Yesterday I was out walking the neighborhood. I spotted a zombie and that made me realize that the next diary entry should be about the 4 different types of Zombies. Zombies are as varied as there is variation in live humans but there is 4 distinct types or levels of Zombies. The variation comes from how and when they (people) were infected with what ever causes them to to become a Zombie…
So lets cut to the chase: This is by no means the complete list of known Zombies, everyday the list grows longer and as you progress into the book you will come to understand that no limits are imposed upon a Zombie. He can become anything and as powerful as your imagination can make him. The issue arrives when we as humans are not able to imagine the extent that Zombies can progress beyond…
1. First Zombie Type and one of the most common type. The dead rising from the graves. This Zombie is usually slow and decayed to the point of collapse. But these are the most famous and the ones that scare people to death when they see them…
2. Second type of Zombie and very common also, as common as the rising dead in grave yards. The Zombie created from a bite or scratch of another Zombie. These Zombies can either be in very good shape or very bad. That is according to the damage done when attacked by a Zombie. A scratch that breaks the skin is enough but in the same token a half eaten body will come back from the dead also. This type of Zombie is much faster than number one and usually much smarter. In fact usage of tools and guns is possible by this group of Zombies. They have very little speech ability but they can answer yes and no questions very easily. This type of Zombie is the Zombie stories mainstay, because they reanimate almost as quick as a killing bite to the neck. These Zombies are considered still able to have some human thoughts and emotions. Just that they have no ability to organize…
3. Third type of Zombie is pretty rare. They are infected by the original source of the infection. Usually they stay out of the way once they have infected 20 to 30 people and they then wonder on to other towns to spread their infection. They are the Source Code Zombie! They are not powerful and smart by any means. Usually their brains are fried by the infection and are strictly driven by a hunger need. Human Flesh sustains them and that is all they care about. They have no desire to stay with other Zombies for some reason…
4. The forth type of Zombie is the ones infected by the Source Code Zombie. Usually 20 to 30 per town or city. These Zombies are smart, strong and fast. They are the leaders. It seems that the infection through a Source Code Zombie is the best way to become a Zombie. They will live forever, as long as damage to the brain is not incurred. They have mental command over the other types of Zombies. Well – all except the Source Code Zombies and those (SC) ignore everything around them except to eat. Number 4 Zombie can live amongst real people and 99% of you will never ever know they are there. They are in schools, businesses and even the Military. In fact we have had a Zombie leader for a president in the past…
Now lets back up to yesterday and talk about the Zombie that I saw. I was walking the dog and being a good dog he knows when Zombies are around. I am almost as fast as he is at sensing that they are around and Dogg (His name is Dogg!) and I saw this Zombie rummaging through the trash dumpster across the street…
I told you in an earlier post that once you see one you will see them easily from then on. This is a true statement and I can not really explain it but I know a Zombie when I see one…
We walked across the street and wanted to get a good look at the Zombie. I try to keep track of the Zombies in my neighborhood. I try to see if the population of Zombies is growing or not. I poked it with my cane that I walk with at all times. I use it as a weapon if need be. As I suspected when he turned around and stared at me, this was a new Zombie on the block and it was a number 2 Zombie from the list above. It had a deep cut down the side of his face and you could tell it was never going to heal…
He looked at me and you could see a fear come into his eyes. He saw that we recognized him as a Zombie. I told him to move out of my neighborhood and do not come back. I also asked him, was his leader near by. He kinda yes/no shook his head and I realized that he was afraid. If he is caught breaking the Zombie rules by his own type then he will be torn apart by the group. They have been known to rip the head off traitors and kick the head around like a soccer ball for hours. The head is still alive of course because the brain is all that is alive in the first place. It is a terrible way to go and I have seen them do it several times to traitor Zombies. I let him go knowing that the leader was near by just from his reaction…
A leader Zombie is not a good thing and it could only mean one thing. That our town is becoming over run with Zombies…
So in the next few days I and Dogg need to try to find the Leader Zombie. I have suspicions as to what they are up to. I have been hearing rumors of many many new leader Zombies than in the past. I am also seeing many many many more number 2 Zombies. In fact they are invading my dreams at night because they seem to be everywhere right now…
That is it for today. Dogg and I are going to be on the look out for a leader Zombie. maybe we will need to kill it…
PS: Few things for information. One, a Source Code Zombie just has to walk through a cemetery to activate all dead in that cemetery. Two, even though the Source Code Zombie is the most pathetic Zombie of them all. He or she is the most dangerous. A source code Zombie is the hardest to kill. Even after death of the brain the blood is viable for transferring the infection for hundreds of years later. It is said that one drop of a Source Code Zombie blood is capable of turning and infecting a 100,000 humans. The third thing is that there is rumors of a 5th type of Zombie? It is also being said that birds seem to be able to carry the infection to humans now…