We are so far behind now and it is all my fault. I got very sick and was running a fever of 106 degrees Fahrenheit! I was in delusions and it looked exceedingly like I could have been infected. These Saint Zombies are different and it was a possibility that if I died I could have turned…
Ben stayed by my side for these last few days and tended to me. Sergey, Dogg and Rex went on a mission to gather supplies and get as many Eskimos to help with our quest. Sergey said that there was over 300 Eskimos to help and more coming. It seems that an Russian icebreaker ship crossed the sea between the US and Russia and sneaked a whole bunch of Eskimos into Russia. The monastery was full again. Even the Old Eskimo guy was here to give me words of wisdom. Ben said that he has been doing his voodoo magic stuff as I fought the Zombie virus… 🙂
While I was in la la land with a terrible fever, Sergey was contemplating what to do to kill the reanimated reanimated Zombies. He had a talk with Ben, Old Eskimo and I. He said that we can’t cut them up! We can’t smash them! We can’t really do anything except burn them and that is easier said than done as per the Saint Zombie that kept getting back out of the fire as I tried to burn him up. So he has come up with an interesting thought. What about acid and dissolve them?
Sergey said that they were experimenting with Fluoroantimonic acid and it is 20 quintillion times stronger than 100% sulfuric acid. It was left up to them to experiment because they are so isolated in the world and accidents could be contained better. I have the knowledge to use the acid as a gas and a little goes a long ways. I am not sure that it will dissolve these Zombies but I am positive that by spraying the Zombies with it that we can cause a tremendous chemical reaction that even the Zombie virus is unable to recover from. If nothing else it will sufficiently kill the the virus and neutralize the reproduction of the virus. The acid is classified as a super-acid…
Sounds good to me and I asked Sergey where we can get all this acid and how are we going to test it out. Sergey said that we had two thousand liters at the monastery and that with a simple phone call they could have all we want. I asked can it be delivered near the Zombie Valcano? He said yes! He also said we have a tunnel full of Saint Zombies, they would be great test subjects for the experiment…
I am still weak, but Ben says that I am testing negative for Zombie virus. He says that my antiboides are loaded up in my blood stream and it looks like they won the battle against the virus, but that I have to rest another day before leaving. I can’t chance reversing and getting the Zombie virus…
So I am laying in bed and reading up on the Zombie Volcano and what has happened there over the last thousand years. I have to say that we are really a sick race of people on this planet and the fact that we kept all these Zombies in one are all this time is flat stupid. Sometimes I think that letting the Zombies take over the world would be the best thing. They seem to be less stupid than the normal human…
Ben has just come in and told me that they found an operating helicopter at the army base near the village Naukan and we have enough fuel to get to the Volcano, or almost to the Volcano. We might be short a hundred kilometers or so. We are going to open the tunnel and use a power sprayer to saturate the tunnel inside with acid. I told hem I want to be there when this happens and no argument allowed…
So it looks like we are getting everything together and the Eskimos have already left to get to the volcano. They said that there will be over a thousand plus of them by the time we get there. We have enough room on the copter to take supplies, Ben, Sergey and I! Dogg and Rex are going with the Eskimos. Dogg promises to be good and he will whoop Zombie butt if need be. The last I saw Dogg has his Zombie head and was disappearing over the horizon to tales unknown with a Zombie head in his teeth… (Yuck)
So this part of the article is after the use of the acid…
We found a place to poke a hole through the wall of the tunnel. It took about two hours and when we did the rod that we had driven into the tunnel to make a hole was grabbed by a Zombie. So we knew that we were in the tunnel. Sergey stuck a hose down into the tunnel and started to pump a gas mixture of this acid. We pumped 100 liters of atomized fluid into the tunnel and then waited for 12 hours. Then after 12 hours Sergey and Ben raised the tunnel door of stone that we sealed it with. It seems that the same lever to bring it down was also a handle to crank it back up. Then Sergey opened the tunnel door and ran to get away from the fumes…
We stood back for awhile and nothing attempted to even try to get out. Sergey then sprayed a acid neutralizer of some type and we entered the tunnel as he sprayed. Now while there was not any really dissolved bodies of the Zombies, not a Zombie moved. We took one out with us and resealed the door. We wanted to see if we could revive the Zombie. Nope the Zombie was flat dead…
It seems as Sergey tried to explain and Ben tried also to help explain, that Zombies use their skin a lot for exchange of gases to function. So any acid like this would be immediately absorbed into the skin and it would reach all internal parts of the body very quickly. The virus was neutralized as it could not function within the same space as the acid. Other words a little bit would do the job, but as humans would die just as easy as the Zombie, we had to really be careful. This acid can even dissolve glass, which makes me wonder how it is transported? I will leave that up to sergey…
I was not convinced that the Zombie was totally dead. It just seems to easy, so I had the Zombie chained to a pole and we were going to keep an eye on it until we left to see if it revived. Something told me that we need to burn them to completely stop them. It just seems to easy. A shot of acid and dead Zombie. I think a shot of acid and while deactivated, burn the sucker for all I am worth…
I asked Sergey did they have flame throwers at the army base at the village. He said yes…
So I am starting to get a plan of action also. We will see if this Zombie wakes up anytime soon. We also will leave in a day and I will write another article before we leave. I promise…
The Zombie Source Code…
PS: I swear that Zombie has moved…