Pizza and about 8 hours, until Anchorage…

*** Ben and I have to stop again. Yes a little pee pot has to go again and he is hungry again. I swear he is growing like a weed as we drive. That has got to be my imagination though! But he is getting heavier… ***

We found a town and stopped and had pizza. Ben, Dogg and I love pizza! I will not be telling where we are at anymore, but since you know we are on our way to Anchorage, then that I can not hide. We are being watched by too many people and agencies and that means we have to change a few rules…

I will let you know as much information as possible without giving away our plans. It seems that too many people are trying to help the government who are reading the blog. Some of you people are really sad. I post and they are telling me that hundreds of calls are being made to the FBI and CIA to report our story to help the government to get us…

Are you all crazy? What you want to be a Zombie?

Okay enough of that! I realize that people are so brainwashed by the government that the government is looked at as being almost like a GOD! But that is not an excuse for being a Benedict Arnold and trying to turn us in. When I grew up we called that being a tattle tale!

When Dogg gets older I am go9ing to give him a list of all your names that are turning us in and tattle telling. He may want to visit a few of you when this is over. No that is not a threat, just a promise. Nuff said about that…

Glad I got that off my chest and talking about chest! My Raven tattoo hurts. It has started to take a 3D effect and look to it. I am starting to wonder what I am in for, in the future? I had a dream last night that I met my spirit that was used to regenerate me by the gods. He was in the shadows and only said to me that he was not a true shape shifter but a skinwalker. Skinwalker? I then looked up what is a skinwalker: A human with the ability to shape shift into any animal, by using its skin (pelts) to perform the function. It seems that a skinwalker can only be killed when it is in its human form and at its weakest. A skinwalker is a very very powerful foe or a powerful ally. Kinda according to what side you see him from…

Also Dogg is getting big and big fast. He ate two whole large pepperoni pizzas by himself. I mean gigantic size and he is still hungry. The only reason that he quit eating is because he got so tired that he fell asleep, from being worn out by eating so much. I am sure we will be stopping soon because what goes in has gotta come out! 🙂

Ben is really happy and all he has talked about is the Eskimo girl that cooked him meals and took care of him. She seemed to really like Ben and it looks like Ben has been smitten by the love bug. She told Ben that she will wait for him to come back and she gave Ben a necklace that she said symbolizes her love and protection for Ben. Guess she is kinda smitten by him also…

I called Vitaly and he said he will meet us at the outskirts of the city. Name and place to be unsaid, for all you stinky tattle tales. It seems that he has everything lined out and by this time tomorrow we will be on our way across the Bering Sea to Russia…

I have a possible answer to how to cut off these tattle tales and I will also have that info tomorrow at this this same time. It looks like we can track the scummy people and block their IP’s! That way they will not even be able to see the articles. It is a special inline firewall that has been developed by the government for spy situations. I have a friend of a friend that has next day aired it to Anchorage. If it works then I can post as normal. They say that even a proxy situation will not help…. (I dunno!)

Yep! Time to stop – we have a, getting bigger pee pot that needs get out and to do his duty! Man he has grown and is such a big spoiled rotten baby. Yes Dogg, not Ben… 🙂

Talk to you later!

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: It may be a day or two before I get settled down again and write. I promise to write while on the ship at least once…