Dogg and Girl are worried…

Dogg and Girl are worried and to tell the truth, I am worried also. I feel like I am overloaded and just too much has happened to me. I am only human you know and not a god…

But it seems that I am forced into being a god, whether I like it or not and I do not like it…

Damn the Zombies! Damn the gods! Damn the Earth! Damn the Universe! Damn the stupid people who do not listen! Damn to anything and everything and everywhere…

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! and Damn IT!

But I am okay and after today I got most of it out of my system. As I write this post, I realize that while the world is dead and gone, I still have one dog and a girl who needs me to carry on and be strong. Loosing my mind would not save them and if I want to save the world for the future, I need to get my act together…

I gathered my act, so to speak, today: I went back up town to the square where I slaughtered Zombies like a crazed animal. The Zombies were silent and hidden as little rabbits in their dens. They seemed petrified that I was there and you could cut the tension with a knife as I stood in the town square. Then I felt the tension explode inside of me and I thought I would literally go bananas…

I walked to a large huge dump truck full of gravel, sitting on a side road of the square! I expanded my armor and when I got to the truck, I punched it…

The truck cab side caved in and the truck shifted 2 meters. Then I punched it again and again and again and again and again…

The last punch ripped the dump truck in half and gravel flew all over the place. Then I kicked the truck and 50 meters later it came back to the ground. I ripped the doors off and twisted the steel beams that made up the frame. I demolished that truck…

Then I looked a bulldozer that was nearby. A big bulldozer…

I walked up to it and by the time I got to the blade on the front, I released all the hate and energy that I had as I punched the blade. It caved inward and tore into the main body of the bulldozer. I then went completely uncorked and destroyed that bulldozer with my bare hands. I remember picking it up off the ground and smashing it into a building of stone and concrete. Then…

Then I collapsed and started to cry. I guess I might have cried for an hour and after I was done crying, I really felt better. I undid my armor and walked to a store on the square, I found a root-beer to drink and stepped outside to have a think session on the front steps of the store. As I took a long drink of root-beer, I saw a flash of movement to my left. I looked and then I saw standing there a Zombie god! He had a look like he had seen what I did and wasn’t sure what to do next…

He was caught and tried to freeze as if he was not there. I am sure that he was invisible to normal people, but I am far from normal. I took another swig of my root-beer and acted like I did not see him. I finished the root-beer and as I drained the last drops, I threw it as hard as I could and hit him between the eyes with it. He hit the ground like a sack of potatoes and I ran and grabbed him by the throat. I picked him up and slammed him against a tree. He shook his head and when he realized what was going on, he froze…

I asked him does he understand English? He responded yes! I told him to go home and tell everyone that he comes in contact with, that I am on my way. I am going to come and finish the Zombie war of the gods! I told him that when I see him next, that I would kill him and this was his only chance to live. The best thing that he could do was to tell everyone what I say and leave. Leave the universe, because the universe is too small for Zombies and I to live in harmony…

Then as I was telling this Zombie god what I wanted him to tell the rest, I felt that another Zombie had appeared behind me. I spun and threw the Zombie in my hands at the Zombie behind me. They both went to the ground. They got up scrambling and the look of terror was in their eyes. Then they disappeared just as they came…

I hurried on back to Girl and Dogg. I knew that the Zombies gods knew where we were now and that we needed to get moving. A purpose and reason have now appeared to me and I realize what I have to do. After that last explosion and outburst of emotions, I was able to put all the souls of gods in their place inside of me. I put an order to the madness that rages in me. The key was to place one soul as the boss and any soul that crosses the line dies instantly…

As I said in another post. My sword is part of my soul and I have it to fight within myself also. I had a little demonstration of who is the boss to put the pecking order in line real quick. My sword just does not absorb the power of a god at his demise, it also will extinguish his life force forever if I use it again on them. They never had such a happening in their existence and the gods fell in line real quick. You see gods never die they just transferred energies from one to another. Well I have proven that gods will die and by my hand it will happen, if I so desire…

Oh yes I said that I put one soul in charge! Well guess what? I found a quiet little soul hidden in the back. It was very familiar and as I approached it. It became known to me. I found my Zombie Ben from my past life. He was hidden inside with all these other Zombie god souls. Ben said hi and my spirits lifted. After I hugged him and asked him where he came from. (He did not know!) I put him in charge of the Zombie god soul department! I had my buddy back and even though he was not physically next to me, he was still available to communicate with and to ask help when I needed it…

Ben had his samurai sword and I knew he would keep all in line and if he needed help all he had to do was ask…

Now if I can just figure out how to bring Ben back as my sidekick again. He saved my life enough and I owe him that much…

I had gone back to home, as we call it the last few days and hugged Dogg and Girl. Dogg said “Bow Wow!” and Girl smiled a huge smile and said, “Welcome back to the living! I was worried if I would have to whoop you with my Kung Fu!” I just smiled and said, “Tomorrow we leave to find the government shelter and tonight lets have a party!”

Girl said, “Yippy!” and Dogg said “Bow Wow!” as he played with his Zombie head…

I looked around and the world was brighter in my eyes. It felt better and I knew that we had a chance…

Dogg ran up to me and laid his head against me and then you would have thought he won the “JackPot!” He started to “Bow Wow” like crazy, then run in circles chasing his tail and I realized that he felt Ben the Zombie inside of me…

I then made Doggs day and kicked the head across the yard for him to chase. Most dogs love to chase Frisbee, but not my dog! He loves to chase Zombie heads…

That just seems correct for this day and age in earths history!

Now I will get back to you tomorrow after we search Denver. We have to find the government offices and see if there is any information on the underground facilities available…

Talk to you tomorrow…

The Zombie Source Code…

Woewebegone dead…

To me it has been almost a year that I have been learning Kung Fu! To you it has been just a week or so…

That is the beauty of futuristic technology. Technology that may never bee seen on earth as we know it. For right now as you read this the spread of the Zombie virus is accelerating and soon you will wake to a world of death and destruction. I have tried to warn you and if everyone would just get off their ass and do something about it, then maybe the world would be saved…?

An hour ago I held Woewebegone’s head in my lap as he died. We were celebrating today earlier. The celebration was that I almost could be called a student of Kung Fu. I had actually learned something and Woewebegone admitted it. It was an incredible day for me and as he died in my arms, he called me Stryker…

How did he die?

Let me tell you as I look around at a hundred dead Zombie Gods. Let me tell you how the Zombie gods tried to stop me today. They have succeeded in one thing today, they have woke me up and now I will bring the war to them. God with me I hope…

Hours ago earlier today. Woewebegone and I finished what he said was the last lesson, or at least the last lesson that I would get and even though I was a miserable student of Kung Fu and he had seen a 5 year old with more promise than me. He had to admit that I was as helpless and proficient at the same time in Kung Fu, as I would ever be and nothing anyone, even a god could do anything to change that…

Other words, I plain sucked at Kung Fu but I knew enough to be dangerous and Woewebegone hoped that was enough, because he could not change a sows ear into something pretty…

So we had a party to celebrate that I only sucked half as bad at Kung Fu as I did a year ago. Yes a whole year has gone by and Karate made no sense to me, Kung Fu was more dangerous to me than my enemies and Woewebegone grew to love me anyway…

As Woewebegone and I sat and enjoyed life under a cherry tree that he transplanted for me, from earth. I had my eyes closed and was dreaming of getting back to earth, Dogg and Girl. Woewebegone was half way through a paragraph of telling me about how to get back to earth now and Dogg and Girl would never know that I was gone. Time travel is a interesting concept and you have to have a special god that can do it or otherwise time travel just does not happen. Woewebegone was one of those gods. He gave me a icon of a cross and with this icon I could transverse the heavens alone as I needed, to get to one place or another. Forward or backward in time. But it only worked in very rare occasions and would not work if I was trying to alter history. Other words it worked the best going forward in time, but going back in time it was not so reliable. History was the issue…

As my eyes were closed I heard an abrupt stopping of words from Woewebegone and then he started to gurgle and blood came out of his mouth. Then I noticed a huge spear sticking out of his chest from is backside. The spear was from a god as I recognized the etchings on it from my teachings. I looked around and dodged a spear that was thrown at me. It grazed my cheek and left a faint line of blood. That was close…

Woewebegone slumped against the cherry tree and I thought he was dead. I also knew that thinking would mean I would be killed also. I fueled that rage in me at seeing my friend die and then I fueled it some more and bellowed it into a roaring firer as I thought that everyone dies around me, sooner or later…

I saw no one around me as I stood and walked calmly into the cave that we were staying in. We had moved many times over the years to keep Zombie gods from finding us and we thought that this cave would be a very safe spot. Arrows hit the ground around me and spears flew past me. I could feel the shafts and knew that they would not hit me. As I did not plan on staying still at this point and Zombies gods or not are terrible at aiming and I was skilled in perception now. I was sue that they would not get me with simple arrows and spears at this point…

As I stepped into the cave entrance my sword and shield leaped to my hands. Shield in the left hand and sword in the right. The sword was literally screaming a high pitched hiss and I felt the blood lust it so desired. The sword has waited patiently since its inception and has waited for the first battle. The shield took o a gold fleck metallic maroon color and my armor surrounded me in full. I have not had time to tell you about my armor from the planet called Xcices. It was a field trip that we took a few months ago after the sword field trip and I was fitted in a special armor for the gods. I will have to tell you about that next time…

I stepped out of the cave entrance and what stood before me should have scared me to death. The had to have been a hundred Zombie gods and they were ready to rumble. There was no regular Zombies, these were Zombie gods and were fully armored and weaponized. I was too mad to care and I glanced at Woewebegone and knew he was gone…

They charged at me and I heard my heart sing in tune with the sword and as I screamed that I would kill every last one of the bastards. My sword took a life of its own and I felt as well as saw the blade cut clean through armor that up until this day had never know its defeat. Ever blow upon a Zombie and the blade grew stronger and stronger and stronger. It consumed Zombie blood like a dry sponge in hot water…

My shield returned the same force of the blow back to the attacker and repealed then meters away as they attacked. My armor never once gave away, but I could feel the blows and I am covered in many many bruises…

The Zombie gods kept coming and I just kept killing. I was so mad that I was an inferno of hate and destruction. When there was about 20 Zombie gods left. They broke and ran. They gathered away from me. It looked as though they were in communication and right then I wished that I had Ben the Zombie to tell me what they were thinking. (Ben from the last book!)

Then they broke up and all transported back to were they came from. I am not sure how they did it and it looked as if it was a mechanical transportation. just like on Star Trek, except real transportation…

I put the sword up and shield away. The armor went back to its hidden state. I then ran to Woewebegone and saw that he was verily alive. I held him in my arms and he whispered some last words to me.

He said, “When I die hold me tight and do not let go until you know when it is right! For I will send a jolt to you, that will grow as a child grows inside your soul! My death is not in vain and is only the beginning, For you my son is the new King of the realm! Take me now and hold me tight for I die a strong death!” Then he said, “I name you “Stryker the Conqueror!””

Then he died and as I was realizing that he called me Stryker, I was hit with a bolt of lightning that tore my soul out and then slammed it back inside of me. I felt his power go into me and all that he had became mine. Then as I thought that was bad enough and the pain was overpowering at that. I felt all the power of the gods I had just killed slam me into the ground and around a hundred Zombie gods power of their souls entered me. It was a huge struggle for possession of my soul and my sword which is attached to my soul also was there to fight with me. I won and tamed all other energies and felt a power rush like no other in the universe…

I guess this is going to become the norm for me. Kill a god and gain their power. Ouch, I am getting to old for this…

Next stop home to earth, hug Dogg and Girl, then find the underground bomb shelter and then kick some Zombie ass. Oh yea and next time I will talk about my armor and I will try to write down some of what Woewebegone wanted to tell everyone…

“Stryker the Conqueror!” I like it but I will stick with Stryker. Dogg/Bear might kick my butt if I get too big of a head! 🙂

The Zombie Source Code…

We call it The Zombie War…

*** Come if you can, because I figure we have just enough to all get ourselves killed and if we had another 1,000,000 we might have a few left over. The war against the Zombies starts April 23rd… ***

I was asked why I would tell the date when the war starts?

I answered, because this is not a normal war. This war is like in the very old days and will be fought mainly with swords and other hand held weapons. We do not have fancy equipment and such. What we do have is over 2,000,000 blessed by the Orthodox church swords from their archives of weapons. These swords go back way into the 14th century and are all blessed by the Holy Order of God…

We were told that these swords will kill the Zombies no matter what. Cut the Zombie in half and it will stay dead…

I studied my sword that the Chinese gave me and it is an ancient sword that is from a great emperor back in the very old days. It is blessed by the gods and they say it will do much more damage than any sword known to man. It is a sword that was used to eradicated evil amongst the gods…

So it looks like in the next few days that we will have 2,000,000 give or take people to fight the Zombies. We have lots of predator drones flying in the sky from America. they are spying on us and that pisses me off…

I am trying to get a Stinger missile and take one down as we start the battle on Monday. That is just how I feel…

The Russian army has surrounded us with a hundred kilometer encircle. They tell us that due to the nature of the international issues surrounding the volcano that they can not necessarily enter the volcano. But that they will and can control who gets near the volcano and who tries to leave the 100 km buffer zone that has been designated for the Zombie Volcano purpose. So other words, they will try to stop the Zombies if we fail…

At that point I think that blowing up a Zombie with a tank shell may just accelerate the issue, as 50 Zombies could grow from one original Zombie. In fact I just said, Thanks and lets hope we win!

So far 100 countries have allowed legally people to come and fight. Canada and Mexico has even allowed thousands to cross but we do not have anyone from mainland Europe and the USA. Why even Africa is sending hundreds of people to help and they are sending weapons to fight hand to hand with. The plains area before the start of the Volcano is one giant tent area and it looks like we are having the largest concert on earth. Maybe we are and it is called The Zombie Blues…

I have heard nothing from any of my e-mails that I have sent to people who owe me big favors. I deal with them later. Worth surviving just to collect in person… 🙂

In a few days I will give a complete run up on what is happening and I will not be posting tomorrow, because we have too much to do. It seems that our army is now being lead by 9 demigods and one 100% god. I can’t give anymore names to protect the innocent from gods that have issues with other gods helping humans. This seems to be an age old issue and gods have fought all through history about whether they should interfere in what us humans are doing. I for one am happy that they want to help and I am praying for more gods to enter the issue, to protect the world…

I have to say that I am getting really nervous about all this. They look to me as the leader in this whole war and I am really nervous. In fact I can’t eat or sleep good anymore and will be glad this is over one way or another…

I keep having dreams of millions of people and Zombies clashing as waves and waves of humans and Zombies collide and fight to the death. I guess that is what this is all about and man is making a stand for himself with the most primitive of methods to fight. Modern day warfare would actually make this situation worse and accelerate the demise of the earth…

I also am very upset about what my daughter had said at the last dream she talked to me in. The things she showed me tells me that she was trying to help me win this war, but she also made it clear that I am the enemy and that she will be the god. I was just wondering to myself how many demigods and gods will Zighile have helping him. For the realm of gods is wrought with good and evil and they battle constantly for dominance of the universe…

Oh before I end this post today. Dogg, Rex, Ben and Sergey are fine. We all are safe and sound getting ready for the Zombie war. Dogg has grown full size again and is an even bigger bear than he was. I have always been able to communicate with Dogg and he laid his head on my lap last night and we talked about what is happening. He expects to die as I do also. He told me that the gods allowed him to come back, but knowing that life after death was not a guarantee. In fact he understands that we will die in battle and our deaths will bring more power to the masses fighting to save the earth from the Zombies…

I understand the same and I was brought back to life and have the god of war in me and I expect that when the time is correct he will take me over and I will no longer be present on this earth. I understand that the god of war is only biding his time in me. For I am the hidden deliverer of the powerful god of war. Without him on our side we have no chance. I guess that is why I am driven to continue this crazy task of bringing the Zombie war to a final close…

Ben and Sergey do not understand what is inside of Dogg or I, but I know Ben accepts it and realizes that we must succeed. Sergey is a warrior of old and once his allegiance is pledged as he has pledged to us then he will fight to the death. I also sense that every person that shows up to help is very much loyal to the cause and the belief that man will not survive this war, has stimulated an old hidden ancient gene of survival and the people, whether they be young, old, weak, strong and even sick are showing up by the thousands every hour…

You would think that there would be a mad house with all these people! But no it is calm and peaceful. Huge groups are praying to their gods and food was brought in mass quantities and everyone shares. It is like we all know that our last days are here and nothing matters but this moment in time. Everyone is gathering their thoughts and making peace with their gods. I see lots of people writing in diaries and such. Just as I am doing in this blog…

Yes right now it is kinda boring compared to the last few months as we have chased Zighile across North America, but I would not trade it for anything as I have my best friends in the world with me and I have made millions more good friends that have stepped up to the plate and are going to go to bat with me…

I will be back in two days. That is Friday and I will tell you what is happening. Getting nervous because Monday is the day…

The Zombie Source Code!

PS: I looked over what we have going into this battle: We have humans with determination and the will to survive. They are carrying hammers, brooms, swords, machetes, sticks, spears and any other hand weapon you can think of. We also have 5000 spray containers of acid and they carry about 5 liters each in acid. That is all we have to try to slow down the reanimated reanimated Zombies. Plus we have all kinds of blessed swords, but we do not even know if they will work as prescribed. Right now we are going to go on hope…

There has been a huge tent erected that the gods have stationed themselves in. I am having a meeting there later and on Friday I will tell you about that meeting…

The Old Eskimo Speaks…

*** Looks like we are going to have a long trip with all the little pee pee stops for a new puppy. What a time to be reborn. Dogg says he is hungry also… ***

*** Like I said Stryker does not tell all to you guys and I refuse to tell all at this point also, but the Old Eskimo is going to talk to us about the future and he said that we must follow what he says. For the beacon of the gods has told him what is to be done… ***

Okay now I will tell about what the old Eskimo has told us. Ben looked it over before I posted it and said that it was pretty close to what he remembers the old guy telling us also. Dogg does not remember anything…

The Old Eskimo: I have listen to all of the stories and all of the information that each and everyone of you have been told by the gods as we fell asleep. I stayed awake the longest and had an in depth talk with the Beacon of the Gods. He is the most knowledgeable of all gods and the one who can tell the most about what will happen in the future…

Here is what he said: Stryker has chosen the path that must be followed. The path is not a guaranteed winner nor is it a guaranteed loser. But the path is guaranteed to lead to the death of one side or the other. For neither side will cease until they have won or been defeated soundly unto death…

A classic good and evil battle has developed and hence it has become bigger than just the souls of the mortals who attempt to alter the world as we see it. The powers behind the scene are the ones that need to be curtailed but they can not be due to the rules of the gods. For if a god calls out another god on interference in mortals ways and life, then they themselves will be caught in the same calling out of the other. For both good and evil in the gods have steeped beyond the boundaries of sanity and hence we have a dilemma that could end humans as we know them…

One god has the ability to stop all of this: TEKKEITSERTOK – God of the Earth who is the most powerful and owned all of the deer. Tekkeitsertok can not be found and the fear is that somehow evil has locked him away from view of the earth and his ability to help humans…

So Stryker must continue and not give up on his quest to save the world. Us Eskimo’s will gather in as large of a mass as we can and the word is out to all other Indians available. We will amass and pray to the gods for the restoration of human kind back to a better state. The chants and calls to all of nature and the souls of the earth will commence immediately and with any luck we will get some strength from the lessor gods as they are very very helpful to us humans, as the greater gods seem to look down upon us most of the times…

Torngasak – (The good spirit, representing everything in nature good and helpful to man.) has decided to join at one point, the group of good and will stay silent in the background until needed. He is very powerful and can be a great ally! Just never take him for granted and as always respect – Torngasak…

The gods have smiled upon Stryker, Ben and Dogg! Dogg was reborn and the powers he has a a totem dog have been multiplied. He now is a changeling that includes bear, wolf and dog! Ben has been given a dose of human again. While he will retain all aspects of the Zombie powers and attributes. He has been given back red warm living blood and spark to his soul. The gods see that he deserves his human soul back, for he is a good man and the Zombie virus was not able to remove the heart of a wonderful and good man. That kind of man should be rewarded. Stryker who is a bumbling fool of a hero that has no idea how important that he is, has been given a tattoo burned into his chest. it is of the Raven: The raven is sometimes considered a trickster like the coyotee. It is also known to be a teacher and horder. The raven is also the mark of a shape shifter. The last part is very important because what shape is the shift, is not known until the moment of the first time the shift is obtained and needed. The only way that the gods could save Stryker, was to impose a shape-shifter spirit from an unknown entity. Who is unknown, but powerful, very likely…

I have given Stryker a powerful necklace of the Butterfly spirit: The butterfly is a transformer and a symbol of metamorphosis and I hope that it will guide Stryker in his first shift in form…

Last but not least: Strykers family has one chance of survival, but only if he plays his cards correctly. One wrong move in the chess game of life will end the families existence. The issue with his family is that they will never be human again but they can become like Ben if they will allow Ben to help them after the war has been won, if the war is won…

So as we test the waters of the unknown I leave you with this thought by the Gabrielinos:

I know not if the voice of man
can reach to the sky;
I know not if the mighty one
will hear as I pray;
I know not if the gifts I ask
will all granted be;
I know not if the world of old
we truly can hear;
I know not what will come to pass
in our future days;
I hope that only good will come,
my children, to you.

So ends what the Old Eskimo said…

I do have a Raven tattoo burned in my chest, but I do not feel any different. This shape-sifting thing sounds scary if you ask me. What, am I a werewolf now? Lets hope not…

Ben and I have to stop again. Yes a little pee pot has to go again and he is hungry again. I swear he is growing like a weed as we drive. That has got to be my imagination though! But he is getting heavier…

The Zombie Source Code…

PS: We are caught up now and I do not want to hear anymore about it…

Awaken the Gods Themselves… (Part 2)

*** Talk to you later. I will try to get Ben to write tomorrow! He has a nice Eskimo girl that seems to not care that he is a Zombie and Ben thinks she is cute. So he is rather occupied at the moment… ***


This is Ben and you all know how much I hate writing. So only because everyone has asked and I don’t want to keep you all in the dark. I will tell you some of what I know…

As Stryker stated already and made it clear that I was in a bad mood and not communicating to anyone. I was listening to the chants and watching the Eskimo’s do their thing. I also had dreams of Dogg playing in a green grass field of long grass waving in the breeze. The next thing I knew, I was in the field with Dogg and all the Eskimo’s and we were trapped in the green field of grass. We all looked at each other and then we realized that the sky was like a very faded movie screen and we could see Stryker walking around amongst all of us as we lay immobile on the snow…

Then after Stryker talked to the Old Eskimo, the old Eskimo appeared with us also and we all stood silently in the field of green grass waving in the breeze. Dogg was with us and he started to whine and bark when he saw Stryker in the sky…

We all seemed frozen as we watched the movies unfold above us and we really had no idea if it was real or not. Now I will say that Stryker has a tendency to underestimate what he does. He never brags about his powers and makes it out as if he is just lucky. I am going to break that bubble we all live in, because Stryker tells most of the stories. Stryker did a hundred times what he talked about to this god/devil being and it was a battle that stunned us as we watched. The Old Eskimo started to chant some words and the rest followed him in his chanting. It seemed that the chanting floated with the breeze that stirred the grass and made the grass dance with the chanting song they sang…

Stryker battled for 20 minutes and you could tell that the immortal being had the advantage in one fact only. He could not die, but Stryker could die…

I do not want to upset Stryker by telling you all that happened because he chose to leave a lot out. So lets just say that at the point that Stryker was hanging on to his sword for dear life and twisting it as the immortal tried to kill him was at the end of a bloody viscous battle that saw Stryker dripping blood like a sieve onto the white snow and a immortal that knew he won, but only, because he was immortal, for if he was human Stryker would have killed him 10 fold times…

Dogg snapped out of his watching this battle as he saw Stryker getting ready to be killed at the hands of the immortal and then Dogg disappeared, from the field of dancing green grass…

I saw Dogg appear at the spot that the totem pole piece of the Dog disappeared into the snow. It obviously turned to Dogg himself. Then Dogg growled at the immortal being. That is when timed stood for me – still and I frantically looked around at how to get back to help Stryker and Dogg. It was if we all woke up…

Strykers eyes glanced at the place that my body was laying in the snow and I saw his eyes lock upon my eyes as I lay looking into the sky. Then I knew I had to do something and I used that image in my mind and sank myself into those eyes that I looked at on the ground of earth. I was not sure exactly what to do but it worked and I woke up. I walked behind the immortal and with sword in hand drove it through the immortal. Then I realized that I had stabbed Stryker also. I really felt bad. I figured that I had just killed Stryker when everyone else had failed. I heard Stryker scream as the blade came out of his chest and the immortal slugged Stryker as hard as he could. It was lights out for Stryker. I knew that I had caused this by the shock attack on the immortal. I also knew that I would die trying to stop this being of the devil himself…

As the god/devil turned to face me. I realized that he had forgotten about Dogg and Dogg being one to take advantage of being forgotten about. Dogg bit into the totem pole that had the human, feline, bear and wolf on it. The dog part missing of course…

A explosion of light blinded all who were around, including the immortal. I was knocked to the ground as something took over my body and I have to say it hurt. Even for a Zombie it hurt. When the light effects faded. I found myself standing with a bear, wolf, eagle and huge tiger and of course Dogg. I had a sword of pure silver in my hands and as I looked at myself in the reflection in the shield I carried. I realized that we are not in Kansas any more, Dorthy… (You have to understand the Wizard of Oz to know what I ma talking about!)

Then as we started to attack the immortal in front of us. 40 or 50 Eskimo’s beat us to the attack. All of the Eskimo’s including the old man ran up too the giant of a god/devil being and proceeded to attack with no mercy. Before we could responded the immortal had slaughtered half the group and dead and dying lay all around as quick as blinking your eyes. I looked at Stryker laying in the snow as lifeless as anyone could be. I could see no breath steam coming from his nose and he was blue in color…

Dogg broke the silence with a deep growl and sprang upon the immortal. That is when it got interesting…

5 more immortals appeared next to the immortal fighting for his life against Dogg. I took one of them as the bear, the wolf, the feline and eagle took the other 4. The battled lasted about 10 minutes, with neither side gaining an advantage and it seemed that we were good against evil…

I won’t express what happened because I was not in complete control of myself. As you may have surmised, I was under the control of another immortal…

But I do remember hearing Stryker…

Stryker said in a low and barely audible voice, “Leave this planet you evil immortal scum or die at the hands of Ares!” I turned and realized that the god of war had appeared before us. Or was he (Stryker) the god of war all the time. He waved his arm across the land around us and all the dead got up as if nothing happened and proceeded to get in place to attack again…

I then realized that this was Hades himself and he was trying to alter the fate of the planet earth, to his favor. Then as 5 more brethren of Hades appeared. That is when a circle of gods of maybe 30 surrounded all of us and everything got very silent. You could have heard a pin drop…

Then everyone but Hades and Stryker were told to leave the circle. When there was only those two left in the middle of the circle we made around them. Someone with much power, whom I assume was Zeus? Told the two (Stryker and Hades) to fight and who wins, gets to continue their path in the world…

Can this be true?

I am just telling you what I experienced and saw. Crazy huh?

Zeus? was one bad-ass powerful dude and none of us could attempt to go against his wishes…

As I said before Stryker did much more than he understands and now the fate of the planet hung in balance on this one fight…

After about 10 minutes of fighting between the two foes, Stryker said, “I am done playing and if you want to live to try to control the earth in the future then go back where you came from in the depths of the earth!”

Hades said, “Puny man you will die and after I kill you I will slit you Dog’s throat and impale your Zombie on the highest pole for the crows to eat him a little bit each day until he rots away…”

Sryker stepped toward the immortal and I saw that he had a large splinter of wood that was left of the totem pole in his hand. I knew that totem pole had power and I suspected what Stryker was up to…

As they clashed together, the immortal grabbed Stryker and held him at eye level and said, “Your last breath is now!” Stryker said,”Maybe, but your last thought goes with my last breath!”…

Then as Hades crushed Stryker with all his might! Stryker drove the large splinter up through the lower jaw of Hades and into the brain of Hades. About and inch stuck out from below Hades chin and Stryker with his last strength. Slammed the splinter and it appeared out the top of Hades head…

Silence and a shocked look appeared on Hades face. Then the splinter being of saint wood and totem pole power. Exploded with a tremendous violent flash of light and both Stryker and Hades fell to the ground in a heap…

Then we all fell to the ground in a deep sleep and as I went to sleep, Krotos (a great hunter and musician who kept the company of the Muses on Mount Helicon) the deity that possessed my body told me, “I am Krotos and have used your body for this short time. I have healed you and given you some extra tools to help you in you fight for earth. Sleep and when you wake all will be clear as to the path you must take!”

When we woke all was back to normal or at least as much as back to normal as it could be. The only thing is that Dogg is gone again and Stryker has changed. He radiates power now. I mean he is scary to stand near. He has such a strength about him now that I think that the god of war is staying in him…

Also all the Eskimo’s are talking about the information they were told as they went to sleep like I was. We each was told different things and after we all put it together we have an idea of what the world is all about now…

Like I said Stryker does not tell all to you guys and I refuse to tell all at this point also, but the Old Eskimo is going to talk to us about the future and he said that we must follow what he says. For the beacon of the gods has told him what is to be done…

Good, has been given a chance to save the earth from what is happening and our mission must continue as it was originally planned…

So next up is going to be what the Old Eskimo has said to us…

I going to go and sorry if I left more questions than answers, but hey, I got plenty of questions also and I do not seem to get any proper answers. All I know is that I just went through a hell of a crazy last few days and I saw things happen that I thought were only stories in books. But then I am a Zombie so I guess I should believe anything can happen – right?

Stryker says after he reads over what I wrote, he will try to write again, maybe tomorrow…

We are trying to find Dogg and the Old Eskimo says that we should not worry. I gotta go I just heard a puppy bark outside?

Ben writing for Stryker…
The Zombie Source Code…