Bah Humbug: Kung Fu…

Kung Fu – Smung Doo, that is what I think as I got up this morning and felt like a freight train had run over me. Girl tossed me around like a rag doll in a wind tunnel and Dogg smiled the whole time. Dogg never once tried to question anything about why his daddy was getting beat up by a girl…

So Kung Fu – Smung Doo is what I think about it all… Ouch!

Oh I did inquire as to how all the Zombie bodies disappeared after the huge fight we had. Girl just said that when she woke up from being passed out by the fence post outside, where I had last seen her! That all the Zombies were gone. Dogg refuses to tell me and acts like he does not know what I am talking about. It looks to me that we had a visit from the gods and they cleaned up their mess. That is the only reason that I could figure that Dogg really does not know or he was told not to tell…

I will have another lesson in Kung Fu this afternoon and Girl just looks at me as if I am helpless. In fact she keeps asking how I made it this far against the killer Zombies. Dogg just says, “Bow Wow every time!”

I am starting to get a little bit grouchy and the god of war in me is getting testy! I hope that we can create a ambiance of a solution to this situation that seems to be developing. I have a fat headed Dogg who thinks he is gods gift to Zombie killing and a Girl who thinks her hands of steel is the answer to life…

Maybe I need to retire, just too old for all this crap…

The Zombie Source Code…

So Begins the Partnership between Zombie Ben and I…

*** I will talk about what Ben and our future is. Dogg has a say in all this, but it is looking like Dogg and I need a Zombie to be on our side. I am just wondering if we can trust him or not? I will make my decision the next article entry. I really just thought that you might want to know what and how all this have started… ***

After I slept on the discussion that Ben and I had the previous night. I left Ben in the house and did not worry about him being a Zombie. I guess that and the fact that Dogg was happy with him was enough to make my mind up about letting Ben join our little Zombie hunting group…

The next morning I gave Ben my answer and he seemed very relieved. I guess that the fact he is a Zombie made him wonder if he would ever have any friends again…

We spent the day getting Ben Zombie weapons and I decided to upgrade again. After I saw that overgrown Zombie of a tank that we call baby Zombie…

I purchased a set of attack machetes and we got Ben one of his own. I also brought home a bottle of peroxide to clean Ben’s wounds and try to keep them from getting worse with decay. He had several cuts that while were not bleeding has a strange green color to them. I guess that it would not hurt him being a Zombie and such, but I would feel better if I stopped germs from developing…

I also picked up a 444 Marlin lever action. It had enough power to stop a bear and that is what I am going to need. Marlin makes the best rifles in the world and under stressful conditions a lever action will be the safe bet…

That night after shopping, we sat down at the dinner table and talked about our plans the next morning. It was time to hunt down the Source Code Zombie. We had to stop the Zombie growth and then we realized that Baby Zombie was going to come after us…

I just hoped that he had not gotten any bigger…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: Next we had a rude awakening as we slept the night before we were going to hunt the Source Code Zombie. Stay tuned for it got rough…