To me it has been almost a year that I have been learning Kung Fu! To you it has been just a week or so…
That is the beauty of futuristic technology. Technology that may never bee seen on earth as we know it. For right now as you read this the spread of the Zombie virus is accelerating and soon you will wake to a world of death and destruction. I have tried to warn you and if everyone would just get off their ass and do something about it, then maybe the world would be saved…?
An hour ago I held Woewebegone’s head in my lap as he died. We were celebrating today earlier. The celebration was that I almost could be called a student of Kung Fu. I had actually learned something and Woewebegone admitted it. It was an incredible day for me and as he died in my arms, he called me Stryker…
How did he die?
Let me tell you as I look around at a hundred dead Zombie Gods. Let me tell you how the Zombie gods tried to stop me today. They have succeeded in one thing today, they have woke me up and now I will bring the war to them. God with me I hope…
Hours ago earlier today. Woewebegone and I finished what he said was the last lesson, or at least the last lesson that I would get and even though I was a miserable student of Kung Fu and he had seen a 5 year old with more promise than me. He had to admit that I was as helpless and proficient at the same time in Kung Fu, as I would ever be and nothing anyone, even a god could do anything to change that…
Other words, I plain sucked at Kung Fu but I knew enough to be dangerous and Woewebegone hoped that was enough, because he could not change a sows ear into something pretty…
So we had a party to celebrate that I only sucked half as bad at Kung Fu as I did a year ago. Yes a whole year has gone by and Karate made no sense to me, Kung Fu was more dangerous to me than my enemies and Woewebegone grew to love me anyway…
As Woewebegone and I sat and enjoyed life under a cherry tree that he transplanted for me, from earth. I had my eyes closed and was dreaming of getting back to earth, Dogg and Girl. Woewebegone was half way through a paragraph of telling me about how to get back to earth now and Dogg and Girl would never know that I was gone. Time travel is a interesting concept and you have to have a special god that can do it or otherwise time travel just does not happen. Woewebegone was one of those gods. He gave me a icon of a cross and with this icon I could transverse the heavens alone as I needed, to get to one place or another. Forward or backward in time. But it only worked in very rare occasions and would not work if I was trying to alter history. Other words it worked the best going forward in time, but going back in time it was not so reliable. History was the issue…
As my eyes were closed I heard an abrupt stopping of words from Woewebegone and then he started to gurgle and blood came out of his mouth. Then I noticed a huge spear sticking out of his chest from is backside. The spear was from a god as I recognized the etchings on it from my teachings. I looked around and dodged a spear that was thrown at me. It grazed my cheek and left a faint line of blood. That was close…
Woewebegone slumped against the cherry tree and I thought he was dead. I also knew that thinking would mean I would be killed also. I fueled that rage in me at seeing my friend die and then I fueled it some more and bellowed it into a roaring firer as I thought that everyone dies around me, sooner or later…
I saw no one around me as I stood and walked calmly into the cave that we were staying in. We had moved many times over the years to keep Zombie gods from finding us and we thought that this cave would be a very safe spot. Arrows hit the ground around me and spears flew past me. I could feel the shafts and knew that they would not hit me. As I did not plan on staying still at this point and Zombies gods or not are terrible at aiming and I was skilled in perception now. I was sue that they would not get me with simple arrows and spears at this point…
As I stepped into the cave entrance my sword and shield leaped to my hands. Shield in the left hand and sword in the right. The sword was literally screaming a high pitched hiss and I felt the blood lust it so desired. The sword has waited patiently since its inception and has waited for the first battle. The shield took o a gold fleck metallic maroon color and my armor surrounded me in full. I have not had time to tell you about my armor from the planet called Xcices. It was a field trip that we took a few months ago after the sword field trip and I was fitted in a special armor for the gods. I will have to tell you about that next time…
I stepped out of the cave entrance and what stood before me should have scared me to death. The had to have been a hundred Zombie gods and they were ready to rumble. There was no regular Zombies, these were Zombie gods and were fully armored and weaponized. I was too mad to care and I glanced at Woewebegone and knew he was gone…
They charged at me and I heard my heart sing in tune with the sword and as I screamed that I would kill every last one of the bastards. My sword took a life of its own and I felt as well as saw the blade cut clean through armor that up until this day had never know its defeat. Ever blow upon a Zombie and the blade grew stronger and stronger and stronger. It consumed Zombie blood like a dry sponge in hot water…
My shield returned the same force of the blow back to the attacker and repealed then meters away as they attacked. My armor never once gave away, but I could feel the blows and I am covered in many many bruises…
The Zombie gods kept coming and I just kept killing. I was so mad that I was an inferno of hate and destruction. When there was about 20 Zombie gods left. They broke and ran. They gathered away from me. It looked as though they were in communication and right then I wished that I had Ben the Zombie to tell me what they were thinking. (Ben from the last book!)
Then they broke up and all transported back to were they came from. I am not sure how they did it and it looked as if it was a mechanical transportation. just like on Star Trek, except real transportation…
I put the sword up and shield away. The armor went back to its hidden state. I then ran to Woewebegone and saw that he was verily alive. I held him in my arms and he whispered some last words to me.
He said, “When I die hold me tight and do not let go until you know when it is right! For I will send a jolt to you, that will grow as a child grows inside your soul! My death is not in vain and is only the beginning, For you my son is the new King of the realm! Take me now and hold me tight for I die a strong death!” Then he said, “I name you “Stryker the Conqueror!””
Then he died and as I was realizing that he called me Stryker, I was hit with a bolt of lightning that tore my soul out and then slammed it back inside of me. I felt his power go into me and all that he had became mine. Then as I thought that was bad enough and the pain was overpowering at that. I felt all the power of the gods I had just killed slam me into the ground and around a hundred Zombie gods power of their souls entered me. It was a huge struggle for possession of my soul and my sword which is attached to my soul also was there to fight with me. I won and tamed all other energies and felt a power rush like no other in the universe…
I guess this is going to become the norm for me. Kill a god and gain their power. Ouch, I am getting to old for this…
Next stop home to earth, hug Dogg and Girl, then find the underground bomb shelter and then kick some Zombie ass. Oh yea and next time I will talk about my armor and I will try to write down some of what Woewebegone wanted to tell everyone…
“Stryker the Conqueror!” I like it but I will stick with Stryker. Dogg/Bear might kick my butt if I get too big of a head! 🙂
The Zombie Source Code…