Looks like I should explain our living conditions a little better. I have been very busy because Dogg and I have had to clean up a huge mess of Zombies that were trapped inside this old power plant that we call a home now…
I pulled some strings and got permanent residence of this old underground power plant that is built like a fortress. Dogg and I set up an old office area as a home and reenforced the walls and doors of the office equivalent to a bank vault. I decided that I do not want to be surprised again by baby, spider or any Zombie for that matter…
Now I am not saying that the old power plant is not built like a fortress but a little assurance is always good and after the last month, I think it is necessary anymore…
Here is some pictures of what it looks like…

We now have a new desktop computer and even got ourselves a TV to watch. Dogg got new titanium teeth after the last ones got dissolved by the Spider Zombie and he is very happy now. Dogg likes his shiny titanium teeth and I find them useful to crunch Zombie necks…
I also have restocked my weapons because we lost everything due to so many battles with the Zombies. I was down to just one usable machete and that just was not going to cut the mustard…
So I picked up another 444 Marlin Lever action, two Mexican Brush Machetes and I ordered a two handed Cold Steel Chinese War Sword. I can’t wait for that one. I had it made specially with a ceramic blade that is suppose to be impervious to anything and permanently deadly sharp …
I also got Dogg a new set of body armor and titanium claws for his feet. I also picked him up a chew toy that looks like a dead chicken, so that he could make it squeak as he played. So Dogg is one happy dog…
It took days to clean everything up and Dogg and I had to drag the bodies outside and burn them. Hundreds of Zombies take a long time to burn. That is why I have not written for awhile…
We also had lots of workers in and out rebuilding the wiring and plumbing in the old power plant. We also had as I said the office area built like a fortress and now as I type this Dogg is sleeping with his chicken toy and I am sitting at my new desk writing this article…
I have to say something though! I thought everything is under control around the power plant but I keep hearing a deep rumble from under the power plant. It is not bad but it is definitely from under the power plant. I have got to explore the lower levels better and see if there is one last door that we have not discovered. I really do not want to deal with more Zombies sneaking up on me at night or in the day for that matter…
So we are caught up to date and I will try to do a better job keeping things updated. I will say that Dogg and I see a lot of signs of Zombies out about the town and I am suspecting that the new mayor of our city is a Leader Zombie and if he is then that could be a real issue…
Until next time…
PS: Dogg says hi!