sword lay all bloody on the ground and Stryker was out cold. In fact he was ice cold to the touch…

Not knowing what else to do we decided to go outside and get some fresh air. We also wanted to see what kind of vehicles that these government guys brought and we also needed to get out of that room of death. We were afraid to touch Stryker for fear of what response we would get. I mean he just cut that Jolly Green Giant Zombie down the middle like it was nothing and went calmly back to sleep…

Dogg changed back into Dogg and we stood in awe at the wonderful government half-track vehicle that they had brought us. Well they could not use it anymore and we sure could. It even had two machine guns mounted on it… 🙂

We looked around and saw several dead soldiers that the Zombie had killed before coming inside the building.

Dogg decided to go find a rabbit or something to play with and I went back inside to check on Stryker. After I checked him over and decided that it was safe to carry him. I took him to another building and fired up the heat. I decided that I needed to get him warm because he was definitely colder than death itself…

Then I called Dogg after going outside and Dogg and I went to the local pizza place and made a pizza then another pizza. I have such a craving for pizza since being changed into a Zombie. I ate pizza and Dogg ate the crusts. Dogg and I stayed in the pizza place for almost 24 hours, because we were not sure what to do.I would go check on Stryker from time to time and make sure he was warm enough…

After the twentieth pizza, Dogg and I heard the bell on the front door of the pizza place! That is when I heard a familure voice, “I knew I would find you two here munching on pizza! Is there enough for me also?”

OMG – I said! Dogg said, “Bow Wow!”

Dogg leaped in Strykers arms and I ran to hug him! Stryker is really back and he seems okay? The smile on his face made everything okay…

So I will let Stryker write the next article. I am not really good at this writing stuff and prefer Stryker to be the one to tell you what is happening.

I will only say that Stryker has a plan and he saw many dreams. I was correct in that I figured that Zighile went to a port and left the country. Stryker will also will not say who or what he is. I asked him about the blue liquid and he just says, “Later!” Maybe he does not really know…

So “later!” as Stryker says…

Ben Zombie
The Zombie Source Code!

This is Ben Zombie: Stryker Very Sick…

*** Time to sleep and try to heal! I hurt and I mean I hurt real bad! I am getting way too old for doing this type of business. Maybe – God was on our side and a thousand men behind us, to back us up. Now I am just worrying about whether I could change to a Zombie after all the blood I was soaked it… ***

This is Ben the Zombie: I am writing this because Stryker is very sick. There is a government team of specialist coming to Tok, Alaska to see what they can do. Dogg spends all his time whimpering and I feel the same as Dogg…

After the last entry that Stryker made in the journal that you are reading he collapsed and went into a coma like state of being. I had been told to call certain numbers if something happened to him and I guess that this qualifies as something…

That triggered the government coming to check things out! I guess that Stryker is pretty important and high up in the government and it seems that he has only told people a tiny bit of what his past is with the government. I am starting to understand that things are not what they seem around Stryker. I am not saying that he lies intentionally to fool you, but I am going to say that he skirts the truth in favor of the lessor of the two evils. I am starting to see where his daughter comes into play in this whole situation…

I know from being a doctor in my past life that as bad as his injuries are, that he should have been dead before the battled ended. I look at Dogg and see genetic altercations in him also. Yes I am implying that Stryker is not all human or if he is human he is a genetically modified human. I am now wondering if he understands this prospect?

Dogg and I have come to an understanding that when the government people come we are hiding away from then. We have a bad feeling about this whole thing and we do not trust the government at all, but I have a feeling that only the government can solve what is wrong with Stryker…

I am going to keep this updated for Stryker and for you guys who are reading. I don’t want you to think we are all dead. So I am doing some thinking’s and am going to jot these thoughts down…

1. Stryker killed 60% of the 3000+ Zombies. That just ain’t human if you ask me! With what I am seeing from examining him he just may not be all human. What he is I do not know! But I hope that he does not get mad for me mentioning this…

2. Dogg changed into a Wolf or even almost classified as a werewolf. I know Dogg is a totem dog and it seems that we have a huge input of American Indian into this situation and story. Dogg is what is called a legendary shift-changer and I am not sure what else he is capable of. Dogg killed 30% of the Zombies. That means everyone else including me killed 10% of the Zombies. Couple of Bad-asses if you ask me. And once again, not human and not real animal…

3. I am worried that Stryker is infected. It is not the same as with me as when I was infected, but Stryker is not normal, as I was before infection. It is the only thing that I can put into the equation that has happened and I guess we will see as the story unfolds…

4. Stryker keeps talking about the effect that his little girl is having on him mentally. This means that a bond is shared by them and it seems to be limited by distance, except when he dreams. But this is a new occurrence and started at the Old Power Plant era…

5. I feel another Zombie in this town and I also seem to understand that we are missing a Zombie with its forearm cut off. I do not see anyway that humongous Zombie could have flown out of this town as we saw a small Cessna plane take off after all this last battle happened. I have feelings that they have gone to the nearest seaport to escape the country. Where I do not know. That leaves a killer Zombie still at loose…

6. It also is time to take the metal plate out of my head because at this point we are being hindered by my lack of communication with Zombies than we are by trying to hide from the Zombies. It seems that Stryker was correct! We have to move forward in an offensive motion as being defensive only allows then to build a bigger army. The army of the undead is not willing and nor asked to volunteer. They are recruited as fast as they come in contact with Zighile Comstock…

Well with that I hear a plane coming from the South! Looks like our guest from the government are coming and soon Dogg and I will hide to watch from a safe spot. I hate to leave Stryker alone but I think that we won’t do Stryker any good if we are all captured. Yes I do not trust the government and never will…

But I do trust Stryker and he said to call. I hope to write again…

Ben Zombie!

The Zombie Source Code…