We call it The Zombie War…

*** Come if you can, because I figure we have just enough to all get ourselves killed and if we had another 1,000,000 we might have a few left over. The war against the Zombies starts April 23rd… ***

I was asked why I would tell the date when the war starts?

I answered, because this is not a normal war. This war is like in the very old days and will be fought mainly with swords and other hand held weapons. We do not have fancy equipment and such. What we do have is over 2,000,000 blessed by the Orthodox church swords from their archives of weapons. These swords go back way into the 14th century and are all blessed by the Holy Order of God…

We were told that these swords will kill the Zombies no matter what. Cut the Zombie in half and it will stay dead…

I studied my sword that the Chinese gave me and it is an ancient sword that is from a great emperor back in the very old days. It is blessed by the gods and they say it will do much more damage than any sword known to man. It is a sword that was used to eradicated evil amongst the gods…

So it looks like in the next few days that we will have 2,000,000 give or take people to fight the Zombies. We have lots of predator drones flying in the sky from America. they are spying on us and that pisses me off…

I am trying to get a Stinger missile and take one down as we start the battle on Monday. That is just how I feel…

The Russian army has surrounded us with a hundred kilometer encircle. They tell us that due to the nature of the international issues surrounding the volcano that they can not necessarily enter the volcano. But that they will and can control who gets near the volcano and who tries to leave the 100 km buffer zone that has been designated for the Zombie Volcano purpose. So other words, they will try to stop the Zombies if we fail…

At that point I think that blowing up a Zombie with a tank shell may just accelerate the issue, as 50 Zombies could grow from one original Zombie. In fact I just said, Thanks and lets hope we win!

So far 100 countries have allowed legally people to come and fight. Canada and Mexico has even allowed thousands to cross but we do not have anyone from mainland Europe and the USA. Why even Africa is sending hundreds of people to help and they are sending weapons to fight hand to hand with. The plains area before the start of the Volcano is one giant tent area and it looks like we are having the largest concert on earth. Maybe we are and it is called The Zombie Blues…

I have heard nothing from any of my e-mails that I have sent to people who owe me big favors. I deal with them later. Worth surviving just to collect in person… 🙂

In a few days I will give a complete run up on what is happening and I will not be posting tomorrow, because we have too much to do. It seems that our army is now being lead by 9 demigods and one 100% god. I can’t give anymore names to protect the innocent from gods that have issues with other gods helping humans. This seems to be an age old issue and gods have fought all through history about whether they should interfere in what us humans are doing. I for one am happy that they want to help and I am praying for more gods to enter the issue, to protect the world…

I have to say that I am getting really nervous about all this. They look to me as the leader in this whole war and I am really nervous. In fact I can’t eat or sleep good anymore and will be glad this is over one way or another…

I keep having dreams of millions of people and Zombies clashing as waves and waves of humans and Zombies collide and fight to the death. I guess that is what this is all about and man is making a stand for himself with the most primitive of methods to fight. Modern day warfare would actually make this situation worse and accelerate the demise of the earth…

I also am very upset about what my daughter had said at the last dream she talked to me in. The things she showed me tells me that she was trying to help me win this war, but she also made it clear that I am the enemy and that she will be the god. I was just wondering to myself how many demigods and gods will Zighile have helping him. For the realm of gods is wrought with good and evil and they battle constantly for dominance of the universe…

Oh before I end this post today. Dogg, Rex, Ben and Sergey are fine. We all are safe and sound getting ready for the Zombie war. Dogg has grown full size again and is an even bigger bear than he was. I have always been able to communicate with Dogg and he laid his head on my lap last night and we talked about what is happening. He expects to die as I do also. He told me that the gods allowed him to come back, but knowing that life after death was not a guarantee. In fact he understands that we will die in battle and our deaths will bring more power to the masses fighting to save the earth from the Zombies…

I understand the same and I was brought back to life and have the god of war in me and I expect that when the time is correct he will take me over and I will no longer be present on this earth. I understand that the god of war is only biding his time in me. For I am the hidden deliverer of the powerful god of war. Without him on our side we have no chance. I guess that is why I am driven to continue this crazy task of bringing the Zombie war to a final close…

Ben and Sergey do not understand what is inside of Dogg or I, but I know Ben accepts it and realizes that we must succeed. Sergey is a warrior of old and once his allegiance is pledged as he has pledged to us then he will fight to the death. I also sense that every person that shows up to help is very much loyal to the cause and the belief that man will not survive this war, has stimulated an old hidden ancient gene of survival and the people, whether they be young, old, weak, strong and even sick are showing up by the thousands every hour…

You would think that there would be a mad house with all these people! But no it is calm and peaceful. Huge groups are praying to their gods and food was brought in mass quantities and everyone shares. It is like we all know that our last days are here and nothing matters but this moment in time. Everyone is gathering their thoughts and making peace with their gods. I see lots of people writing in diaries and such. Just as I am doing in this blog…

Yes right now it is kinda boring compared to the last few months as we have chased Zighile across North America, but I would not trade it for anything as I have my best friends in the world with me and I have made millions more good friends that have stepped up to the plate and are going to go to bat with me…

I will be back in two days. That is Friday and I will tell you what is happening. Getting nervous because Monday is the day…

The Zombie Source Code!

PS: I looked over what we have going into this battle: We have humans with determination and the will to survive. They are carrying hammers, brooms, swords, machetes, sticks, spears and any other hand weapon you can think of. We also have 5000 spray containers of acid and they carry about 5 liters each in acid. That is all we have to try to slow down the reanimated reanimated Zombies. Plus we have all kinds of blessed swords, but we do not even know if they will work as prescribed. Right now we are going to go on hope…

There has been a huge tent erected that the gods have stationed themselves in. I am having a meeting there later and on Friday I will tell you about that meeting…