Strange Things: Vitaly is gone but not gone but we have his Dog…

*** Yep! Time to stop – we have a, getting bigger pee pot that needs get out and to do his duty! Man he has grown and is such a big spoiled rotten baby. Yes Dogg, not Ben… ***

Vitaly never met us, but as we knew were to go and what port! We went and was met by this very upset Sea Captain. Our ticket to Russia was a freighter called the Monmouth Bite! Notice I said “Was!” The Captain gave us this giant of a dog and a bag that belonged to Vitaly and told us to get our asses out of here or he would call the police personally. He wants nothing to do with anti-government scum and besides he said that he was being paid more to get rid of us, than we could afford anyway…

I told Ben to calm down as he had that look in his eyes, you know that look like I will kill him if you want and solve this issues right now. I said “NO!” I packed the big dog in the vehicle and I drove this time. I had seen some issues that made me realize that we were stepping into a trap back there and they were just waiting for us to trigger it. The Captain was actually helping us and I realized that as I read his eyes as he talked tough to us. I saw men stationed on top of roofs and other areas with weapons. Looks like a governmental surprise was in store for us. I new that a sea captain worth his weight in gold would never support a government of any country. They are free spirits that roam the plant on the last semi free area of earth. The oceans…

I drove off slowly and peacefully. As I explained to Ben what was happening. We drove a awhile and decided to get back to the original meeting point. We also picked up the package that was sent to me with a computer doohickey in it.  Ben calmed down and just as we started to get to the outskirts of the city, all hell broke loose in the vehicle. Dogg decided to become a bad ass and tell this over grown dog in the back seat who is boss. I told Dogg to shut up and calm down and that was the last thing that I could think or do, as little Dogg tried out his changeling powers and turned into a bear. A real bear and not even a little baby bear but a full grown 2000 pound Grizzly Bear! Ben is lucky that he is a Zombie because a little puppy transforming into a huge bear while sitting on your lap, would kill a normal human. The vehicle exploded literally and the next thing I knew, we were on the side of the road and just Ben and the Bear/Dogg inside the vehicle. The vehicle’s rear door or hatch was ripped open and out came a bear roaring like a freight train. The big dog next to me tried to hide behind me as he saw this 1 ton attitude looking for him. Then the side door on the vehicle opened and a Ben fell out, much worse for the wear…

The bear/Dogg went up to his back feet and he had to have stood 10 feet tall. OMG he was huge, but I knew that this was still Dogg and I had to reassert control, as he was just a puppy still. Heaven help us when he grows up…

I said, “Dogg, Stop! Dogg, Stop! Dogg Bad!” I said this as mean and authoritative as I could, but I have to say that compared to the bear growl that I heard, he had more authority than I had at that moment. Then Ben got up and tried to walk to Dogg. Ben fell over in frot of Dogg/bear and was silent and in serious pain. Dogg realized what was happening at that point and the transformation back to a dog was just as instant as the transformation to a bear. The next thing I knew was that Dogg was licking Ben’s face and telling Ben that he was sorry. Then Dogg licked my hand and face and told me he was sorry, but as for the big dog! Dogg just growled this little puppy growl and big dog rolled over and was submissive… 🙂

I scolded Dogg and was the big tough human boss daddy. Dogg was sorry and his eyes told me it would never happen again???

That is when our phone in the vehicle rang. I ran a grabbed it and found Vitaly on the other end of the line. He said to look up and you will see a helicopter soon. Sure enough there he was and after discovering a place to land we gathered together…

I will get back with you after a few days. The game plan is on to Russia by helicopter. Yes I can tell you now because I received a whole laptop in the mail. It is some special type of laptop and it allows me to set a few parameters and keep the tattle tells away. So if you hear someone say that they can not see the blog anymore then just smile and say you can’t either. Must be dead or something… 🙂

We will fly as close as we can to Russia but not cross the boundaries. We are going to land on the ice and walk to Russia from the international area. Vitaly has it planned out and we only have him to trust! Trust him we can, because he is a Russian! While Russians are mean and wicked at times, they are always trustworthy and do not sell out family or friends. Vitally expects that it will only take a few minutes for the weight of the helicopter to finally crack the ice and sink, so we will have to run as soon as we hit the surface of ice. Vitaly will keep the prop going to take a load off of the ice and then as he kills the engine and we are a long ways away he will run like hell to get away from the helicopter. He is going to drop a grenade to help shatter the ice. We want the copter to sink in the sea…

Vitaly says speed is of the utmost and I will have a day of rest to really get things caught up once we get into Russia. He has friends that have a wonderful ice hotel that is a dream to stay at. Fresh fish and wonderful Russian women on the menu. The copter has two snow mobiles strapped under it and two trailers with clothes and supplies. Vitaly says that we have about 3 days of walking and snowmobiling before we get to safety. If we make it. For we have lots of deep water under the ice that we will be traveling on and Spring is trying to come to this part of the world…

Vitaly has been busy while we have been enjoying the drive the last few days. Vitaly said he figutred out what was happening and saw government guys sneaking around. He talked with the captain and they worked out a plan. It kept the captain from getting in trouble and kept us out of deaths bed…

I told everyone not to upset Dogg as he is a growing delicate puppy that has hormonal issues. Vitaly just looked at us and then looked at little Dogg. I said, “Don’t laugh! He can get mean!” Vitaly’s dog whimpered and Vitaly had a look of, “What did I miss?” on his face! I told him I would tell him later as I figured that he really did not need to know what kind of surprise package he had on board. He might not take us then… 🙂

So talk to you in a couple of days, I hope! I am writing this and all I see under us is a vast sea of ice. We had stopped at Wales, Alaska before crossing the Bering straight. Had to have one last pizza before Russia. I hear they do not have many pizza’s in Russia…

So we are really back on track and now it is time to start hunting for Zighile Comstock. My dreams have been silent for awhile and my daughter has not been asking for help! I hope that is not a bad sign of things to come…

The Zombie Source Code

Pizza and about 8 hours, until Anchorage…

*** Ben and I have to stop again. Yes a little pee pot has to go again and he is hungry again. I swear he is growing like a weed as we drive. That has got to be my imagination though! But he is getting heavier… ***

We found a town and stopped and had pizza. Ben, Dogg and I love pizza! I will not be telling where we are at anymore, but since you know we are on our way to Anchorage, then that I can not hide. We are being watched by too many people and agencies and that means we have to change a few rules…

I will let you know as much information as possible without giving away our plans. It seems that too many people are trying to help the government who are reading the blog. Some of you people are really sad. I post and they are telling me that hundreds of calls are being made to the FBI and CIA to report our story to help the government to get us…

Are you all crazy? What you want to be a Zombie?

Okay enough of that! I realize that people are so brainwashed by the government that the government is looked at as being almost like a GOD! But that is not an excuse for being a Benedict Arnold and trying to turn us in. When I grew up we called that being a tattle tale!

When Dogg gets older I am go9ing to give him a list of all your names that are turning us in and tattle telling. He may want to visit a few of you when this is over. No that is not a threat, just a promise. Nuff said about that…

Glad I got that off my chest and talking about chest! My Raven tattoo hurts. It has started to take a 3D effect and look to it. I am starting to wonder what I am in for, in the future? I had a dream last night that I met my spirit that was used to regenerate me by the gods. He was in the shadows and only said to me that he was not a true shape shifter but a skinwalker. Skinwalker? I then looked up what is a skinwalker: A human with the ability to shape shift into any animal, by using its skin (pelts) to perform the function. It seems that a skinwalker can only be killed when it is in its human form and at its weakest. A skinwalker is a very very powerful foe or a powerful ally. Kinda according to what side you see him from…

Also Dogg is getting big and big fast. He ate two whole large pepperoni pizzas by himself. I mean gigantic size and he is still hungry. The only reason that he quit eating is because he got so tired that he fell asleep, from being worn out by eating so much. I am sure we will be stopping soon because what goes in has gotta come out! 🙂

Ben is really happy and all he has talked about is the Eskimo girl that cooked him meals and took care of him. She seemed to really like Ben and it looks like Ben has been smitten by the love bug. She told Ben that she will wait for him to come back and she gave Ben a necklace that she said symbolizes her love and protection for Ben. Guess she is kinda smitten by him also…

I called Vitaly and he said he will meet us at the outskirts of the city. Name and place to be unsaid, for all you stinky tattle tales. It seems that he has everything lined out and by this time tomorrow we will be on our way across the Bering Sea to Russia…

I have a possible answer to how to cut off these tattle tales and I will also have that info tomorrow at this this same time. It looks like we can track the scummy people and block their IP’s! That way they will not even be able to see the articles. It is a special inline firewall that has been developed by the government for spy situations. I have a friend of a friend that has next day aired it to Anchorage. If it works then I can post as normal. They say that even a proxy situation will not help…. (I dunno!)

Yep! Time to stop – we have a, getting bigger pee pot that needs get out and to do his duty! Man he has grown and is such a big spoiled rotten baby. Yes Dogg, not Ben… 🙂

Talk to you later!

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: It may be a day or two before I get settled down again and write. I promise to write while on the ship at least once…