Earth Sweet Earth…

I appeared behind the wheel of the car we were driving that I last was on earth. I swerved the steering wheel and Girl woke up and Dogg growled at me. He was telling me to get my act together… 🙂

I blinked and looked around as I realized that the icon that Woewebegone gave me worked and here I was back in the car. Except the shield and sword kinda almost made me wreck as they were really too big in the front seat with me at the same time. That is when Girl screamed and I stopped the car…

She said, “What happened to you!”

I just looked at her like, “What?”

Then I looked in the rear view mirror and realized what she meant. For me I have been gone a year, for her it was instant transformation. My hair was sun bleached blond from never ending sun and I was actually very very very muscular now. My skin was suntanned to a dark bronze and of course I had deep dark purple bruises all over my body that had not healed yet, even though I heal quickly now. For the last year I have been training non stop and it seems that even more to the fact that I absorbed the power and strength of a hundred gods. I did not think about that plus I also have virtually no clothes on as the others had been turned to rags. Dogg just sat in the back seat and said, “Bow Wow!” For I believe that he understood all that happened…

So in Girls eyes I transformed instantly into a muscle bound Zombie killing machine with weaponry to top it all off. I got out of the car and Dogg jumped out with me, as Girl just sat there with a stunned look on her face. I looked around and saw some houses along the road we were traveling. I decided to try to find some clothes, so I walked to the first house and kicked the door in. Before I left Girl I said, “Do not touch my sword if you value your life, for the sword cares not who it kills!”

I found that a big man had lived here and I gathered some jeans, shirts and underclothes to fit me. I also took several replacements, because when my armor is activated, my cloths get shredded…

Girl still sat in the car and got out after she saw me come out of the house. I had also found a large duffel bag in the house and put the shield and sword in it the best that I could. Then I proceeded to tell Girl a story, the same story that I have been telling you the last few posts…

Girl sat there silent and looked at me in disbelief and I told her that she will see things that she has never dreamed of before all this is over. I explained to her that we will be traveling to the stars and that she needs to get ready mentally. We have been chosen to save the Universe and that is that…

Dogg came up to me and put his head on my leg as I set. He seemed to be lost in a trance and I could feel him searching my mind with his uncanny powers that he has, then he opened his eyes after he was satisfied and said, “Bow Wow!” and ran off. I heard a moan, growl and a gurgle and saw Dogg run by us with a Zombie head. Girl had this look of, “Really what am I doing with these two! No – Really!” Then she mellowed out and started to laugh and I started to laugh as I watched Dogg toss the Zombie head up in the air and push it on the ground with his nose…

It was good to be home again and Girl had a laugh that brought cheer to my heart. I am glad she can handle all that is happening. She is tough, but I am waiting to see if her Kung Fu is good enough against mine… 🙂

I decided that we would find a good brick house with bars on the windows and make ourselves a home for the night. I needed a good night sleep and I wanted to finish telling Girl and Dogg all that I had done over the last year. Girl still has problems with trying to understand that I have been gone a year and yet only seconds happened on earth…

Okay so tomorrow I will talk about my armor from the planet Xcices. It is really cool…

The Zombie Source Code…

Home Sweet Home…

Six years at this prison is what we have called home. It was about 95% finished when we found it and it had never even been used. Dogg and I explored the inside that first day and we had an armory, tons of dry and canned food in the kitchen, a huge power generator with thousands of gallons of diesel fuel and all kinds of building supplies with tools. It was a dream place for Dogg and I…

In the armory was cases of flash bang grenades and those grenades became the ticket to Dogg and I being able to get around the town, until we could kill enough Zombies and get them under control. We also had hundreds of riot shotguns and full auto rifles. Plus of course lots of 9mm and 40 caliber GLOCK’s to play with…

The first thing I did was to climb the guard tower near the front gates and with a sniper rifle that was in the armory, I had a leisurely day of dwindling the Zombie supply. I have to say though that it took me a month or more to get the Zombie population down to a manageable level…

Until we got the Zombies down to just a few that I kept for something to look at. Dogg and I would toss a flash bang grenade over the fence and after it went off Zombies would all go toward the flash bang. Then we would leave and go shopping at the stores for supplies, cloths and whatsoever…

Then we would do the same as we came back. Zombies like these that are left on earth are the type that function on purely a survival level. Noise means food and food means eat. They also have an acute sense of smell and can smell you coming a mile away. Hence they are always around the prison trying to get in. Since we are the only living things around (With the exception of birds, bees and trees! :)) the Zombies are 24 hours a day attracted to our scent at the prison and any new Zombies that wander into town always finds us also…

I said that I left some Zombies alive. Well I just could not seem to make myself kill every last one of them. Over time as I was killing them from the guard tower, I saw what I could perceive as several Zombies as being much less aggressive than most. So I started to name them and refused to kill them. I left 20 Zombies alive and functioning. Mostly women and children and I told Dogg, “No Kill!”…

So Dogg and I spent 4 years in limbo just cleaning up the town and I was doing some reading and studying what I found at the local library and government offices. I started to see why they (who ever dropped Dogg and I at this town) left us at this town. I was seeing a pattern in something and slowly my mind started to wake back up to pre-Zombie War times. It took a lot of years to become Stryker again and I have come to the realization that I had been more than just dead and destroyed, I was obliterated form the universe and it seems that the gods had some extra work to do to bring me back from the extinguished…

I found two books that appeared as Dogga and I slept one night. It was about two years after we had re-woke from the dead ourselves. The books were in Greek language and so I started to learn Greek. So that I could read the books. It was obvious that they were important or else why would they appear to me…

I could really go on forever about Dogg and I’s 6 years of fun and joy that we have spent killing Zombies and taking care of our little Zombie family that we left alive outside our gates, but I think that it is times to explain what has happened to the earth. It is time to explain why only pathetic Zombies are left on earth. I could go on forever as to the trips Dogg and I took to various parts of what is left of America and I could tell you that America is the same from one end to the other. No one left alive….

At least no one that we can find. I have a short wave radio and nothing. We have flown to Canada and nothing. We have flown to Mexico and nothing. I have the capacity to tap into the information satellites circling the earth and nothing…

The planet earth is nothing but a huge globe of mindless Zombies that will live forever until at lest they sub scum to some disaster or predator. I thought at first that thee would be people left! I was wrong and I can find no one. Now I have to be fair that I can not cross the ocean and check on that personally, but as far as the in-tell satellites are showing me. Dogg and I are alone…

So why did the gods drop us here back on earth? Good question and I have some answers. I have finished the books that were given to me in the night a few years ago. They are full of information.

So after a few more chapters of information. Dogg and I have a new quest in life and we have to go to Denver, Colorado – or what use to be Denver and find an underground complex that was to house the scum that caused all of this Zombie crap…

If there is anywhere on earth that someone is left alive, then that is the place. It is a complex that is miles and miles into the earth. If I can find it and find it still sealed against the outside then I have maybe found the place to give me answers to any and all questions. They also have spacecraft that is able to leave the earth and take me to were I need to go after I discover the secretes of the Denver complex…

So I am packing our Cessna plane that we have been traveling in and Dogg and I will soon leave. But I still have somethings to tell you before I get to real time posting again. Well – real time for me and future for you…

One thing that is real time for you! We have had about 40 or 50 new Zombies wander into town and that is just too many Zombies. They seem to be much more aggressive and have actually killed a couple of my Zombie family…

No one messes with my family! Dogg wants a Zombie head to play with and I am going to let him have one… 🙂

Talk to you later!

To be continued…

The Zombie Source Code…