The Start of the Zombie War for us… (Part 1)

I learned that things can be very tricky and I have to teach myself to train my thoughts, if I do not want to end up in the heart of a burning sun, somewhere in the universe…

I was thinking to myself about how I wish that we were near a planet that had a Zombie War of the Gods going on. I was deep in thought and was imagining a planet that we could use to practice on. A planet with oxygen and water of course. Then the next thing that I knew…

I felt this topsy turvy feeling in my stomach and felt like throwing up. Then as I was looking out of the view port again, after feeling better. I realized that earth was gone and another planet that had water but was red in color was staring me in the face…

I said, “WTF and damn!” Then a voice from my new girl Prometheus said, “Did I do something wrong?” Then she said, “You wished very hard to go to a planet and fight Zombie Gods…” I had to admit that I was doing, but to be suddenly taken to a planet and not even blink an eye hardly, was a weird experience…

The others appeared near me and were asking what happened. For everyone felt the same way as I did. Space travel made us feel sick and some threw up!

I raised my hand for silence and asked Prometheus, “Where are we?”

She replied, “A small planet that fits your description and it is called Ortenial, by English letters”

I said, “Oh!”

Ben said something like, “Looks like we just transverse space! Prometheus how far are we from our earth?”

The answer just made us all squeamish in out places. Prometheus answered that we were 2367 light years from earth… (Huh?)

We sat in the orbit of the planet try to get our bearings. It seems that most of our entity stayed at earth and has not caught up to the rest of us yet. Kinda like we transferred too far too fast, as we are not use to it yet…

I told Prometheus that as soon as we are settled down, I need to have a private talk with her about responding to my thoughts. Heaven forbid if I thought about going to the center of a sun or something. Prometheus assured me that a sun can not harm her. I will have to take her word on that, because I really do not want to find out…

Then as we all were discussing the situation in the board/dinning/meeting room I told you about earlier. Prometheus calmly proclaimed that a nasty, drooling, huge, wickedly ugly, very powerful and exceedingly bad attitude Zombie God was standing on our command bridge screaming bloody murder…

That is when we heard a huge thump through the bowels of the ship and a unearthly scream looking for blood, echoed through the ship…

I told everyone to spread out and check the whole ship. See if anyone else has come on board? I will take care of the bridge, that is my command station and no one is going to try to take my ship…

Prometheus tried to say that she would just keep him contained. He can not hurt her too bad. I did not want him hurting her at all…

As I ran, my armor expanded and my sword and shield came to me. When I stepped through the retracting door of the bridge, I was ready for what ever would be there. What was there was a really powerful Zombie God, a real god not a demigod…

The door slid shut behind me and I stood face to face with a creature that would make Superman cry with fear. Good thing I am stupid and not Superman, huh? Sword in hand and shield front and forward, I watched as he attacked full steam ahead. I also heard Prometheus giving warnings that we have been breached in 6 other places and emergency protocol is in place. I heard Bear/Dogg roar even through the solid material of the ship. I heard Prometheus going frantic and that was all I had time for as I was slammed against the bulkhead of the ship…

We had entered the Zombie God War, whether we liked it or whether we were ready or not…

Part 2 tomorrow…

The Zombie Source Code

Dogg and I have a really a pretty good life, just no one left alive….

It is 2019 and I finally decided to start writing again. Dogg and I have spent all these years just surviving and killing Zombies. A few Zombies I have left alone because they are somewhat company. The world is very devoid of humans…

In fact the Zombies that came out of the Zombie War of 1012 are all just regular Zombies that shuffle around slowly and never seem to die. All the Leader Zombies and Source Code Zombies and any other specialty Zombie seems to have disappeared. All there is, is just plain old brain desiring Zombies that go ugggggggggg and unnnnnnnnnn and ommmmmmm and try to bite you. They are driven by just plain old hunger to eat a human brain and or body parts if nothing else is available…

I guess Dogg and I should be glad that we are not here fighting Zombies the size of a house and Zombies that crawl like a spider and spit poison. Dogg still has Zombie heads to play with and I get to keep my target practice up to date by taking pot shots at Zombies all day if I so desire…

Let me try to recall when Dogg and I woke up after the Zombie War…

I remember waking from a wonderful dream of running with Dogg and everyone else who was friends in a green grass field and the grass would blow gently in the breeze. Then I remember my face getting all wet and I woke to a Dogg licking my face and we were in the front yard of a deserted home in a small town in middle America or at least as we found out, what use to be America…

I remember Dogg was so happy to see me get up and I sat for what seemed like 10 minutes trying to get my bearings.That is when I saw a Zombie…

The Zombie was shuffling around at a haphazard slumped over pace and was so bad off that it just kept running into fences and walls and trees. Then I saw another Zombie and it was dragging its left leg behind it. It walked right into the first Zombie and they both fell down. After a few minutes they finally got back up and continued on their way…

Dogg looked at me and I knew what he was thinking and he was wondering what happened to the Zombies? But that did not stop Dogg from running after one of those Zombies and after I heard a dieing moan from a Zombie. Dogg appeared with a Zombie head and was happier than a Pig in a mud Waller. Zombie heads have always been Dogs favorite toy to play with…

So I got up and gingerly started to check myself over to see if I was all in one piece. It seemed that all parts were there and I was fit as a fiddle. Dogg looked fine also…

So Dogg, the Zombie head and I went walking. I had a sack with a special laptop, hand cranked power generator, electric connection cord, bottle of water and dog treats. I also had my two handed Chinese Sword that I loved so much. With all that in hand Dogg and I decided to find a place to sleep for the night, because sleeping on the ground would not be safe no matter how slow the Zombies were…

(Information on laptop: It seems to be able to connect to some sort of internet through a portal, this portal seems to have a time slippage of some type and so as I understand what I write will appear back in the year 2012 to inform everyone what about what is happening. More about all this mambo jumbo later…)

I remember that we had walked to the center of the town and as we stood on the town square is when the Zombies decided to catch the scent of Dogg and I. There was thousands of Zombies and they came out of every open doorway and from out from under bushes and trees. They appeared just like someone rang the dinner bell and said come and get it…

Dogg dropped the Zombie head and as the Zombie head gnashed it’s teeth at us laying on the ground, I told Dogg that we are gonna fight another day. I want to see what is what first…

I then saw what looked like a small town prison and it was on the only street that we could navigate with out much issues. Dogg and I took off down what was called Jailhouse Rd and came upon what looked to have been a brand new jail built but never used. It still had construction materials in the yard around it and had a sturdy two layer security fence. I looked into the guard shack right at the front gate and saw a set of keys laying on the desk. Dogg was barking and trying to tell me that either I hurry up or we need to whoop some Zombie ass…

I saw that the Zombies were frantically trying to shuffle their way to us so that they could have dinner. (You know regular Zombies are just plain yuck!)

I finally got found the correct key and slid the main gate open. It was heavy as could be and looked like it could withstand an impact of a moving car. I got the gate slid back into place just as hundreds of Zombies reached me and tried to grab me through the bars of the gate. I found a lever that locked the gate solid and I did not need the chain and lock any more. I also saw that there was a hand crank to help open the gate from the inside…

The inner gate was not locked and we locked it after we went through, then Dogg and I ran around the whole building checking to see if the fence was complete all the way around and it was. The Zombies tried to follow us and the air was full of Zombie moans and groans…

Then it dawned on me that we never found food and a bunch of dog treats are not gonna feed me and Dogg for very long. I found the key to the main door of the prison and Dogg and I checked out the inside…

To be continued…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: I am going to spend a few days getting several chapters done to catch everyone up to date. Remember that Dogg and I have been on earth for 6 years now and a lot has happened. This is all flash back to what was! Once I get caught up then you will understand that things are much different than what it seems at first…

We bury Dogg – Eskimo Style……

*** Talk to you later. Ben says, “You will hear my war cry as I enter the fight today, even from where you are reading this article. Just listen carefully and you will hear the cry’s of the damned! The one’s damned for hurting Dogg…” ***

I have tears in my eyes as I write this! Ben is curled up in a ball in the corner of the base and trying to gather his thoughts about all that has happened. I am just going to try to think about what the kindly old Eskimo gentleman showed us and hope for the best…

True to Ben’s words as we stepped into the last round of this battle. He made the ones left alive suffer for what they did to Dogg. They had chopped Dogg into pieces and tried to burn the parts. When I found Dogg’s remains I gathered all I found and wrapped him up in a blanket. Ben screamed a blood curdling scream and finished by himself what the government guys had started…

The whole story later after we are done here. I promise…

Now about the Eskimo guy…

I had carried Dogg’s body out of the building and was surprised by an elderly gentleman that was standing surveying the damage and destruction. His eyes alighted upon the bundle that I carried and his face darkened with deep concern. It was as if he knew what was wrapped up in my arms. I had stopped walking and was staring at the Eskimo and felt some sort of power emanating from this man. He walked up to me and held out his hands and wanted to take Dogg…

For some reason I gave Dogg to him without question and he walked away with our Zombie killing Dogg. That was when tears started to run down my face and I could not stop them. I also heard the last scream and cry of a man dying at the hands of Ben. Ben stepped out from the building and I have to tell you he was a mess. I would say a hundred bullet holes and he was soaked in blood. Not all his I may add…

Ben watched as I did as the old Eskimo walked away from us. We looked at each other and together we followed the man. That is when we silently watched the old Eskimo put the pieces of Dogg back together and stitched all parts together the best he could. He was so kind and gentle with the body. Then as Ben and I stood silent and watched a dozen more Eskimos came and surrounded the old guy. They then built a burial grave on pilings out in the open field. Dogg was laid to rest by the Eskimo’s and then they started a ritual that is only known to them. Ben and I looked on and finally we had enough! I was bleeding to death and Ben was ready to drop from exhaustion…

Later the old Eskimo found us in the building that we had taken refuge in. I had built a fire and dragged all the bodies outside to be frozen by the harsh Alaskan Winter. He spoke very good English and touched us both on the heads. As he touched us he said something in his language and we could feel some of the pain leave us. In our minds appeared a message in a video form. It was of Dogg running and playing in a field of green grass. I also understood that we are to wait and be patient until whatever it is that he is doing is done. ???

Two Eskimo girls have stayed with us and fixed food and cleaned the place up. They cleaned our wounds and fixed us a place to sleep. They told us in broken English that we must be good for 2 days! The energies of evil need time to disperse and be propagated properly by the energies of good. They said Dogg is running the fields of his ancestors and only the gods can decide what happens now…

I promise to get back and I have called Vitaly of Death and found out that he is in Anchorage and told me to do what I am told. He said that powers of the Indians are very strong and that this Eskimo has been sent to help us. We must do as we are told. Vitaly of Death said that he is fine and will wait until we get there…

So: I have tears in my eyes as I write this! Ben is curled up in a ball in the corner of the base and trying to gather his thoughts about all that has happened. I am just going to try to think about what the kindly old Eskimo gentleman showed us and hope for the best…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: I had a vision that my governmental group that I work with, turned coated on me. That they are the ones that sent the agents on us. Remember I called and talked to them not long ago and they are the only ones who could have known to try to kill us. Time to do some thinking’s…

The Little Town of Zombies…

*** Dogg came over to me where I had just sat down on the ground and licked my face as if to say, “Good Daddy!” ***

Dogg and I decided to take a trip to the little town we live near. We are running out of supplies and other things. So we decided to go pick up somethings at the local Walmart…

We hopped into our new 4×4 Jeep and tooled on into to town, after we checked out our grounds for Zombies. After seeing that the fence was solid and no Zombies hanging out, where they are not wanted. We left for town…

Dogg loves to ride and he hangs his head out the window with his tong flapping in the wind. It is hilarious, but you do not want to be behind him, because you will have a face full of slobber… 🙂

The first thing we noticed as we entered town, was the fact that it was very quiet just too quiet!

It has been 3 weeks since we needed to leave the Old Power Plant and the workers have been long gone from doing their work on the plant. So we were kinda surprised when we saw that the town was very creepy feeling…

We stopped at the local A&P store to get food. It was empty except for about 5 employees and they were personified Zombies. Four of them were stupid regular Zombies and the 5th at the cash register was a leader Zombie. As I have said, Leader Zombies are almost like normal humans and they are usually in charge of several other Zombies. They all acted scared to see Dogg and I. They shuffled as far away as possible to the back of the store. With the exception of the cashier. The cashier Zombie got on the phone as soon as we walked down an aisle to get food. I could hear the panic in its voice as it contacted someone…

We filled up a cart to the brim and higher with food. I was not sure when I would be back because this town looked seriously bad about now…

I was fully armed and I knew from all the Zombie killings that was happening around me, that Zombies would be very leery of me, especially during the day time. But if enough got together, then Dogg and I would be in trouble…

As I was getting food another customer came into the store. It was an old lady and she was not a Zombie. But she paid no attention to anyone around her and got what she wanted and paid and left. Totally oblivious to anything…

I took the cart to the cashier and the cashier recoiled as he tossed a bunch of sacks on my cart and said, “Please go! We don’t want your money!” That is when I heard the bell on the front door behind me tinkle as someone else came into the store. Dogg growled and I stayed with my backed turned to who ever it was. I said, “If Dogg don’t like you, then I don’t like you! You come closer I will kill you!” Silence followed…

Then I heard someone clear their throat after a few minutes and they said, “I am the mayor of this town and I just came to greet you personally! We do not want any trouble and as you see you have scared my people to death (So to speak!) by coming in here!” The silence re-enveloped the store…

I thanked the cashier and asked for one more bag. He gave me 10 more… 🙂

I then turned and looked at the mayor…

He was as perfect of a Zombie as they come to being, it was almost impossible to tell that he was a Zombie. He looked human except he had makeup on to cover the pale blue look that Zombies get. He was dressed impeccably and was spotless. He had on a thousand dollar suit and I laughed at the thought that Zombies can have taste in clothes and such. Why he had on alligator skin shoes and a carnation sticking out of his suit lapel…

He made the mistake of looking at the cashier and that is when I spun with my machete and took the cashiers head off. The revolver clanked to the floor as the body slid slowly to the ground. The head was moving its mouth as Dogg grabbed it and ran outside to play…

I then turned to a wide eyed mayor and said, “My name is Stryker and that is Dogg!”

Typical politician, the mayor was. He said something like, “I had nothing to do with that!” As he ran out the door…

The other Zombies in the back shuffled into the back room out of my site. I then grabbed another cart, then another cart and filled them up with food also. I had a big freezer and refrigerator at the old power plant. I decided to fill them up…

I hauled as much food as I could get into the Jeep and still let Dogg and I ride home also. Dogg would have to sit on my lap. As Dogg and I finished up we saw the mayor again and he had about 20 Zombies with him. But they were not very sure about what to do…

I took the Zombie head from Dogg and kicked it at the new group of Zombies. That seemed to make up their minds, that maybe I need some alone time and was a little grouchy…

Dogg ran after the Zombie head and the staring Zombies ran like rabbits and squirrels being hunted. Dogg liked that and he barked happily. I knew that come night, they would be a lot braver and would most likely visit the old power plant…

Then I got this chill up and down my spine. I looked around and noticed Zombie eyes staring out of all the windows and door ways in the town. I called Dogg and we got out of there, lickity split…

Looks like Walmart is another day…

On the way back to the old power plant, I was doing some serious thinking’s. That is when I almost hit someone in the road. Dogg started barking as if to tell me watch out and I slammed on the brakes! Dogg jumped out and ran to who ever it was. Barking crazily…

I got out of the Jeep and realized that I was looking straight at Ben Zombie and he was alive…

The Zombie Source Code


Welcome to The Zombie Source Code…

This is where you will find your Zombie fix that will keep you thinking during the day…

Zombies are all around and one day you will come face to face with one. The threat grows larger everyday and a simple natural disaster or a slip by mankind, may be all it takes to cause the numbers to grow at an exponential rate…

That slip of Mankind has happened…

