Dogg and Girl are worried…

Dogg and Girl are worried and to tell the truth, I am worried also. I feel like I am overloaded and just too much has happened to me. I am only human you know and not a god…

But it seems that I am forced into being a god, whether I like it or not and I do not like it…

Damn the Zombies! Damn the gods! Damn the Earth! Damn the Universe! Damn the stupid people who do not listen! Damn to anything and everything and everywhere…

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! and Damn IT!

But I am okay and after today I got most of it out of my system. As I write this post, I realize that while the world is dead and gone, I still have one dog and a girl who needs me to carry on and be strong. Loosing my mind would not save them and if I want to save the world for the future, I need to get my act together…

I gathered my act, so to speak, today: I went back up town to the square where I slaughtered Zombies like a crazed animal. The Zombies were silent and hidden as little rabbits in their dens. They seemed petrified that I was there and you could cut the tension with a knife as I stood in the town square. Then I felt the tension explode inside of me and I thought I would literally go bananas…

I walked to a large huge dump truck full of gravel, sitting on a side road of the square! I expanded my armor and when I got to the truck, I punched it…

The truck cab side caved in and the truck shifted 2 meters. Then I punched it again and again and again and again and again…

The last punch ripped the dump truck in half and gravel flew all over the place. Then I kicked the truck and 50 meters later it came back to the ground. I ripped the doors off and twisted the steel beams that made up the frame. I demolished that truck…

Then I looked a bulldozer that was nearby. A big bulldozer…

I walked up to it and by the time I got to the blade on the front, I released all the hate and energy that I had as I punched the blade. It caved inward and tore into the main body of the bulldozer. I then went completely uncorked and destroyed that bulldozer with my bare hands. I remember picking it up off the ground and smashing it into a building of stone and concrete. Then…

Then I collapsed and started to cry. I guess I might have cried for an hour and after I was done crying, I really felt better. I undid my armor and walked to a store on the square, I found a root-beer to drink and stepped outside to have a think session on the front steps of the store. As I took a long drink of root-beer, I saw a flash of movement to my left. I looked and then I saw standing there a Zombie god! He had a look like he had seen what I did and wasn’t sure what to do next…

He was caught and tried to freeze as if he was not there. I am sure that he was invisible to normal people, but I am far from normal. I took another swig of my root-beer and acted like I did not see him. I finished the root-beer and as I drained the last drops, I threw it as hard as I could and hit him between the eyes with it. He hit the ground like a sack of potatoes and I ran and grabbed him by the throat. I picked him up and slammed him against a tree. He shook his head and when he realized what was going on, he froze…

I asked him does he understand English? He responded yes! I told him to go home and tell everyone that he comes in contact with, that I am on my way. I am going to come and finish the Zombie war of the gods! I told him that when I see him next, that I would kill him and this was his only chance to live. The best thing that he could do was to tell everyone what I say and leave. Leave the universe, because the universe is too small for Zombies and I to live in harmony…

Then as I was telling this Zombie god what I wanted him to tell the rest, I felt that another Zombie had appeared behind me. I spun and threw the Zombie in my hands at the Zombie behind me. They both went to the ground. They got up scrambling and the look of terror was in their eyes. Then they disappeared just as they came…

I hurried on back to Girl and Dogg. I knew that the Zombies gods knew where we were now and that we needed to get moving. A purpose and reason have now appeared to me and I realize what I have to do. After that last explosion and outburst of emotions, I was able to put all the souls of gods in their place inside of me. I put an order to the madness that rages in me. The key was to place one soul as the boss and any soul that crosses the line dies instantly…

As I said in another post. My sword is part of my soul and I have it to fight within myself also. I had a little demonstration of who is the boss to put the pecking order in line real quick. My sword just does not absorb the power of a god at his demise, it also will extinguish his life force forever if I use it again on them. They never had such a happening in their existence and the gods fell in line real quick. You see gods never die they just transferred energies from one to another. Well I have proven that gods will die and by my hand it will happen, if I so desire…

Oh yes I said that I put one soul in charge! Well guess what? I found a quiet little soul hidden in the back. It was very familiar and as I approached it. It became known to me. I found my Zombie Ben from my past life. He was hidden inside with all these other Zombie god souls. Ben said hi and my spirits lifted. After I hugged him and asked him where he came from. (He did not know!) I put him in charge of the Zombie god soul department! I had my buddy back and even though he was not physically next to me, he was still available to communicate with and to ask help when I needed it…

Ben had his samurai sword and I knew he would keep all in line and if he needed help all he had to do was ask…

Now if I can just figure out how to bring Ben back as my sidekick again. He saved my life enough and I owe him that much…

I had gone back to home, as we call it the last few days and hugged Dogg and Girl. Dogg said “Bow Wow!” and Girl smiled a huge smile and said, “Welcome back to the living! I was worried if I would have to whoop you with my Kung Fu!” I just smiled and said, “Tomorrow we leave to find the government shelter and tonight lets have a party!”

Girl said, “Yippy!” and Dogg said “Bow Wow!” as he played with his Zombie head…

I looked around and the world was brighter in my eyes. It felt better and I knew that we had a chance…

Dogg ran up to me and laid his head against me and then you would have thought he won the “JackPot!” He started to “Bow Wow” like crazy, then run in circles chasing his tail and I realized that he felt Ben the Zombie inside of me…

I then made Doggs day and kicked the head across the yard for him to chase. Most dogs love to chase Frisbee, but not my dog! He loves to chase Zombie heads…

That just seems correct for this day and age in earths history!

Now I will get back to you tomorrow after we search Denver. We have to find the government offices and see if there is any information on the underground facilities available…

Talk to you tomorrow…

The Zombie Source Code…

We Find Zighile Comstock: Part 2

*** That is when I felt the little girls mind again! She said, “Help Me Daddy!” ***

I stood up in a daze and came to my senses when Ben was shaking me and say, “Are you okay?” I finally nodded and then bolted for the truck. I jumped in and found the engine still running. Ben came running with the weapons that he just gathered up and Dogg jumped in as soon as he opened the door on his side. I yelled get in and hurry or something like that…

The words of that little girl rang in my mind and it just struck me who this kid was! I had lost my one and only child many years ago! I refused to think about it and never allowed what happened to surface in my mind. I will not go into what happened now but I will say that I know now, that this girl is my daughter. She should be in her late twenties now, but for some reason Zighile Comstock had her and she was like the day she was murdered by the government agents. Except she was an experiment and covered in scars like Frankenstein the monster. I will explain later after I catch this sick mad scientist… (I promise!)

Then I heard another faint, “Help me Daddy!” That is when we found out what kind of power that we bought in this Dodge Truck. The border was blocked by wrecked cars everywhere and I picked the most likely spot and slammed the push bar against a car’s back-end. I pulled the lever into 4X4 and crammed her into granny gear. Stood on the gas and pushed three cars in a row clean out of the way. Then I heard Dogg growl and I looked over to the left of the truck and a border guard had revived as a Zombie. Ben saw him and pulled the bolt on the AK and leaned in front of me with the barrel out the window and blew the head off the Zombie. With that I hit the gas and shoved three cars in all directions in front of us and we broke free…

I stretched the trucks legs on this wonderful highway we were on in Canada. I leveled off at around 125 mph and let her hum at that speed. Ben said. “Who is she?” I said nothing at that point. I just kept going…

Then as I neared a side road, This voice in my head told me to turn. I almost lost control as I turned but we made it and then I was told to hurry…

I saw the patrol car stopped and then I saw a small Cessna Airplane taking off! It was a small airport and I just new that we would find the owners dead or worse…

As the plane went over our heads I heard that little voice again, “Alaska – Alaska – Alaska – Alas…” Then it faded…

We found the airport as I feared. Three dead humans and then risen! They were waiting for us and it looked as if they had orders to stop us. Well after today they were not an issue and I let Dogg kill them all! He wanted a few heads to play with for awhile…

I then had a talk with Ben. I told him what was going on and that Alaska is now our destination. He listened to what I had to say and instead of saying your are plum crazy or something like that. He just said, “Lets go get the sick mad scientist!” I guess after all we have seen for months now, we would believe anything anymore…

I said time to eat, rest, restock, reload, refuel (High octane airplane fuel!) and let Dogg play with some Zombie heads, as I watched Dogg do just that and he ran by carrying a Zombie head by the ear…

Oh by the way – I can fly but someone shot holes in all the airplanes fuel tanks and engines. We would not fly from that airport…

I found a map of Canada in an office and we plotted our course to Alaska. It looked like Canada has few highways to get there and they looked small…

So that is where we are now as I write this. I am using satellite connection and uploading this so that you all know what is happening. We are driving across Canada and have ended up deep inside Canada. I get dreams at night from my daughter and she tells me were she is or at least tries to tell me. The last dream was about a sign she saw in Alaska. It said city limits – Tok, Alaska!

So in a few days I will post what is happening. We are going to eat when we get to a little town called Rainbow Lake, Canada. The signs say they got a cafe with good meatloaf and mashed potatoes… 🙂

The Zombie Source Code!

We Find Zighile Comstock: Part 1

*** I will try to get an update tomorrow or the next day after we get some sleep. The food was good and sounds like we gotta run to get our room for the night. The diner also has a meat loaf special tomorrow and that sounds good… ***

Damn the roads are rough in Canada! I am trying to write this in the truck as we run full tilt after Zighile Comstock…

Yes Zighile Comstock we happened to stumble upon the famous man himself and not the other that we were looking for. It seems that someone had a switching of identities and ran for the hills or the boonies near Canada. Now we are in Canada with the pedal to the metal trying to catch the man who started all of this crap…

We almost had him but at the USA border but something bigger than all of us put together took out a whole boarder station…

Okay I guess that I am jumping the gun here. Maybe I need to back up, because the last time we talked, we were getting ready for bed after a good meal and I was expecting meat loaf the next day…

Flash back a few days: We had a good night sleep and got up to the smell of coffee. Ben was up already and was making coffee and breakfast of pancakes, eggs and bacon. We spent the night at the friend of a friend as I said. But it seems that at one point Ben realized that the friend of the friend was a Zombie. Then when the Zombie realized that Ben was an uncommunicative Zombie by mind thoughts. The Zombie ran and never came back. Dogg and I slept through it all and Ben Zombie stood watch. Ben decided that all hell is going break loose at one point and Dogg and I would need our rest to fight. He ended up being very correct…

We ate and left the house we stayed in. I knew that the gig was up, because I could feel it in the air. The whole population (About 50) was gathered in the square of the town and we could see that they were literally all Zombies. In fact at this point it looked like everyone had been converted during the night. I walked to the truck and pulled out 5 grenades that I kept hidden for emergencies. I pulled the pin on one and tossed it through the window of the house we just left. I decided to take the town with us! Ben and Dogg looked at me like I had gone plum local. I told Ben and Dogg get ready because these are the real McCoy as I pointed at the grenades and they are not flash bangs…

With that the whole house came apart and while the Zombies staggered from the shock and impact I walked toward them with my two handed Chinese broad sword. I decided to kill some Zombies today – Damn them anyway…

Dogg did not have to be told twice – it was Zombie killing time and he growled with that wicked growl he did as the remains of the house rained around us. Ben was pissed at me because it seems that he took a huge splinter of wood n the chest. Now don’t worry remember he heals quick and it just pissed him off. That was good because he took that pissed off mood and went after the Zombies after I yanked out the splinter. It was about two foot long and 3 inches thick. Maybe board would be a better word instead of splinter…

The Zombies reacted very properly and all turned to the head Zombie or boss. They looked for guidance. That is when I realized – From a picture of his book. That we had hit the jackpot and found Zighile Comstock. I yelled to Dogg and Ben as I pointed at Zighile Comstock. He is mine I do not want him hurt…

Zighile Comstock saw and heard me yelling and that is when fear took over his eyes. He knew that I was not a mistake showing up at this god forsaken place. He knew I was here for a reason and that reason involved Zombies…

Zighile Comstock sent all Zombies at us at that point. I saw him grab a young girl by the hand. The girl was covered in multiples of scars. All healed but all had been stitched up! She turned to look at me and I could see in her eyes what she was. She was the beginning Source Code Zombie. All others came from her and as she looked at me. I felt that same force that overcame me at the Old Power Plant, when I cut the chains loose on the power generator…

It was her that did that too me. She called me by name in my head and told me to save her…

That is when I lost track of what was happening. She drove me to insanity and I fought like it. Ben stayed away and fought with Dogg. They took out about a quarter of the Zombies but I guess that I went bazaar on the world and when I came out of it I was within reach of the little girl and Zighile Comstock. Zighile Comstock was panicked at that point. He was frantic as I came at him with a look on my face that even my mother would not like…

Behind me was a slaughtered field of Zombies and Dogg and Ben were cleaning up the stragglers. Then the ground shook as I almost had Zighile Comstock by the throat…

A hand had reached out of the ground and grabbed my ankle. Then I came back to reality and realized that we were in a cemetery! If you have been reading all along then you know that a Source Code Zombie can raise the dead just by walking through a cemetery. Well guess what?

Zighile Comstock reacted and drug the girl Zombie with him as the ground exploded around me with hundreds of Zombies. The energy that had been bestowed upon me the first battle was gone and I was drained. That is when I heard Dogg and Ben giving their war cries…

This time Dogg and Ben became the driven and possessed. They saved my butt…

As the last Zombie was taken down I saw a 4X4 truck with Zighile Comstock at the wheel tearing out of town. We ran back to our truck but realized that someone had cut he tires…

So I decided to slow down and said, “We fix the tires, we eat, we stock food, we rearm, we fill up the fuel and we level this town from HELL!”

So that is what we did in that order…

As we left the town I turned and looked and it was a blazing inferno. I smiled as I knew we caused a huge set back in the plans of this sick guy! Now it is time to get Zighile Comstock…

I told Ben and Dogg to get back in the truck and lets go. At that point we had no idea what was going to happen as we went after our prey. I just knew that inside me, something was driving me to do this and now I knew that little girl was the source. I was thinking as we drove and almost missed a broken down 4X4 at the side of the road. I slammed on the breaks and backed up. The first thing that I saw was several dead bodies at the side of the road. there heads and limbs were torn off. This was not Zighile Comstock or a little girl. They must have something else with them…

I looked in the back of the 4X4 and saw a thick steel barred cage. I knew whatever was in that cage was strong and bad. Now it was out! I looked at the dirt and saw another set of tire tracks. That must be what they took off in. Looks like they broke down and when a car stopped to help they killed them…

I looked down the road and looked at Ben and Dogg! Then I looked down the road again. I heard gun shots and I realized that I could see the border from here and I saw something big and ugly tearing border patrol men to pieces…

It was time to get the big guns out, while I unlocked the false floor in the truck bed…

Ben had a 30 caliber machine gun and was hanging out the window. I had an AK47 ready by my side. Dogg was at the window ready to jump out when I stopped. He had his titanium teeth exposed in a constant growl. He even scared me…

I pulled the truck up sideways so Benn could start shooting. Dogg jumped out and ran full speed at the Zombie that was killing boarder guards left and right. Benn unleashed clip after clip into the Zombie. It seems to do no good…

Then Dogg climbed the Zombie’s body and was attached at the base of its neck at the backside with his indestructible teeth…

Dogg was the one that got his attention. As he screamed bloody murder at having a bad ass little Dogg chomping on its neck…

He finally got hold of Dogg but I was ready for that and shot the Zombie between the eyes. That made him drop Dogg instead of crushing Dogg. Dogg ran like lightning…

It looked like all I did was piss the Zombie off by shooting it between the eyes. But it quit killing boarder guards and decide to kill us. Nice huh?

Ben started to rattle clip after clip of ammo into the Zombie and I flipped the AK to full auto. I started to unload all three 30 round clips that I had on me. The damn Zombie did not care and kept coming after us. He was almost at the truck and as he attacked Ben Zombie at the truck window I grabbed a grenade that was behind the seat. That was when the truck was almost picked off the ground and shook like a toy. Ben had crawled inside and was okay. But that left me standing right in front of that Zombie. It dropped the truck with  bang and grabbed me and picked me off the ground. I saw behind it a patrol car escaping and inside I could see Zighile Comstock and the little girl. That pissed me off. So I pulled the pin on the grenade and as the Zombie screamed, I stuck the grenade in it mouth, like jammed it down it’s throat…

Dogg was not going to let a Zombie beat his dad up so I found Dogg on top its head trying to rip his eyes out. Then I realized that Ben was at his belly and had jammed his samurai sword into the Zombie and was trying to cut him in half. It crossed my mind right then that we were a real team and no one was going to go without the others going with them. It would have been a good time to have a tear in my eye but I though that I will wait to have a cry later. Right now, there is a live grenade getting ready to go BOOM!

Well with a Dogg eating his eyes and a Ben slicing and dicing and me jamming a something down its throat. The overgrown Zombie dropped me and swiped at Dogg like a flea and ran with Ben’s sword stuck through his body. We all hit the dirt and two seconds later, Zombie guts everywhere… (Yuck)

That is when I felt the little girls mind again! She said, “Help Me Daddy!”

To be continued – Part 2 tomorrow… (Or the next day! I promise! Unless a Zombie gets me!)


We are in Antler, North Dakota and now the Hunt Begins…

*** I will write more when we stop at a truck stop to eat! I am looking forward to a country fried steak, smothered in white – pepper gravy and a side of mashed potatoes to boot. But now I will sleep… ***

Well after a few days of travel we are now in North Dakota (No I did not write more so quit whining!) and have found the little town that we searched for. I am sitting in a tiny diner with Ben and Dogg! (Yes they don’t tell get out to a titanium toothed dog!) Dogg loves home cooking and besides there might only be 50 people living in this town…

I decided to update you all on what we are doing. The trip was uneventful except at the beginning and that I already told you about. I still think of that bear dragging that Zombie off…

We are in a little town called Antler it is located near the border of Canada and is right off the main highway, state road 256. Not much to look at but the food is good and the people nice. The town looks like a good place to get lost in, why it even has a court house in the square with gravel roads everywhere. My kinda town, but Ben and Dogg are grumpy and talking about hicks and country people…

They have a gun shop and we are going to look around tomorrow. First we have to find a place to stay for the night and it looks like the waitress knows a friend of a friend of a friend that has an extra room… 🙂

So after a good night sleep and some local shopping tomorrow we will find our man if he is still alive or still in America. That is the part that is bothering me, is he still here?

I will try to get an update tomorrow or the next day after we get some sleep. The food was good and sounds like we gotta run to get our room for the night. The diner also has a meat loaf special tomorrow and that sounds good…

Don’t let the Zombies Bite!

The Zombie Source Code!

Decided to Take a Trip to North Dakota…

*** Besides I want to finish the book before we go. I need all the information that we can get and it looks like Ben wants to read the book also. Dogg can’t read so he does not want to read the book! ***

I finished the book and so has Ben. Dogg tried to eat it but we saved the book from his titanium teeth! After we had a look downstairs and found the door to the lower levels we decided to leave things alone. It was obvious that nothing was going to get through this door. It was a huge hydraulic operated circle door in the floor of the basement. I would say without measuring it that it was about 15 feet across and 3 foot thick, of what looks to be titanium. Nothing was getting through this door. The power was disconnected and we were not going to plug it in, so to speak…

(So more on the book later! Ben is going to explain what he knows and since he is a medical doctor by profession, I thought that when he is ready I will allow him the chance to tell us what he read. He seems very disturbed by it all and does not want to talk about it right now.)

But we had discovered by the way of the Internet that one member of the team of scientist is still alive. He is located in North Dakota right near the Canadian border. Looks like he is close enough to sneak across the border if he needs too…

His name is Ralph Smiedstein and Ben and I decided after a talk, that we were going to pack and travel. We both agreed that it just felt correct to find this guy and see if we could get some first hand information. Dogg agreed, because he loves to go for a car ride…

So we made a trip to the local WalMart, gun shop, truck dealership and stocked up on new and used items…

I will not go into detail but lets say we have a used Dodge Ram Truck with a V10 488 cubic inch 8.0L engine and crew cab, with a fake bed layer to cover up our goodies and a fully equipped overhead camper shell to sleep in. We have a good array of weapons to replace all that we have lost and broke. Then we bought clothes and food. I also got Dogg a box of chew toys including new dead chickens to keep him happy. Ben got a two handed Chinese Sword because he was really impressed with how easily mine cuts fellow Zombies in half…

We found the switch to send the complex back into the ground and make it look like it was hidden. It looked like someone had plowed the land after we were through. After hiding the new home, we left on a trip, of who knows what we are really doing?

All I know is that my life will most likely never be calm and peaceful again. I seem to have taken on saving the world with my two sidekicks: A Zombie killing dog and Ben Zombie..

As we drove out of our little town, I was doing some thinking’s! If we find this guy, I am not sure what I will ask him or should I just kill him for being part of what is happening? I decided to keep my cool and get information first before killing anyone…

As we drove I noticed several Zombies. They were being killed by packs of dogs out in the country. It seems that a few Zombies had survived our town and were trying to get away to a safer place now. Like I said in the beginning when I started to write, animals are the biggest threat to a Zombie. Animals do not become Zombies and they will kill the Zombies if they get half a chance…

That is why Zombies prefer to be in cities because they can hide from man and animals in a city…

It was almost dark and the headlights were not the best at this time of the night. So I was caught off guard when a Zombie stumbled out in front of us. Then a huge bear followed him, the bear was roaring like a freight train and the Zombie was squealing like a piglet…

I jammed on the brakes and Ben and I watched the scene unfold in front of us. The Zombie was a typical graveyard Zombie risen from the dead. He was not fast by any means and the bear was in a bad mood. He caught that Zombie and smashed him flat on the road. That bear smashed him so hard that one of his arms fell off. They were both oblivious to us being in the road with our head lights on them both. The bear then grabbed the Zombie by the head and drug him off! I presume to eat later or whatever. I told Ben to remind me not to piss a bear off… 🙂

Ben said, “Predator animals find Zombie meat to be extra delicious and if it was not for this type of cleaning up Zombies there would be a whole bunch more Zombies!”

I just grunted at Ben over what he said and looked in the back seat at a sleeping Dogg. I thought that maybe that is why he likes to play with the heads of a Zombie. Kinda like a bone to chew on…

I drove off slowly looking at a twitching arm laying in the road. I remember taking a last look in the mirror and a coyote was dragging the arm off the road. Yummy treats for all…

Well we are putting to use the sim card modem that Ben bought and I am writing this article from the back seat while Ben drives. He has the best night vision and it is pitch black right now. No moon and low clouds…

It will take us about 4 days of decent driving to find the place we are going. Ben and I will take turns driving and of course Dogg will not drive. Even if he wants too. Though Ben could drive non-stop because he does not need to sleep…

But since I do, I am going to sleep a little now. Dogg is in the front seat with Ben and they have classical music playing. I think it is Bach or something like that. I like Country Music but those two don’t…

I will write more when we stop at a truck stop to eat! I am looking forward to a country fried steak, smothered in white – pepper gravy and a side of mashed potatoes to boot. But now I will sleep…

Don’t let the Zombies bite…

The Zombie Source Code…

Ben Zombie Alive?

*** I got out of the Jeep and realized that I was looking straight at Ben Zombie and he was alive… ***

Well – Dogg and I gathered Ben Zombie up and got him in the Jeep somehow.  Then we headed home to the old power plant. I told Ben Zombie to hold the story of what has happened until we are safe at home…

So I will let Ben Zombie tell what he told me: Hey everyone! As you know I was suppose to have been hit and destroyed by a big truck in a suicide attempt. Well my charade worked and it seems that eveyone thought I was dead including Stryker and Dogg. That was the whole point. You see I had to figure out how to block the ability of other Zombies from seeing and hearing what I see and hear. I did not want to put Stryker and Dogg’s life in anymore danger than it is already…

So being a Leader Zombie, I changed clothes with another Zombie and told it too walk out in front of the truck. That made it look like I killed myself…

I then figured out what to do about the extrasensory connection that Zombies have…

Being a doctor I had an advantage over normal laymen and it hit me after I studied about lobotomies and such. I dissected a few Zombie brains and found a new growth, that interconnected the two spheres of the brain. I realized that this had to be the issue that I was looking to solve…

The connection was in a easy place to get to and disconnect as it was located at the very top of the brain, right under the skull cap. I experimented with two other Zombies and found that there was no changes from them after the operation except that they could no longer follow my commands by thoughts. Just by verbal command. Other words the link was broke…

So it was not a true lobotomy it was a simpler situation that I could preform on myself. Being that I do not really feel pain as normal people do. I proceeded to use a mirror and carefully severed the new growth in my head. The second that I did that I felt the presence of millions of minds leave my head and I knew that I was free…

Since we Leader Zombies heal fast, I knew that the link would try to reappear. So I put a metal plate about two inches deep between the two halves of brain to stop the growth again. It does not seem to hurt me in anyway and here I am. I guess back to Stryker…

Well I was just amazed and Dogg is so happy to see him that life just got a little bit better. I told Ben about what has been happening and about the Spyder Zombie. Ben got a worried look on his face and explained that it seems to be a fact that Zombies are mutating…

Well we carried on a long conversation, way into the night. We had a good meal and smoked some Cuban cigars that I had hidden for just such occasions. Then as sleepiness over took us.  Dogg stood up growling and that is when we heard the noise deep with the basement. The noise that Dogg and I have needed to check out. The noise rumbled and grumbled throughout the whole power plant. It felt like we could feel the rumble through the walls and floors…

Ben looked at me and said, “What was that?”

I said, “That is what you, Dogg and I are going to go find as soon as we get some good sleep!”

The Zombie Source Code!