Naukan: Let God Protect this Village for we have buried her secretes…

*** Zighile is going to reanimate the dead reanimated army of over 10,000,000 creatures that have been conveniently all placed in one spot just for his convenience to reanimate. OMG: It is one thing to reanimate the dead and still be able to kill them again, but quiet another thing to have the dead reanimate again and again and again… ***

Well we just got back from an excursion to the village of Naukan…

Dogg and Rex took the high ground and Ben, Sargey and I took the lower ground. Dogg showed that he could also change into a huge, I mean huge, like in (Did I say Huge?) gigantic Eagle. He then grabbed Rex and they few off to the village 10 kn away. So as we watched them disappear into the morning sunrise. Sergey said lets hit the tunnels…

I was thinking as we walked to the stairs leading to the tunnels, that I hope Dogg and Rex leave some Zombies for us to play with and as Serge opened the door to the tunnel, I could smell the sent of rotten death reeking from the open doorway and I knew that we would have our share right then. Zombies were infested in the tunnel…

I asked Sergey, “Did you bury saints down here like you do upstairs?” Sergey replied, “Oh yes! In fact most were buried or reburied in this tunnel.” He then said, “Oops!” as I cut a Zombie Saint down the middle and extinguished its light of rebirth forever…

Sergey said to keep them busy a second while he gets the lights turned on and gets his sword he has hidden. Ben said, “Hurry because it sounds like there is hundreds of them.” I just turned to the task of slicing and dicing with my machete. The Chinese Broad Sword was too big for the small confines of a tunnel and trying to use it would be dangerous to both me and my friends. Ben’s sword was just right and I had the ceramic Mexican machetes to deal havoc with and more. I was wishing that Dogg and Rex was here about now and that was reenforced as…

Just then the lights came on and the tunnel was revealed to be wall to wall Zombies. Tiny little Zombies about 4 foot tall. It seems that a long time ago people were much smaller than now days and Saints seem to be smaller yet! They all had on these beautiful robes that all Saints are adorned with at burial. They also were covered in gold! I wondered if God will forgive me to kill these Saints, but any doubt was put out of my mind as Sergey pushed past us and with a double swipe of each arm he laid to rest 5 Zombies. Sergey said, “Don’t just stand there. I am not killing all of these by myself, you know?” Ben looked at me and I looked at Ben and I said, “You take position next to Sergey and I will take the mob of Zombies that has just gathered at our rear!”

Ben turned and screamed like a little kid and Sergey looked at him like are you nuts? I am use to Ben’s outputs like that and I know that he is tough as nails. Sergey soon found out about Ben…

It looks like the dead had all risen in the tunnel and they were all coming to greet us and the more noise we made, the more Zombies there seem to be. We were not 10 feet from the door we entered and had been fighting for 20 minutes for all our lives. I hope that Dogg and Rex are doing better than us. I laughed as I thought about Dogg and Rex fighting over a Zombie head as they waited for us to show up from the tunnel… 🙂

It was a bloodless battle for these Zombies where preserved many many years ago and they were mummified type Zombies. Their skin was leathery and no fluids were available, but that did not make it any easier to kill them. In fact they proved to be tougher than a normal Zombie that had body fluids to leak out. It seems that they functioned on a different level than normal Zombies. I know as a fact that normal Zombies still have blood and it still has a function and as you chop a Zombie up in pieces. That deters the ability of the Zombie to function. Same as cutting a hydrological line and the backhoe stops working, or the bulldozer ceases to function…

These little guys would try to kill you with their little finger if that is all they had left to fight with. We had body parts scattered everywhere and all those parts just kept on trying to get us. It was really kinda sick…

Then I saw something that made me cry out like a little girl and when Sergey turned to see what I was screaming about. He saw what I saw…

The pieces of chopped up Saint Zombies were re attaching themselves to the original body and growing back together. In the case of the Zombie that I had cut in half, we had two almost reformed Zombies getting back up from the tunnel floor as I stared at them. All got quiet as we watched every Zombie that we had killed reanimate into a new Zombie. In fact we now had three times the number of Zombies and they would all want to kill us…

Ben said, “We need to run as the trance they are in will cease in a second and resume their attack. They are using their energy to re grown new Zombies. Do not touch them any more than you have too and lets run like crazy.” So we got the door back open and slammed it shut and bolted it so that no Zombie could come out. That is when I said, “Are those the reanimated, reanimated Zombies of Zighile?”

Ben said, “No! They are just very powerful Saints that have different energies than a normal Zombie, but I am sure that Zighile is going to use the same process to do what he wants to do. That may be why he stopped here and I am sure that he has several of these Zombies with him right now! They are the answer to reanimating the reanimated dead…”

I asked Sergey about the exits to this tunnel and he responded that only one way out is possible and that is at the village. Sergey told us to stay back and he released a lever that made a huge stone wall slide over the door way that we had gone into earlier. It seal the entrance to the tunnel forever on this side. Then Sergey said that we need to hurry to get to the other side and stop these Saint Zombies from escaping. Ben then said that if they escape they have the power of a Source Code Zombie and they will spread the Zombification process like wildfire, if they ever get into a populated area. It looked like we had a race on our hands to the other end of the tunnel, because if Dogg and Rex were fighting these things and they were multiplying? Then we could have a small army already at that end…

We piled on the snowmobiles and took off. When we got to the other end, it was as feared. Zombies everywhere surrounding 20 Eskimos, plus Rex and a Dogg/Bear that was smashing Zombies like flies with a fly swatter. Just to see them get back up and keep crawling toward them to eat the group of valiant fighters…

More Zombies were coming out of this doorway that led into a small church and that I knew was where the exit was. My plan was to try to get these Zombies back into the tunnel and seal the tunnel off…

I without thinking told Ben and Sergey to help the Eskimos and Dogg and Rex. When they fought through the crowd of Zombies and were with the group, I tossed a grenade to the side into a drift of snow. The noise defined everyone and did what I needed to have done. All Zombies are attracted to noise and the louder the better. They all tuned to face me and I started to yell at them to come and get me. Ben, Sergey and everyone else just stared at what I was doing. I think they were dumbfounded…

The only one that did not freeze was my buddy Dogg and he changed into Dogg again and ran like lightening to be by my side. He knew what I was doing and started to bark. Then Rex came and he started to bark. I motioned for Ben and Sergey to stay where they were at. The Zombies were all coming for us and we were fighting our way back into the tunnel. I yelled at Dogg that he was not to change into a bear yet. We want the Zombies to all come with us…

Now we had blood everywhere. For we were being bit scratched and tore up. There had to have been 500 Zombies and more were trying to push their way to eat us. We were the prize of the day…

The last Zombie came into the open door way of the church and I was just able to reach the door handle. I yanked it shut as a Zombie bit me on the back and as I slammed the door shut. I screamed the most bloodcurdling war cry I could scream and decided to die taking all these Zombies with me…

I had five grenades left and I tossed one deep into the open tunnel entrance and we had Zombie parts everywhere. I told Dogg to get his bear and ram the Zombies back into the tunnel. I told Rex to keep the Zombies from biting me to death…

Bear/Dogg is impressive and he is a ton of raw muscle that has been given to us by the gods. Dogg smashed and drug Zombies and smashed and squished Zombies. He was slowly but surly stuffing Zombies back into the tunnel, one piece at a time, literally…

I made a huge effort and cut down 10 Zombies that were still milling around out of Bears reach and then started a fire. I took a flare and started to burn what ever would burn, Even the wooden cross and statue of Jesus that was on the wall. I know that I will be going to hell and I most likely sealed that fate for sure, right then and there, but hey I needed something to burn. Zombies hate fire and these Zombies had to go back into the tunnel…

The top of the church had a huge open area and it was full of bells, so I had ventilation to keep a big fire going. The smoke went up and out. I fed all the wood and paper that I could find and then once that fire was super hot. I started to burn the Zombies body parts that were trying to re grow into a new Zombie…

Bear was almost at the point of being over run again by moaning Saint Zombies. I told Rex to help Dogg/Bear. Rex threw himself into the fight with bear and they help their own. I was attacked by a Saint Zombie that I did not know was there and he bit down on my arm. Damn that hurt and I really do hope that I am immune to these ass holes…

I spun around and grabbed the little guy by the neck and held him up. It was chomping at me and lucky all it got was some of my shirt I had on, in its mouth. It wanted more though. I tossed it full on into the fire. It started to scream like I have never heard a Zombie scream. As it tried to get out of the fire I kept kicking it back and making it scream more and more. I realized that all was quiet behind me at the tunnel entrance. I turned after kicking the Zombie again into the fire and saw Zombies including Rex and Bear/Dogg staring at me. They were silent…

The Zombie tried to get up out of the fire again and I once more kicked it back into the fire…

Then I turned and yelled at the Zombies, “Back, Back, Back you demons from hell! Back into the tunnel! Or I will burn everyone of you!”

Guess what they all went back into the tunnel!

I told Dogg and Rex to go to the front door of the church. I then grabbed the Saint Zombie that got out of the fire for the 10th time by the neck and tossed him into the tunnel with the other Zombies. I noticed that above the tunnel entrance was a huge statue of a Saint of some type. It was a she and she had a child in her arms. As I tossed 4 grenades into the tunnel entrance. I hope that God would forgive me and that if this was Mary and Jesus, please let them be strong enough to keep the 500 plus Zombies buried forever…

I hit the front door and Dogg and Rex tumbled out with me as the grenades went off. I saw through the open door as the statue fell down on top of the tunnel entrance and then a rumble happened. The whole church caved in and fell into a mound of rubble. That sealed the tunnel off for good…

I will continue later with the story because that is not all. We are all back at the monastery and it seems that the Eskimos that survived will be coming with us. They have heard of the Stryker from America and that he is a god of war. It seems that my escapades did little to dissuade them in their thoughts and they now will follow me because they own their lives to me. Of course Ben, Sergey, Dogg and Rex are honorary demigods as they are with me…

The call is out and the Eskimos of Russia are coming to help us in our quest to save the world…

I was just thinking back to when Zombies where just a issue that I could take care of by just cutting off their heads and how things have become so complicated that I am not sure what is real or not anymore…

But Reality spoke to me as Ben sat down next to me a few minutes ago…

Ben Said, “Can you stop 15,000,000? Because I have it by good sources, that Zighile is two days away from the volcano and we are a week away!”

I said, “He is just a little ways in front of us.”

Ben said, “Yes but he has left a trail of Zombies all the way there and they will be ready to fight us every step of the way.” Ben also said, “You would be surprised at how many Zombies there are buried in the wilderness of Russia and they are all waking up to do Zighile’s bidding…”

We have got to figure out how to kill a reanimated, reanimating Zombie now. The ante was just upped a whole bunch in the last few days. I hope we can call the ante and not fold the cards as of now. Zighile has to be stopped in the Volcano because once he gets out of that volcano then the earth is lost…

I had a dream last night that I had to kill my Daughter and she just said, “It’s okay daddy! I understand and so does mommy! It’s okay daddy! The cuts will stop and the pain will end! It will end the Zombies! It is okay daddy…”

The Zombie Source Code…

The Monastery of the Zombie Fortress: Monasterium Zombie Arce

*** So tomorrow I will write and tell you of our plans that we have and get everyone caught up on what we are doing and how we will do it. Damn! There goes Dogg with a Zombie head and Rex is trying to take it away from him. Sergy is chasing them and Ben is chasing Sergy. I gotta go and we have to burn all these bodies. This is a place of God and we need to leave it in good shape before we leave… ***

It was a night of dreams from my daughter. She called out to me all night long for help and kept saying that Zighile is cutting her. It unnerves me to have these dreams and now that I am so much closer again, the dreams are back very strong…

The Monastery that we are in is called The Holy Remnant of Christ! I can not find it on the maps or even a mention of its name. It seems to not exist in this world that we know. But there is a near by village called Naukan and it is also virtually non existent. Serge says that we have a tunnel system to the village that is about 10km long and is still usable. It was built by the monks over the years and is unknown to exist. In fact he said that this Monastery is unknown to most all of the world and the only way that anyone can even find it is the way that we came upon it! By accident and good luck. The Monastery is not on any maps and will not be if the Orthodox church has its way. It seems that long ago many churches and monastery’s were destroyed in Russia during the Soviet era and learning to keep the mouth shut was how they survived. Monks and churches…

We plan on going to the village and talk with the locals. It seems that there may be about 70 inhabitants left (Eskimo’s) and it also seems that once it was a Military base of some type. I am worried because Sergy said that Zighile and my little girl exited through the tunnels to the village and it was soon after that, when the Zombie issue became prevalent…

It is strange to see holes all over the floors as you walk the hallways of the Monastery. It seems according to Serge that many Saints and important people are buried in the floors of the churches and hallways. So when a little girl of mine passed over them as she is the Source Code Zombie, they came to life again. I would imaging that this had a very unnerving effect on the Monks as they worshiped these Saints with much relevance…

We have electricity and that stuns me out here in Russia and in the middle of nowhere. But the power lines from the Soviet era are still hanging in there and Serge said that they fix their own lines when necessary. There also is cellphone and a tower is not far away. It is amazing that cellphone coverage is so extensive all over the world…

I am resting up right now and getting my thoughts together. It seems that our team is stronger now, but losing Vitaly was not pleasant. Serge is considered a very old warrior of the ancient times. He seems to feel that his past was one of protection and hence he is in a Monastery and in Russia Monastery’s were always the first line of protection for territories…

Serge will talk to me later and he says that he has some weapons to bring out, to help our quest. He also said that we have to go to the village soon, for he sees smoke in the air and it looks as if the village has burned. Village trip today, anyone?

I am charging the laptop that we got. It is a humdinger of a lap top and after Vitaly had looked it over, he said it was not rigged to track us. Serge looked it over also and it seems that he is a software engineer also. He verified that all is cool with it and that the only downfall in the system is that, people who I block there IP’s on it, will have a virus installed on their computer that will destroy their computers. I just smiled and said, “That is just right!” So people don’t tell on us as we save the world and you will not have issues! OKAY?

Ben is quiet for the last day and I think he is thinking like I am, That so far it has been too easy. Something bad is going to happen soon. I know that he has been reading extensively in the same library that I am working from. I have noticed that he has out books on all the Monasteries located nearby, or at least within about 1200 km. He is focus mostly on one that is located on the Volcanoes of Kamchatka Peninsula. It is an area that is well known for its volcanic activity. Ben is positive that Zighile has a base there, hidden under the cover of all the volcanic activity that is always going on. Ben asked Serge what the name of one of the old ancient churches that he found amongst the volcano’s? The name was “Monasterium Zombie Arce” and it was Latin. Serge told us that meant “The Monastery of the Zombie Fortress” and that it no longer existed as far as anyone knew. It was located in the heart of an old dormant volcano, that showed some life hundreds of years ago. Then the monastery was abandoned…

I asked why the name Zombie. Serge said that this monastery was used in the purification rights of Zombies back in the 14th century. He said that Zombies have been on earth as long as man has been alive. For with humans comes Zombies…

Ben has broken his silence and said that we must go to “The Monastery of the Zombie Fortress…” Remember that Ben is a Zombie and can feel what is on the Zombie network. He is able to block it when needed, but he said that out here in Russia, that there is so little humanity that his thought signals ravels very very far and he feels my little girl. They are going to the monastery as fast as they can. He also says that if we can stop him before he gets there it will make life much better…

Ben said something that chilled my soul: Ben said, “Zighile is working on not just raising the dead, but also raising the dead who died again!” Other words, A living dead that has been killed after reanimation and then killed by a human and sent to its grave again, can be reanimated again and again and again and again. Reanimated with regrowth of lost limbs and heads. Other words the dead never die…

Serge was silent when he heard this information and Ben was deep in thought also. Dogg was still playing with an reanimated Zombie head and Rex was still trying to get it away from him. I realized what the implications of this all meant. I also knew that if he succeeded in being able to reanimate the reanimated, then mankind was done for as we know it…

I asked Ben and Sergy how many Zombies did they purify before the Monastery was shut down? Serge spoke right up and then after he answered he said, “OMG” For his answer was, “Millions and Millions of purified Zombies over hundreds of years. For this was the great Zombification spot that saved the world many times. It is the biggest kept secrete in the world. All countries know about it and send – they use to send and in fact still send, all Zombie remains to this volcano. Matter of fact after the last hundred years, there really could be 10,000,000 or more dead Zombies in the volcano. There is over 700 years of Zombies in this one spot. In fact…” Then Serge became white as a ghost and that is when he said, “OMG!”

Zighile is going to reanimate the dead reanimated army of over 10,000,000 creatures that have been conveniently all placed in one spot just for his convenience to reanimate…

OMG: It is one thing to reanimate the dead and still be able to kill them again, but quiet another thing to have the dead reanimate again and again and again…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: Next we go to the village…

The Monastery…

*** Before the storm hit I would have sworn that I saw a church in the distance. It was unlike any church that I have seen before. If my eyes did not deceive me the cross had a beam at the foot of the cross and it was angled. I have never see a cross with two sets of arms. One big one up high like a normal cross and then a small one at the bottom. Like a foot rest for Jesus when he was crucified. Interesting – I would say I was just seeing things and when this storm clears we will find out. Happy Easter… ***

We awoke the next morning buried under three foot of snow. All through the night I kept poking a hole through the snow surface so that we could keep fresh air flow. We were insulated well and about mid morning the blizzard stopped. Then we dug ourselves out of the huge drift we were in…

The sky was clear and the air was crisp. You could see forever as far as the eyes could see. The ice extended endlessly the way we had come and I realized as I turned around from the frozen sea, that I was correct and had seen a steeple of a church. There also was a bell tower and it was all surrounded by a huge stone wall. We were and had been all night, on land and had set up camp right next to an old Monastery…

After packing everything together and digging out the snow mobiles. We made our way to the Monastery and stopped at what looked like the front gates. The gates were made of hammered steel and were huge. I called out and heard no answer. Ben looked at me and I said lets walk around the place and see if there is another entrance…

About half way around we found a door open. It was standing open with several feet of snow deposited inside the doorway. We knew from that, that the door had been open all night. We walked in silence and all that could be heard around us was the panting of the dogs and my coarse breathing from exertion. Ben the Zombie did not breath except to talk, so Ben was silent as a mouse…

We proceeded down empty hallways and after awhile we started to let our guard down a little bit, we seemed to be the only ones around. But a nagging feeling kept me alert as something just did not feel correct. That is when we heard a moan. A Zombie moan…

Zombies like Ben are so different from Zombies of the risen dead that Ben is like still normal. But a risen dead Zombie which as I explained a long time ago, is a long dead and decayed person risen from their grave. Or it is a Zombie that is risen from dying and their brain is dead from other reasons. These are the Zombies that the movies are made from. These Zombies are really scary because they are just plain sick and slimy…

We found a door that lead to a set of huge stone stairs, that went down into the bowls of the Monastery. We opened the door all the way and the moans were amplified twenty fold. It sounded like we had a bunch of Zombies in the lower levels…

I looked at Ben and him at me and we both agreed that locking the door would be the best idea. Then we heard a chant and it was in English, Greek and Russian mixed…

So after gathering what weapons we would need we silently descended into the depths of the Monastery…

Dogg lead the way and I was glad to let the little attitude take the lead. He could change very fast into one big ass Bear when needed and that would be a blessing, if what I think was down here was down here. We leveled out into a long hallway under the whole Monastery and the hallway was lined with doors. Each door had at least one or more moaning risen dead Zombies behind it. It looks like they locked up the Zombies as the caught them. But where was the live people? The moaning sounds from the Zombies seemed to be in tune with the chanting that happened on a regular basis…

Then we heard another chanting at the end of the hallway. It was from the very last door on the left. I looked in through the window of bars in the door and saw a monk sitting on the bed in the room. He was holding his head in his hands and would look up every few minutes and chant in a mixture of languages. As he looked up this time and started to cry out his chant! I told him to shut up…

He froze as he heard my voice and then he saw me in the window of bars. He just looked at me and I opened the door as the key was still in the lock from the outside. (All the doors were that way.) Then the monk fainted and fell on the floor. I gotta tell you that was just plain strange…

Then we found out why the monk was in a cell instead of out running around like a good monk should be doing. Most likely this is why he fainted also. He was petrified that something would wake up and we discovered later that his rhythmic yelling for help was what kept the creature at bay???

With the stopping of the Monks chanting so awoke the beast…

Before I could react to a noise in the hallway! Dogg changed into a Bear in a split second. I heard at the end of the hallway that we had come in at a terrible roar of what must have been a huge Zombie. I had a image in my mind of the few giant Zombies that we have met so far and I knew that this might not be good. Dogg/Bear pulled our door shut and Ben, Rex and I were trapped for the moment. Then something exploded outside or door and Dogg/Bear roared and some Zombie roared as they collided in front of the door. The wall around the door cracked as the stones took tremendous  impact and understand that these walls are 4 to 5 feet thick in solid stone and brick…

The battle outside the door lasted about 15 minutes and then the two battlers moved down the hallway away from our door. I was then able to open the door and we all stepped out into a crumbling hallway full of blood and guts. All I could see was Zombie parts everywhere and in the middle of the hallway, halfway to the stairs was a little Dogg. He looked mighty pleased with himself and ran to Ben, to get a hug. Ben gave him a huge hug and we grabbed the monk and got ourselves out of that basement area. We left the Zombies for now…

Dogg was wagging his tail and looking at me as if he was waiting for me to say, “Good Boy!” Okay fine, he is a good boy and he whooped the big bad Zombie all by himself. It was – well it was like we never even got to pull our swords or fire our guns…

I am writing this from the library at the Monastery and there seems to be only one living soul left amongst the monks. His name is Sergy and he has been a monk for 25 years. He said that all the others in the basement were monks or buried saints and such just a few days ago. He said that there is several types of Zombies amongst the mess and that no one cared what Zombies where put with what Zombies. He said that they could not bring themselves to killing Gods creatures, but after a lengthy stay in that cell and chanting to his almost demise to keep the huge Zombie under control, he has come to the conclusion that Zombies need to be killed and is sorry for trying to save the Zombie souls…

I asked him how many were in the basement and he said around three hundred Zombies in all. Then he talked about the strange man and a little girl that appeared at their front gates and that is when all the Zombie issues started…

It seems that our Sergy had a vision about us while he had fainted and he talked with Vitaly about our mission. Vitaly asked him to help us and take care of his dog. Rex took to Sergy very strongly and they are best friends now. It looks like Vitaly is with us anyway, even though he died…

We are going to stay a few nights here and regroup, plan things out and let me see if I get a bearing on what we need to do…

We later found Sergy in the basement with Dogg and Rex killing Zombies. We found him as he chopped the head off the last one. Dogg grabbed a head of one of the Zombies as it was still chomping at everything around it and Dogg went to play. Rex followed him, I guess – to see what Dogg was up to…

Sergy was looking at us and said that he was practicing and he needed to catch up to our pace. So he decided to cleanse the Monastery of Zombies. He then said that he is sure that God will forgive him, as even a saint would not want to be left as a disgusting Zombie. Then he looked at Ben and said, “Present company excluded!” Ben said, “I understand!”

Once again I was think about Dogg killing the big Zombie and now Sergy, Rex and Dogg killing the rest. It dawned on me that Russia was defiantly a different country. Instead of Zombies trying to kill us, Zombies are going to fear us, before it is over. I could sense a change in the wind. This country was use to hardship and a bunch of Zombies were not going to stop this country in its tracks…

So tomorrow I will write and tell you of our plans that we have and get everyone caught up on what we are doing and how we will do it. Damn! There goes Dogg with a Zombie head and Rex is trying to take it away from him. Sergy is chasing them and Ben is chasing Sergy. I gotta go and we have to burn all these bodies. This is a place of God and we need to leave it in good shape before we leave…

I also see there is a shortwave radio… Hmm!

The Zombie Source Code!

Time Catches Us All…

*** So we are really back on track and now it is time to start hunting for Zighile Comstock. My dreams have been silent for awhile and my daughter has not been asking for help! I hope that is not a bad sign of things to come… ***

Time is relentless and during that span of time we call our life, our life ceases to exist. Some of us have a longer span of time than others and Vitaly was one of the short spans…

Vitaly true to his word kept the copter verily touching the ice. We were just outside the international boundary before we entered Russian waters. It was ice at this point, but that is moot in the whole picture as we crossed it as if it was land, except at one point that it showed us that water lay beneath. That was the beginning of this story, I will tell you…

We had the snow mobiles and all the supplies safe and sound a hundred meters from the helicopter. That is when Vitaly jumped from the copter and started to run to meet us. The copter shifted in the wind as it lost the last of the uplift that it had and being that the pilot had abandoned, no one was there to correct the shift. It knocked Vitaly flat on his face and landed on his legs…

We could hear his screams as the copter started to crack the ice. I started to run toward him but knew of the helplessness in that act. I was a hundred meters away, but I had to do something to make myself feel better. Then as I was running I saw the ice give out below the helicopter and Vitaly and the copter slid beneath the surface. I kept running and as I tried to make myself believe that he would need help to be drug from the water. As I got closer, I realized that no one was thrashing in the water! All O could see was a set of scratch marks in the ice and snow and ripped off fingernails and blood leading to the open freezing water. I sat down suddenly and started to cry…

Not very he-man like was it? But then I just watched a good friend die in frozen ice cold water, while being dragged under the surface by a sinking helicopter. I all happened so fast that I still do not believe that it really did happen. One minute all was going to plan and the next minute, life just sucks again…

Ben appeared next to me and said, “Lets go the ice is weak here…”

So as I write this from our first night in the tent, (Amazing how good this new system and laptop is Huh? Out in the middle of nowwhere and we have internet…) during a bitterly cold blizzard. We are still located on the ice in the Bering Straight and are trying to make the night, before we start out traveling again to the Ice Hotel Palace that we have to get to. Vitaly had set up that meeting and we knew the contacts up to that point. We hoped that we could get help from that point on. Russian is not a strong point of neither Ben or I…

But for now, Ben, Dogg, Rex (Name of Vitaly’s dog!) and I are staying warm and ate some really, not too bad food. The little paraffin stoves work good for heating and cooking. Rex was crying for hours now, as he realized his daddy was not coming back, I was very sad realizing that because of me and getting Vitaly involved, that he died. It was my fault…

Ben is quiet and in his thoughts and Dogg has grown some more. He is half as big as he was before being reborn. The process seems to have sped up after the changeling incident when he changed to a bear…

So it will takes us two days to reach where we have to go and that is if God is on our side. I hope everyone had a good Easter in the Western world. Here in Russia Easter is not until this weekend coming up. It looks like April 15th to be exact…

If all goes correct, then I will be writing from the Ice Palace next…

Before the storm hit I would have sworn that I saw a church in the distance. It was unlike any church that I have seen before. If my eyes did not deceive me the cross had a beam at the foot of the cross and it was angled. I have never see a cross with two sets of arms. One big one up high like a normal cross and then a small one at the bottom. Like a foot rest for Jesus when he was crucified. Interesting – I would say I was just seeing things and when this storm clears we will find out…

Happy Easter…

The Zombie Source Code…

Strange Things: Vitaly is gone but not gone but we have his Dog…

*** Yep! Time to stop – we have a, getting bigger pee pot that needs get out and to do his duty! Man he has grown and is such a big spoiled rotten baby. Yes Dogg, not Ben… ***

Vitaly never met us, but as we knew were to go and what port! We went and was met by this very upset Sea Captain. Our ticket to Russia was a freighter called the Monmouth Bite! Notice I said “Was!” The Captain gave us this giant of a dog and a bag that belonged to Vitaly and told us to get our asses out of here or he would call the police personally. He wants nothing to do with anti-government scum and besides he said that he was being paid more to get rid of us, than we could afford anyway…

I told Ben to calm down as he had that look in his eyes, you know that look like I will kill him if you want and solve this issues right now. I said “NO!” I packed the big dog in the vehicle and I drove this time. I had seen some issues that made me realize that we were stepping into a trap back there and they were just waiting for us to trigger it. The Captain was actually helping us and I realized that as I read his eyes as he talked tough to us. I saw men stationed on top of roofs and other areas with weapons. Looks like a governmental surprise was in store for us. I new that a sea captain worth his weight in gold would never support a government of any country. They are free spirits that roam the plant on the last semi free area of earth. The oceans…

I drove off slowly and peacefully. As I explained to Ben what was happening. We drove a awhile and decided to get back to the original meeting point. We also picked up the package that was sent to me with a computer doohickey in it.  Ben calmed down and just as we started to get to the outskirts of the city, all hell broke loose in the vehicle. Dogg decided to become a bad ass and tell this over grown dog in the back seat who is boss. I told Dogg to shut up and calm down and that was the last thing that I could think or do, as little Dogg tried out his changeling powers and turned into a bear. A real bear and not even a little baby bear but a full grown 2000 pound Grizzly Bear! Ben is lucky that he is a Zombie because a little puppy transforming into a huge bear while sitting on your lap, would kill a normal human. The vehicle exploded literally and the next thing I knew, we were on the side of the road and just Ben and the Bear/Dogg inside the vehicle. The vehicle’s rear door or hatch was ripped open and out came a bear roaring like a freight train. The big dog next to me tried to hide behind me as he saw this 1 ton attitude looking for him. Then the side door on the vehicle opened and a Ben fell out, much worse for the wear…

The bear/Dogg went up to his back feet and he had to have stood 10 feet tall. OMG he was huge, but I knew that this was still Dogg and I had to reassert control, as he was just a puppy still. Heaven help us when he grows up…

I said, “Dogg, Stop! Dogg, Stop! Dogg Bad!” I said this as mean and authoritative as I could, but I have to say that compared to the bear growl that I heard, he had more authority than I had at that moment. Then Ben got up and tried to walk to Dogg. Ben fell over in frot of Dogg/bear and was silent and in serious pain. Dogg realized what was happening at that point and the transformation back to a dog was just as instant as the transformation to a bear. The next thing I knew was that Dogg was licking Ben’s face and telling Ben that he was sorry. Then Dogg licked my hand and face and told me he was sorry, but as for the big dog! Dogg just growled this little puppy growl and big dog rolled over and was submissive… 🙂

I scolded Dogg and was the big tough human boss daddy. Dogg was sorry and his eyes told me it would never happen again???

That is when our phone in the vehicle rang. I ran a grabbed it and found Vitaly on the other end of the line. He said to look up and you will see a helicopter soon. Sure enough there he was and after discovering a place to land we gathered together…

I will get back with you after a few days. The game plan is on to Russia by helicopter. Yes I can tell you now because I received a whole laptop in the mail. It is some special type of laptop and it allows me to set a few parameters and keep the tattle tells away. So if you hear someone say that they can not see the blog anymore then just smile and say you can’t either. Must be dead or something… 🙂

We will fly as close as we can to Russia but not cross the boundaries. We are going to land on the ice and walk to Russia from the international area. Vitaly has it planned out and we only have him to trust! Trust him we can, because he is a Russian! While Russians are mean and wicked at times, they are always trustworthy and do not sell out family or friends. Vitally expects that it will only take a few minutes for the weight of the helicopter to finally crack the ice and sink, so we will have to run as soon as we hit the surface of ice. Vitaly will keep the prop going to take a load off of the ice and then as he kills the engine and we are a long ways away he will run like hell to get away from the helicopter. He is going to drop a grenade to help shatter the ice. We want the copter to sink in the sea…

Vitaly says speed is of the utmost and I will have a day of rest to really get things caught up once we get into Russia. He has friends that have a wonderful ice hotel that is a dream to stay at. Fresh fish and wonderful Russian women on the menu. The copter has two snow mobiles strapped under it and two trailers with clothes and supplies. Vitaly says that we have about 3 days of walking and snowmobiling before we get to safety. If we make it. For we have lots of deep water under the ice that we will be traveling on and Spring is trying to come to this part of the world…

Vitaly has been busy while we have been enjoying the drive the last few days. Vitaly said he figutred out what was happening and saw government guys sneaking around. He talked with the captain and they worked out a plan. It kept the captain from getting in trouble and kept us out of deaths bed…

I told everyone not to upset Dogg as he is a growing delicate puppy that has hormonal issues. Vitaly just looked at us and then looked at little Dogg. I said, “Don’t laugh! He can get mean!” Vitaly’s dog whimpered and Vitaly had a look of, “What did I miss?” on his face! I told him I would tell him later as I figured that he really did not need to know what kind of surprise package he had on board. He might not take us then… 🙂

So talk to you in a couple of days, I hope! I am writing this and all I see under us is a vast sea of ice. We had stopped at Wales, Alaska before crossing the Bering straight. Had to have one last pizza before Russia. I hear they do not have many pizza’s in Russia…

So we are really back on track and now it is time to start hunting for Zighile Comstock. My dreams have been silent for awhile and my daughter has not been asking for help! I hope that is not a bad sign of things to come…

The Zombie Source Code

Pizza and about 8 hours, until Anchorage…

*** Ben and I have to stop again. Yes a little pee pot has to go again and he is hungry again. I swear he is growing like a weed as we drive. That has got to be my imagination though! But he is getting heavier… ***

We found a town and stopped and had pizza. Ben, Dogg and I love pizza! I will not be telling where we are at anymore, but since you know we are on our way to Anchorage, then that I can not hide. We are being watched by too many people and agencies and that means we have to change a few rules…

I will let you know as much information as possible without giving away our plans. It seems that too many people are trying to help the government who are reading the blog. Some of you people are really sad. I post and they are telling me that hundreds of calls are being made to the FBI and CIA to report our story to help the government to get us…

Are you all crazy? What you want to be a Zombie?

Okay enough of that! I realize that people are so brainwashed by the government that the government is looked at as being almost like a GOD! But that is not an excuse for being a Benedict Arnold and trying to turn us in. When I grew up we called that being a tattle tale!

When Dogg gets older I am go9ing to give him a list of all your names that are turning us in and tattle telling. He may want to visit a few of you when this is over. No that is not a threat, just a promise. Nuff said about that…

Glad I got that off my chest and talking about chest! My Raven tattoo hurts. It has started to take a 3D effect and look to it. I am starting to wonder what I am in for, in the future? I had a dream last night that I met my spirit that was used to regenerate me by the gods. He was in the shadows and only said to me that he was not a true shape shifter but a skinwalker. Skinwalker? I then looked up what is a skinwalker: A human with the ability to shape shift into any animal, by using its skin (pelts) to perform the function. It seems that a skinwalker can only be killed when it is in its human form and at its weakest. A skinwalker is a very very powerful foe or a powerful ally. Kinda according to what side you see him from…

Also Dogg is getting big and big fast. He ate two whole large pepperoni pizzas by himself. I mean gigantic size and he is still hungry. The only reason that he quit eating is because he got so tired that he fell asleep, from being worn out by eating so much. I am sure we will be stopping soon because what goes in has gotta come out! 🙂

Ben is really happy and all he has talked about is the Eskimo girl that cooked him meals and took care of him. She seemed to really like Ben and it looks like Ben has been smitten by the love bug. She told Ben that she will wait for him to come back and she gave Ben a necklace that she said symbolizes her love and protection for Ben. Guess she is kinda smitten by him also…

I called Vitaly and he said he will meet us at the outskirts of the city. Name and place to be unsaid, for all you stinky tattle tales. It seems that he has everything lined out and by this time tomorrow we will be on our way across the Bering Sea to Russia…

I have a possible answer to how to cut off these tattle tales and I will also have that info tomorrow at this this same time. It looks like we can track the scummy people and block their IP’s! That way they will not even be able to see the articles. It is a special inline firewall that has been developed by the government for spy situations. I have a friend of a friend that has next day aired it to Anchorage. If it works then I can post as normal. They say that even a proxy situation will not help…. (I dunno!)

Yep! Time to stop – we have a, getting bigger pee pot that needs get out and to do his duty! Man he has grown and is such a big spoiled rotten baby. Yes Dogg, not Ben… 🙂

Talk to you later!

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: It may be a day or two before I get settled down again and write. I promise to write while on the ship at least once…

The Old Eskimo Speaks…

*** Looks like we are going to have a long trip with all the little pee pee stops for a new puppy. What a time to be reborn. Dogg says he is hungry also… ***

*** Like I said Stryker does not tell all to you guys and I refuse to tell all at this point also, but the Old Eskimo is going to talk to us about the future and he said that we must follow what he says. For the beacon of the gods has told him what is to be done… ***

Okay now I will tell about what the old Eskimo has told us. Ben looked it over before I posted it and said that it was pretty close to what he remembers the old guy telling us also. Dogg does not remember anything…

The Old Eskimo: I have listen to all of the stories and all of the information that each and everyone of you have been told by the gods as we fell asleep. I stayed awake the longest and had an in depth talk with the Beacon of the Gods. He is the most knowledgeable of all gods and the one who can tell the most about what will happen in the future…

Here is what he said: Stryker has chosen the path that must be followed. The path is not a guaranteed winner nor is it a guaranteed loser. But the path is guaranteed to lead to the death of one side or the other. For neither side will cease until they have won or been defeated soundly unto death…

A classic good and evil battle has developed and hence it has become bigger than just the souls of the mortals who attempt to alter the world as we see it. The powers behind the scene are the ones that need to be curtailed but they can not be due to the rules of the gods. For if a god calls out another god on interference in mortals ways and life, then they themselves will be caught in the same calling out of the other. For both good and evil in the gods have steeped beyond the boundaries of sanity and hence we have a dilemma that could end humans as we know them…

One god has the ability to stop all of this: TEKKEITSERTOK – God of the Earth who is the most powerful and owned all of the deer. Tekkeitsertok can not be found and the fear is that somehow evil has locked him away from view of the earth and his ability to help humans…

So Stryker must continue and not give up on his quest to save the world. Us Eskimo’s will gather in as large of a mass as we can and the word is out to all other Indians available. We will amass and pray to the gods for the restoration of human kind back to a better state. The chants and calls to all of nature and the souls of the earth will commence immediately and with any luck we will get some strength from the lessor gods as they are very very helpful to us humans, as the greater gods seem to look down upon us most of the times…

Torngasak – (The good spirit, representing everything in nature good and helpful to man.) has decided to join at one point, the group of good and will stay silent in the background until needed. He is very powerful and can be a great ally! Just never take him for granted and as always respect – Torngasak…

The gods have smiled upon Stryker, Ben and Dogg! Dogg was reborn and the powers he has a a totem dog have been multiplied. He now is a changeling that includes bear, wolf and dog! Ben has been given a dose of human again. While he will retain all aspects of the Zombie powers and attributes. He has been given back red warm living blood and spark to his soul. The gods see that he deserves his human soul back, for he is a good man and the Zombie virus was not able to remove the heart of a wonderful and good man. That kind of man should be rewarded. Stryker who is a bumbling fool of a hero that has no idea how important that he is, has been given a tattoo burned into his chest. it is of the Raven: The raven is sometimes considered a trickster like the coyotee. It is also known to be a teacher and horder. The raven is also the mark of a shape shifter. The last part is very important because what shape is the shift, is not known until the moment of the first time the shift is obtained and needed. The only way that the gods could save Stryker, was to impose a shape-shifter spirit from an unknown entity. Who is unknown, but powerful, very likely…

I have given Stryker a powerful necklace of the Butterfly spirit: The butterfly is a transformer and a symbol of metamorphosis and I hope that it will guide Stryker in his first shift in form…

Last but not least: Strykers family has one chance of survival, but only if he plays his cards correctly. One wrong move in the chess game of life will end the families existence. The issue with his family is that they will never be human again but they can become like Ben if they will allow Ben to help them after the war has been won, if the war is won…

So as we test the waters of the unknown I leave you with this thought by the Gabrielinos:

I know not if the voice of man
can reach to the sky;
I know not if the mighty one
will hear as I pray;
I know not if the gifts I ask
will all granted be;
I know not if the world of old
we truly can hear;
I know not what will come to pass
in our future days;
I hope that only good will come,
my children, to you.

So ends what the Old Eskimo said…

I do have a Raven tattoo burned in my chest, but I do not feel any different. This shape-sifting thing sounds scary if you ask me. What, am I a werewolf now? Lets hope not…

Ben and I have to stop again. Yes a little pee pot has to go again and he is hungry again. I swear he is growing like a weed as we drive. That has got to be my imagination though! But he is getting heavier…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: We are caught up now and I do not want to hear anymore about it…

Flash Back and Catch up Time…

*** Now I will write, eat and sleep. Ben will drive for two days and it looks like I have to go anyway! Dogg has decided that it is time to stop and take a pee. He is such a cute little guy… ***

Well we did not stop in time and Dogg had a puppy accident as I grabbed him to get him outside. I forgot about those days and now here we are again… 🙂

I slept and had a good meal! Ben never has to sleep so I take advantage of that and let him drive! He is a Zombie remember. So now I will take us back in time a little bit and tie up all the loose ends that have gathered together, like a twisted ball of yarn played with by a kitty cat…

Lets talk about when Dogg came and got me the day we stopped on the side of the road and Ben and Dogg went and took care of the call of nature…

I ran after Dogg who was frantic and going crazy. As I approached where I last so Dogg disappear into the brush and deep snow. I had a bad feeling about what I would find…

I pulled my 444 Marlin from the being slung over my shoulder and realized that I had about 8 rounds of ammo and no sword. I twisted through the brush that was taller than me and stepped out into an open area that had a broken down cabin, Ben hung by the neck from a flag pole and Dogg was gone out of sight. I also found around 10 guys standing around Ben swinging from the flag pole and laughing. You see Ben does not just die like a human from lack of oxygen. He just hung there struggling and everyone thought that was funny…

I without hesitation, shoot the rope in half around Ben’s neck and as he dropped I shot three guys through the head. Reloaded and shot 4 more through the head! That left three guys alive and one pissed off Stryker. I used the rifle as a weapon and ripped the head off the first one and by then the last two woke up to what was happening. They tried to fight back. I grabbed the first one that pulled his gun and spun him as he shot. He hit his partner in the chest and he went down. Then he fell and shot me in the arm. I felt it go straight through my arm and miss the bone. That gave me an adrenaline surge like no other and I snapped the guys neck as I said, “That is for Ben!”

Ben was trying to get up and right then a helicopter hovered overhead and I saw a camera taking pictures. Then I heard a rumble of what sound like a big truck. Then two more helicopters appeared. I grabbed Ben and told him that we have to get armed with weapons…

We ran back to the truck and Ben and I gathered what we would need to survive with against armed men. I grabbed a .50 caliber Brush Rife. Ben grabbed his AK47. These men now knew we meant business and fun and games are over. That is when I asked Ben about Dogg. He said that they took Dogg inside the broken down cabin and from what he could tell this cabin was the entrance to a base. Like in the same as what we found at the old power plant long ago…

We heard a terrible yelp by Dogg and we took off running toward the cabin. That is when all hell broke loose. Men came out of the copters and trucks that appeared from out of nowhere it seemed…

Then is a blurry of activity and death, Ben and I dropped inside the door of the cabin and set up the .50 Rifle on its stand. The door of the cabin tried to close on us and I jammed a huge rock in the way. The door was 6 inches of solid steel that slid out of the wall. Then I knew we picked the correct spot. With the rock keeping the door open by about 7 inches we had a port to shoot from. Ben had his famous AK47 and I single shot huge holes in the bastards as Ben filled them with hardball, Russian style…

The floor behind us exploded upwards as a trap door opened and Ben spun and made the hero’s decide to keep the door closed. Then he pushed a heavy dresser on top of the trap door and came back to help me kill government agents. The trap door was silent after that…

The cabin was six inches of steel plate designed to look like a old broken down cabin in the Alaskan wasteland. The men outside were shredding the outer frame of the cabin off, but we were safe inside. Ben took a few hits in the chest but being a Zombie it did not affect him…

I realized that we had to take out the copters and trucks that the guys came in on. They made a big mistake and parked everything right sight of front door. As I shot the engines out of all the vehicles, they realized what I was doing and the copters tried to take off. One made it into the air but if you have ever seen a 750 grain hardball hit a rotor shaft at 100 meters while spinning. Then you have missed a real sight of destruction. I would say that because of this one crashed helicopter that we killed 60 guys at once. There was more screaming than I have ever heard before. The were not very smart and since we were behind a small opening they all gathered to shoot at that one opening. They knew that there was no other way inside at all possible…

Before that explosion of the copter had settled down, Ben and I ripped the door back into its wall and we stepped outside to finish what they had started. Two handed Chinese Broad Sword in my hands and Ben with his famous Samurai sword…

About another 50 very disorientated men later we had only one left and he was the commander and I knew him…

His name was Jack and he spilled the beans like a fat sack with a slice in the bottom…

We found out that we had been being followed and they were waiting for the right moment to grab us and remove us from the equation. It seems that we actually caught them off guard by stopping to take a pee. They had other plans and having all this happen near a base was not in those plans…

The fact that the first group caught Ben and hung him was what caused the whole thing to fall apart. These were a mixture of local and government that really had no business even capturing Ben or Dogg. They were given orders to stand down…

Jack trembled in fear as he saw my eyes and then he almost choked on his fear as I asked were is Dogg? He told us that Dogg is underground and being dissected. Dogg was to be killed as we were to be killed also. He said 25 men were still left in the base underground. I said well one is dead most likely, after I thought about Ben and the AK47 ripping the one in pieces that stuck his head out of the trap door…

Ben said, “What will you do with Jack now? He talked and answered your questions!” I looked at Jack and said, “You were my friend once! So I will kill you quickly!”

With that I took his head off at the neck like a hot knife through butter! I told Ben, “I always hated him!”

Ben looked at me with those eyes of a man who is not sure what manner of demon that he walks the earth with, as we hunt Zombies.

I just smiled and said lets get Dogg…

Then you know the story as we regrouped to get Dogg, so I will talk a little about what happened when we found Dogg…

We went back to the cabin/base and moved the dresser. Ben was very upset about Dogg, as you know from the past article. He ripped open the trap door we found a hand scanner that I recognized from my past workings with the government. I told Ben excuse me, then I put my hand on it. Unbelievable – the mechanism triggered and the hatch slid open. Now talk about luck and stupidity of the highest magnitude. I guess they never in a million years thought to clear old data bases of past employees. Or maybe I am still an employee, but regardless, I realized who is part of this whole government destroy the world Zombie issues. Later it would register with me that my organization was behind a lot of what is happening…

I just knew that right now we had to move before they realized that they had been breached. Time to slice and dice…

Ben went first as he mumbled that he can withstand bullets better than me and who am I to argue about that. He is a Zombie…

So Ben took enough lead to start a bullet factory as we removed the heads from 23 guys. We found the 24th guy in a room still cutting Dogg in pieces, then tossing the parts into a fire. Ben lost it and he must have cut the man into 100 slices of filet Mignon before he calmed down. I just looked at Ben as if to say, See we all have our moments! Ben looked down at the mess he made and said, “Alas!  An old adage says that when a civilized man captures a primitive cannibal, he may punish him in any way he pleases except…he may not eat him!” I guess I will not eat him…

Which really says a lot for a Zombie to say that…

I gathered Dogg up and we walked out of the cabin and that is when we met the Old Eskimo!

I will end here today. I will write in the next day what the old Eskimo has said. I said I will and I promise. We are just traveling to Anchorage, Alaska and all is calm finally. So I will take the down time and write some more…

Ben says, “HI!” and Dogg says, “arf arf” Dogg also says, He has to pee again… 🙂

Looks like we are going to have a long trip with all the little pee pee stops for a new puppy. What a time to be reborn. Dogg says he is hungry also…

The Zombie Source Code…

Dogg has been Reborn? Oh my!

*** We are trying to find Dogg and the Old Eskimo says that we should not worry. I gotta go I just heard a puppy bark outside? ***

Okay – Okay – Okay! I know I have not been back to tell you all how much I love you and tell you about Dogg.! Well maybe I will not tell you how much I love you after all, but I am here to tell you that we are back on the road and we have Dogg. Well at least a little facsimile of Dogg as he was, as a little cute puppy…

Okay – Okay! Dogg as we know him is gone for now. He has to grow up again and the old Eskimo said he will be even more bad ass than he was. It looks like the gods smiled upon him and have returned him to us from the green grass field he was playing in and now he is in my lap snoring loudly as we travel down the gravel road to Anchorage, Alaska. I have to say he is a cute little thing and has an attitude already…

I will get everything caught up as soon as we get more settled. We still have several days to travel till Anchorage and the gods gave the word that we are not to have any issues until we leave the port in Anchorage. That kinda gives me the creeps, because it seems what that means is that as soon as we leave Anchorage, Alaska then we can or could have all hell break loose…

Oh well! Lets enjoy the break while we can. Okay?

Now I promised that I would get everything caught up and so by tomorrow, I will have the flash back to what happened when we stopped to let Ben take a piss. I will then catch up on everything else and we will be evensteven at that point…

Now to step back to what Ben said in his post: Ben is my friend and he has no reason to lie, it is just that I do not see myself as Ben see’s me and in actuality, I see myself as weak and worthless. Ben is much stronger than I am and Dogg is like the epitaxy of power on the planet. Without either of them I am worthless…

Just take what he says with a hill of beans and lets just get going on with our quest to rid the earth of what threatens her and her humans inhabitants…

Now I will write, eat and sleep. Ben will drive for two days and it looks like I have to go anyway! Dogg has decided that it is time to stop and take a pee. He is such a cute little guy…

I will talk to you tomorrow…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: I promise tomorrow…

Awaken the Gods Themselves… (Part 2)

*** Talk to you later. I will try to get Ben to write tomorrow! He has a nice Eskimo girl that seems to not care that he is a Zombie and Ben thinks she is cute. So he is rather occupied at the moment… ***


This is Ben and you all know how much I hate writing. So only because everyone has asked and I don’t want to keep you all in the dark. I will tell you some of what I know…

As Stryker stated already and made it clear that I was in a bad mood and not communicating to anyone. I was listening to the chants and watching the Eskimo’s do their thing. I also had dreams of Dogg playing in a green grass field of long grass waving in the breeze. The next thing I knew, I was in the field with Dogg and all the Eskimo’s and we were trapped in the green field of grass. We all looked at each other and then we realized that the sky was like a very faded movie screen and we could see Stryker walking around amongst all of us as we lay immobile on the snow…

Then after Stryker talked to the Old Eskimo, the old Eskimo appeared with us also and we all stood silently in the field of green grass waving in the breeze. Dogg was with us and he started to whine and bark when he saw Stryker in the sky…

We all seemed frozen as we watched the movies unfold above us and we really had no idea if it was real or not. Now I will say that Stryker has a tendency to underestimate what he does. He never brags about his powers and makes it out as if he is just lucky. I am going to break that bubble we all live in, because Stryker tells most of the stories. Stryker did a hundred times what he talked about to this god/devil being and it was a battle that stunned us as we watched. The Old Eskimo started to chant some words and the rest followed him in his chanting. It seemed that the chanting floated with the breeze that stirred the grass and made the grass dance with the chanting song they sang…

Stryker battled for 20 minutes and you could tell that the immortal being had the advantage in one fact only. He could not die, but Stryker could die…

I do not want to upset Stryker by telling you all that happened because he chose to leave a lot out. So lets just say that at the point that Stryker was hanging on to his sword for dear life and twisting it as the immortal tried to kill him was at the end of a bloody viscous battle that saw Stryker dripping blood like a sieve onto the white snow and a immortal that knew he won, but only, because he was immortal, for if he was human Stryker would have killed him 10 fold times…

Dogg snapped out of his watching this battle as he saw Stryker getting ready to be killed at the hands of the immortal and then Dogg disappeared, from the field of dancing green grass…

I saw Dogg appear at the spot that the totem pole piece of the Dog disappeared into the snow. It obviously turned to Dogg himself. Then Dogg growled at the immortal being. That is when timed stood for me – still and I frantically looked around at how to get back to help Stryker and Dogg. It was if we all woke up…

Strykers eyes glanced at the place that my body was laying in the snow and I saw his eyes lock upon my eyes as I lay looking into the sky. Then I knew I had to do something and I used that image in my mind and sank myself into those eyes that I looked at on the ground of earth. I was not sure exactly what to do but it worked and I woke up. I walked behind the immortal and with sword in hand drove it through the immortal. Then I realized that I had stabbed Stryker also. I really felt bad. I figured that I had just killed Stryker when everyone else had failed. I heard Stryker scream as the blade came out of his chest and the immortal slugged Stryker as hard as he could. It was lights out for Stryker. I knew that I had caused this by the shock attack on the immortal. I also knew that I would die trying to stop this being of the devil himself…

As the god/devil turned to face me. I realized that he had forgotten about Dogg and Dogg being one to take advantage of being forgotten about. Dogg bit into the totem pole that had the human, feline, bear and wolf on it. The dog part missing of course…

A explosion of light blinded all who were around, including the immortal. I was knocked to the ground as something took over my body and I have to say it hurt. Even for a Zombie it hurt. When the light effects faded. I found myself standing with a bear, wolf, eagle and huge tiger and of course Dogg. I had a sword of pure silver in my hands and as I looked at myself in the reflection in the shield I carried. I realized that we are not in Kansas any more, Dorthy… (You have to understand the Wizard of Oz to know what I ma talking about!)

Then as we started to attack the immortal in front of us. 40 or 50 Eskimo’s beat us to the attack. All of the Eskimo’s including the old man ran up too the giant of a god/devil being and proceeded to attack with no mercy. Before we could responded the immortal had slaughtered half the group and dead and dying lay all around as quick as blinking your eyes. I looked at Stryker laying in the snow as lifeless as anyone could be. I could see no breath steam coming from his nose and he was blue in color…

Dogg broke the silence with a deep growl and sprang upon the immortal. That is when it got interesting…

5 more immortals appeared next to the immortal fighting for his life against Dogg. I took one of them as the bear, the wolf, the feline and eagle took the other 4. The battled lasted about 10 minutes, with neither side gaining an advantage and it seemed that we were good against evil…

I won’t express what happened because I was not in complete control of myself. As you may have surmised, I was under the control of another immortal…

But I do remember hearing Stryker…

Stryker said in a low and barely audible voice, “Leave this planet you evil immortal scum or die at the hands of Ares!” I turned and realized that the god of war had appeared before us. Or was he (Stryker) the god of war all the time. He waved his arm across the land around us and all the dead got up as if nothing happened and proceeded to get in place to attack again…

I then realized that this was Hades himself and he was trying to alter the fate of the planet earth, to his favor. Then as 5 more brethren of Hades appeared. That is when a circle of gods of maybe 30 surrounded all of us and everything got very silent. You could have heard a pin drop…

Then everyone but Hades and Stryker were told to leave the circle. When there was only those two left in the middle of the circle we made around them. Someone with much power, whom I assume was Zeus? Told the two (Stryker and Hades) to fight and who wins, gets to continue their path in the world…

Can this be true?

I am just telling you what I experienced and saw. Crazy huh?

Zeus? was one bad-ass powerful dude and none of us could attempt to go against his wishes…

As I said before Stryker did much more than he understands and now the fate of the planet hung in balance on this one fight…

After about 10 minutes of fighting between the two foes, Stryker said, “I am done playing and if you want to live to try to control the earth in the future then go back where you came from in the depths of the earth!”

Hades said, “Puny man you will die and after I kill you I will slit you Dog’s throat and impale your Zombie on the highest pole for the crows to eat him a little bit each day until he rots away…”

Sryker stepped toward the immortal and I saw that he had a large splinter of wood that was left of the totem pole in his hand. I knew that totem pole had power and I suspected what Stryker was up to…

As they clashed together, the immortal grabbed Stryker and held him at eye level and said, “Your last breath is now!” Stryker said,”Maybe, but your last thought goes with my last breath!”…

Then as Hades crushed Stryker with all his might! Stryker drove the large splinter up through the lower jaw of Hades and into the brain of Hades. About and inch stuck out from below Hades chin and Stryker with his last strength. Slammed the splinter and it appeared out the top of Hades head…

Silence and a shocked look appeared on Hades face. Then the splinter being of saint wood and totem pole power. Exploded with a tremendous violent flash of light and both Stryker and Hades fell to the ground in a heap…

Then we all fell to the ground in a deep sleep and as I went to sleep, Krotos (a great hunter and musician who kept the company of the Muses on Mount Helicon) the deity that possessed my body told me, “I am Krotos and have used your body for this short time. I have healed you and given you some extra tools to help you in you fight for earth. Sleep and when you wake all will be clear as to the path you must take!”

When we woke all was back to normal or at least as much as back to normal as it could be. The only thing is that Dogg is gone again and Stryker has changed. He radiates power now. I mean he is scary to stand near. He has such a strength about him now that I think that the god of war is staying in him…

Also all the Eskimo’s are talking about the information they were told as they went to sleep like I was. We each was told different things and after we all put it together we have an idea of what the world is all about now…

Like I said Stryker does not tell all to you guys and I refuse to tell all at this point also, but the Old Eskimo is going to talk to us about the future and he said that we must follow what he says. For the beacon of the gods has told him what is to be done…

Good, has been given a chance to save the earth from what is happening and our mission must continue as it was originally planned…

So next up is going to be what the Old Eskimo has said to us…

I going to go and sorry if I left more questions than answers, but hey, I got plenty of questions also and I do not seem to get any proper answers. All I know is that I just went through a hell of a crazy last few days and I saw things happen that I thought were only stories in books. But then I am a Zombie so I guess I should believe anything can happen – right?

Stryker says after he reads over what I wrote, he will try to write again, maybe tomorrow…

We are trying to find Dogg and the Old Eskimo says that we should not worry. I gotta go I just heard a puppy bark outside?

Ben writing for Stryker…
The Zombie Source Code…