Awaken the Gods Themselves… (Part 1)

*** Time to quit writing this article and I will be back. It seems that the world is at a low point and my life has reached a turning point. I will sit here patiently and listen to the chanting that I hear. It is soothing and I think that is the only reason that I am still sane. You know the sky is starting to take on a green tinge and almost looks like a field of green grass waving in the breeze. Maybe Dogg is in a better place… ***

Well this is part one of what just happened in the last 24 hours. I will only give you one clue as to what happened! I am still alive… 🙂

It all started not long after I had finished the last article. I had drifted off to sleep in a half daze, half dream state. I was awaken because all chanting stopped. As I gathered my senses about me, I realized that Ben was laying on his back, eyes staring at the sky and could not be made to respond to nothing. Then I realized that all the rest of the Eskimos were in the same state as Ben…

I got up and walked amongst the people laying all over the ground and then noticed that the old Eskimo was still rocking to his favorite tune, what ever that would be. I tried to shake him but I was unable to even budge him as he rocked. He was out, it seemed but still rocking as he was earlier…

I looked around and started to walk away and then the old Eskimo, spoke to me and I turned back to him, he said as he kept rocking, “Beware the gods! Beware the tonrar (devil)! For they are one and the same and you must stand before him! You are the warrior of the earth and must decide earths fate. So has spoken the inuksuk (beacon) of the gods!”

Then with that the old Eskimo fell over like the others and all was deathly quiet…

I walked around a minute and thought about what he just said, then I started to wander how long before the gods came? I was thinking about how long I should leave these people out in the freezing cold before they all freeze to death. My thoughts did not have long to wait…

The ground shook and the sky seemed to explode with colors of lights. It crossed my mind that more government men have come to finish what was started…

My eyes were messed up from the flashes of lights and so I grabbed my only weapon that I kept on me. My two handed Chinese Broad Sword that was strapped to my back. Just as I pulled the sword around in front of me, I was smacked off my feet by something that screamed with pain and anger at the fact that my sword is sharp as hell and was blade edge away from me. The dull backside of the blade dug into my chest and face but was not sharp enough to cut me much. I was knocked flat by what ever it was that hit me. When I could see…

I saw a man or being about 10 foot tall and he was holding his right forearm in his left hand and trying to attach it back to his right arm stump. I saw the arm start to reattach and turned to run and then what the old man had said, stopped me in my tracks. “You must stand before him!” Well I turned back around and decided to do more than stand before him! I attacked him with everything I had in me…

I plowed into this giant of a being and bowed him over. I then drive the sword through his chest and into the ground below him. He seemed to take offense to what I just did and as he screamed in pain and anger again, he smacked me 30 foot in the air and I came down hard in the snow…

I was half buried in hard snow and was struggling to get up. It seems that who ever this was (Obviously the god/devil!) decided his arm was reattached enough and came to finish me off. I realized at that second that the totem pole that was made recently, was next to me. I grabbed it with all my strength and swung it at the being that was going to kill me. It caught him at the legs and an explosion of light told me that this totem pole had some power in it…

The very top of the totem pole was where the figure of the dog was carved and it snapped off as I hit the being. I saw the dog figurine roll and disappear into the snow.  The being staggered and a look of fear came to his eyes for just a second. Then he picked me up and I grabbed the sword still stuck through his chest and held on for dear life. The more he tried to squeeze me and rip me limb from limb, the more I twisted and yanked on the blade. He froze and of course I quit twisting also. That made everyone happier at that point. I could see in his eyes that he was trying to figure his next move. Then we both heard a Zombie killing growl…

I could not turn to see who it was, but I could see a reflection in this beings extremely dark glassy eyes and I saw a four legged Dogg with titanium teeth shining in the last rays of a setting sun. Then I heard the god/devil being say, “You are not suppose to be here! It is impossible!” Then a samurai sword appeared through the being chest from behind and I was so excited that it did not dawn on me for a few seconds that the sword went into my shoulder at the same time…

I heard Ben say, “Oops!” as he quickly pulled the sword out and tried to slice the being in another spot away from me!

I passed out at that point from a trauma wound to the head, from the god/devil being slugging me in the mouth, and well – next Ben will have to tell you what happened…

Talk to you later. I will try to get Ben to write tomorrow! He has a nice Eskimo girl that seems to not care that he is a Zombie and Ben thinks she is cute. So he is rather occupied at the moment… 🙂

The Zombie Source Code…

Part 2 coming soon!