Dogg and I have a really a pretty good life, just no one left alive….

It is 2019 and I finally decided to start writing again. Dogg and I have spent all these years just surviving and killing Zombies. A few Zombies I have left alone because they are somewhat company. The world is very devoid of humans…

In fact the Zombies that came out of the Zombie War of 1012 are all just regular Zombies that shuffle around slowly and never seem to die. All the Leader Zombies and Source Code Zombies and any other specialty Zombie seems to have disappeared. All there is, is just plain old brain desiring Zombies that go ugggggggggg and unnnnnnnnnn and ommmmmmm and try to bite you. They are driven by just plain old hunger to eat a human brain and or body parts if nothing else is available…

I guess Dogg and I should be glad that we are not here fighting Zombies the size of a house and Zombies that crawl like a spider and spit poison. Dogg still has Zombie heads to play with and I get to keep my target practice up to date by taking pot shots at Zombies all day if I so desire…

Let me try to recall when Dogg and I woke up after the Zombie War…

I remember waking from a wonderful dream of running with Dogg and everyone else who was friends in a green grass field and the grass would blow gently in the breeze. Then I remember my face getting all wet and I woke to a Dogg licking my face and we were in the front yard of a deserted home in a small town in middle America or at least as we found out, what use to be America…

I remember Dogg was so happy to see me get up and I sat for what seemed like 10 minutes trying to get my bearings.That is when I saw a Zombie…

The Zombie was shuffling around at a haphazard slumped over pace and was so bad off that it just kept running into fences and walls and trees. Then I saw another Zombie and it was dragging its left leg behind it. It walked right into the first Zombie and they both fell down. After a few minutes they finally got back up and continued on their way…

Dogg looked at me and I knew what he was thinking and he was wondering what happened to the Zombies? But that did not stop Dogg from running after one of those Zombies and after I heard a dieing moan from a Zombie. Dogg appeared with a Zombie head and was happier than a Pig in a mud Waller. Zombie heads have always been Dogs favorite toy to play with…

So I got up and gingerly started to check myself over to see if I was all in one piece. It seemed that all parts were there and I was fit as a fiddle. Dogg looked fine also…

So Dogg, the Zombie head and I went walking. I had a sack with a special laptop, hand cranked power generator, electric connection cord, bottle of water and dog treats. I also had my two handed Chinese Sword that I loved so much. With all that in hand Dogg and I decided to find a place to sleep for the night, because sleeping on the ground would not be safe no matter how slow the Zombies were…

(Information on laptop: It seems to be able to connect to some sort of internet through a portal, this portal seems to have a time slippage of some type and so as I understand what I write will appear back in the year 2012 to inform everyone what about what is happening. More about all this mambo jumbo later…)

I remember that we had walked to the center of the town and as we stood on the town square is when the Zombies decided to catch the scent of Dogg and I. There was thousands of Zombies and they came out of every open doorway and from out from under bushes and trees. They appeared just like someone rang the dinner bell and said come and get it…

Dogg dropped the Zombie head and as the Zombie head gnashed it’s teeth at us laying on the ground, I told Dogg that we are gonna fight another day. I want to see what is what first…

I then saw what looked like a small town prison and it was on the only street that we could navigate with out much issues. Dogg and I took off down what was called Jailhouse Rd and came upon what looked to have been a brand new jail built but never used. It still had construction materials in the yard around it and had a sturdy two layer security fence. I looked into the guard shack right at the front gate and saw a set of keys laying on the desk. Dogg was barking and trying to tell me that either I hurry up or we need to whoop some Zombie ass…

I saw that the Zombies were frantically trying to shuffle their way to us so that they could have dinner. (You know regular Zombies are just plain yuck!)

I finally got found the correct key and slid the main gate open. It was heavy as could be and looked like it could withstand an impact of a moving car. I got the gate slid back into place just as hundreds of Zombies reached me and tried to grab me through the bars of the gate. I found a lever that locked the gate solid and I did not need the chain and lock any more. I also saw that there was a hand crank to help open the gate from the inside…

The inner gate was not locked and we locked it after we went through, then Dogg and I ran around the whole building checking to see if the fence was complete all the way around and it was. The Zombies tried to follow us and the air was full of Zombie moans and groans…

Then it dawned on me that we never found food and a bunch of dog treats are not gonna feed me and Dogg for very long. I found the key to the main door of the prison and Dogg and I checked out the inside…

To be continued…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: I am going to spend a few days getting several chapters done to catch everyone up to date. Remember that Dogg and I have been on earth for 6 years now and a lot has happened. This is all flash back to what was! Once I get caught up then you will understand that things are much different than what it seems at first…

Dogg has been Reborn? Oh my!

*** We are trying to find Dogg and the Old Eskimo says that we should not worry. I gotta go I just heard a puppy bark outside? ***

Okay – Okay – Okay! I know I have not been back to tell you all how much I love you and tell you about Dogg.! Well maybe I will not tell you how much I love you after all, but I am here to tell you that we are back on the road and we have Dogg. Well at least a little facsimile of Dogg as he was, as a little cute puppy…

Okay – Okay! Dogg as we know him is gone for now. He has to grow up again and the old Eskimo said he will be even more bad ass than he was. It looks like the gods smiled upon him and have returned him to us from the green grass field he was playing in and now he is in my lap snoring loudly as we travel down the gravel road to Anchorage, Alaska. I have to say he is a cute little thing and has an attitude already…

I will get everything caught up as soon as we get more settled. We still have several days to travel till Anchorage and the gods gave the word that we are not to have any issues until we leave the port in Anchorage. That kinda gives me the creeps, because it seems what that means is that as soon as we leave Anchorage, Alaska then we can or could have all hell break loose…

Oh well! Lets enjoy the break while we can. Okay?

Now I promised that I would get everything caught up and so by tomorrow, I will have the flash back to what happened when we stopped to let Ben take a piss. I will then catch up on everything else and we will be evensteven at that point…

Now to step back to what Ben said in his post: Ben is my friend and he has no reason to lie, it is just that I do not see myself as Ben see’s me and in actuality, I see myself as weak and worthless. Ben is much stronger than I am and Dogg is like the epitaxy of power on the planet. Without either of them I am worthless…

Just take what he says with a hill of beans and lets just get going on with our quest to rid the earth of what threatens her and her humans inhabitants…

Now I will write, eat and sleep. Ben will drive for two days and it looks like I have to go anyway! Dogg has decided that it is time to stop and take a pee. He is such a cute little guy…

I will talk to you tomorrow…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: I promise tomorrow…

Awaken the Gods Themselves… (Part 2)

*** Talk to you later. I will try to get Ben to write tomorrow! He has a nice Eskimo girl that seems to not care that he is a Zombie and Ben thinks she is cute. So he is rather occupied at the moment… ***


This is Ben and you all know how much I hate writing. So only because everyone has asked and I don’t want to keep you all in the dark. I will tell you some of what I know…

As Stryker stated already and made it clear that I was in a bad mood and not communicating to anyone. I was listening to the chants and watching the Eskimo’s do their thing. I also had dreams of Dogg playing in a green grass field of long grass waving in the breeze. The next thing I knew, I was in the field with Dogg and all the Eskimo’s and we were trapped in the green field of grass. We all looked at each other and then we realized that the sky was like a very faded movie screen and we could see Stryker walking around amongst all of us as we lay immobile on the snow…

Then after Stryker talked to the Old Eskimo, the old Eskimo appeared with us also and we all stood silently in the field of green grass waving in the breeze. Dogg was with us and he started to whine and bark when he saw Stryker in the sky…

We all seemed frozen as we watched the movies unfold above us and we really had no idea if it was real or not. Now I will say that Stryker has a tendency to underestimate what he does. He never brags about his powers and makes it out as if he is just lucky. I am going to break that bubble we all live in, because Stryker tells most of the stories. Stryker did a hundred times what he talked about to this god/devil being and it was a battle that stunned us as we watched. The Old Eskimo started to chant some words and the rest followed him in his chanting. It seemed that the chanting floated with the breeze that stirred the grass and made the grass dance with the chanting song they sang…

Stryker battled for 20 minutes and you could tell that the immortal being had the advantage in one fact only. He could not die, but Stryker could die…

I do not want to upset Stryker by telling you all that happened because he chose to leave a lot out. So lets just say that at the point that Stryker was hanging on to his sword for dear life and twisting it as the immortal tried to kill him was at the end of a bloody viscous battle that saw Stryker dripping blood like a sieve onto the white snow and a immortal that knew he won, but only, because he was immortal, for if he was human Stryker would have killed him 10 fold times…

Dogg snapped out of his watching this battle as he saw Stryker getting ready to be killed at the hands of the immortal and then Dogg disappeared, from the field of dancing green grass…

I saw Dogg appear at the spot that the totem pole piece of the Dog disappeared into the snow. It obviously turned to Dogg himself. Then Dogg growled at the immortal being. That is when timed stood for me – still and I frantically looked around at how to get back to help Stryker and Dogg. It was if we all woke up…

Strykers eyes glanced at the place that my body was laying in the snow and I saw his eyes lock upon my eyes as I lay looking into the sky. Then I knew I had to do something and I used that image in my mind and sank myself into those eyes that I looked at on the ground of earth. I was not sure exactly what to do but it worked and I woke up. I walked behind the immortal and with sword in hand drove it through the immortal. Then I realized that I had stabbed Stryker also. I really felt bad. I figured that I had just killed Stryker when everyone else had failed. I heard Stryker scream as the blade came out of his chest and the immortal slugged Stryker as hard as he could. It was lights out for Stryker. I knew that I had caused this by the shock attack on the immortal. I also knew that I would die trying to stop this being of the devil himself…

As the god/devil turned to face me. I realized that he had forgotten about Dogg and Dogg being one to take advantage of being forgotten about. Dogg bit into the totem pole that had the human, feline, bear and wolf on it. The dog part missing of course…

A explosion of light blinded all who were around, including the immortal. I was knocked to the ground as something took over my body and I have to say it hurt. Even for a Zombie it hurt. When the light effects faded. I found myself standing with a bear, wolf, eagle and huge tiger and of course Dogg. I had a sword of pure silver in my hands and as I looked at myself in the reflection in the shield I carried. I realized that we are not in Kansas any more, Dorthy… (You have to understand the Wizard of Oz to know what I ma talking about!)

Then as we started to attack the immortal in front of us. 40 or 50 Eskimo’s beat us to the attack. All of the Eskimo’s including the old man ran up too the giant of a god/devil being and proceeded to attack with no mercy. Before we could responded the immortal had slaughtered half the group and dead and dying lay all around as quick as blinking your eyes. I looked at Stryker laying in the snow as lifeless as anyone could be. I could see no breath steam coming from his nose and he was blue in color…

Dogg broke the silence with a deep growl and sprang upon the immortal. That is when it got interesting…

5 more immortals appeared next to the immortal fighting for his life against Dogg. I took one of them as the bear, the wolf, the feline and eagle took the other 4. The battled lasted about 10 minutes, with neither side gaining an advantage and it seemed that we were good against evil…

I won’t express what happened because I was not in complete control of myself. As you may have surmised, I was under the control of another immortal…

But I do remember hearing Stryker…

Stryker said in a low and barely audible voice, “Leave this planet you evil immortal scum or die at the hands of Ares!” I turned and realized that the god of war had appeared before us. Or was he (Stryker) the god of war all the time. He waved his arm across the land around us and all the dead got up as if nothing happened and proceeded to get in place to attack again…

I then realized that this was Hades himself and he was trying to alter the fate of the planet earth, to his favor. Then as 5 more brethren of Hades appeared. That is when a circle of gods of maybe 30 surrounded all of us and everything got very silent. You could have heard a pin drop…

Then everyone but Hades and Stryker were told to leave the circle. When there was only those two left in the middle of the circle we made around them. Someone with much power, whom I assume was Zeus? Told the two (Stryker and Hades) to fight and who wins, gets to continue their path in the world…

Can this be true?

I am just telling you what I experienced and saw. Crazy huh?

Zeus? was one bad-ass powerful dude and none of us could attempt to go against his wishes…

As I said before Stryker did much more than he understands and now the fate of the planet hung in balance on this one fight…

After about 10 minutes of fighting between the two foes, Stryker said, “I am done playing and if you want to live to try to control the earth in the future then go back where you came from in the depths of the earth!”

Hades said, “Puny man you will die and after I kill you I will slit you Dog’s throat and impale your Zombie on the highest pole for the crows to eat him a little bit each day until he rots away…”

Sryker stepped toward the immortal and I saw that he had a large splinter of wood that was left of the totem pole in his hand. I knew that totem pole had power and I suspected what Stryker was up to…

As they clashed together, the immortal grabbed Stryker and held him at eye level and said, “Your last breath is now!” Stryker said,”Maybe, but your last thought goes with my last breath!”…

Then as Hades crushed Stryker with all his might! Stryker drove the large splinter up through the lower jaw of Hades and into the brain of Hades. About and inch stuck out from below Hades chin and Stryker with his last strength. Slammed the splinter and it appeared out the top of Hades head…

Silence and a shocked look appeared on Hades face. Then the splinter being of saint wood and totem pole power. Exploded with a tremendous violent flash of light and both Stryker and Hades fell to the ground in a heap…

Then we all fell to the ground in a deep sleep and as I went to sleep, Krotos (a great hunter and musician who kept the company of the Muses on Mount Helicon) the deity that possessed my body told me, “I am Krotos and have used your body for this short time. I have healed you and given you some extra tools to help you in you fight for earth. Sleep and when you wake all will be clear as to the path you must take!”

When we woke all was back to normal or at least as much as back to normal as it could be. The only thing is that Dogg is gone again and Stryker has changed. He radiates power now. I mean he is scary to stand near. He has such a strength about him now that I think that the god of war is staying in him…

Also all the Eskimo’s are talking about the information they were told as they went to sleep like I was. We each was told different things and after we all put it together we have an idea of what the world is all about now…

Like I said Stryker does not tell all to you guys and I refuse to tell all at this point also, but the Old Eskimo is going to talk to us about the future and he said that we must follow what he says. For the beacon of the gods has told him what is to be done…

Good, has been given a chance to save the earth from what is happening and our mission must continue as it was originally planned…

So next up is going to be what the Old Eskimo has said to us…

I going to go and sorry if I left more questions than answers, but hey, I got plenty of questions also and I do not seem to get any proper answers. All I know is that I just went through a hell of a crazy last few days and I saw things happen that I thought were only stories in books. But then I am a Zombie so I guess I should believe anything can happen – right?

Stryker says after he reads over what I wrote, he will try to write again, maybe tomorrow…

We are trying to find Dogg and the Old Eskimo says that we should not worry. I gotta go I just heard a puppy bark outside?

Ben writing for Stryker…
The Zombie Source Code…