The Missile Silo and “The Girl!” (Part 2): Plus Killer Zombie Attack…

Well I woke up this morning with a terrible headache and the first thing that I saw after my eyes focused was Dogg with a Zombie head and he was in heaven playing with the head as a toy. Dogg looked a lot better than I felt. Then I remembered Girl…

I sat up way too fast and my head spun internally in circles. I was trying to focus and remember where Girl was when I last saw her. I have to say she is impressive and can kick some serious Zombie butt with her bare hands. I know that she and Dogg saved my life last night…

I am just getting to old for this Zombie stuff…

I struggled to stand and my first attempt was not successful. I hit the ground hard, but the pain actually helped to wake me up. Not that I recommend wakening up that way. I finally stood and made my way to the surface by a maintenance tunnel. I saw that most of the concrete and steel roof on the hatches and doors were ripped open like someone had a huge can-opener and was trying to find tasty morsels inside to eat…

That is exactly what it was and we were suppose to be the tasty morsels…

As I stepped into the sunshine this morning, I gave thanks to God! (Any god that makes you happy!) I gave thanks to who I call the real God – God with a capital G. I realized how close we came to death and the plans of the gods succeeding…

After last night I have come to the understanding that earth is still in the plans for a future and I had better step up the pace and try to save earth and the universe. It seems that earth is the only planet in the whole universe that was allowed to have Atomic Weapons! Yes that is correct…

I am getting ahead of myself right now and I need to start over at when the concrete and steel cap was ripped off the silo number 1. That is where I ended the last article…

Lets begin: I grabbed my sword, dagger and the 50 round full auto shotgun. Girl does not carry a weapon, she says it hinders her style! Dogg changed into a huge bear. Then we went out the same maintenance tunnel that I had left just recently this morning. As we stepped out into the darkness, I realized that hundreds of Zombies and one huge giant of a Zombie were tearing the silos covers off and trying to get the missiles that were housed within…

We happen to have two LGM-30 Minuteman with multiple warheads located at this bunker. The big giant Zombie was concentrating on getting those missiles. He was big enough to actually pull them out of the silo by hands and he was being rather absorbed by the task. In fact after what we though was an attack on us was actually just a missile gathering party by the giant Zombie and he brought friends along to keep him company…

Now maybe you would have said, “Aw just let the giant over grown Zombie with flaming blood red eyes have his toys! What could it hurt?” Sorry but a nuke in the hands of what I realized was a Zombie god could cause a huge issue in the universe…

Then with all the stupidity of only something that a Stryker would and could do! I threw my Katana blade as hard as I could at the back of the Giant Zombie. It embedded itself rather nicely all the way to the hilt in his back and that my friend set off a time bomb of moaning Zombies that decided that we were game for breakfast…

The blade had entered the Zombies back in a spot that he could not get to and so it caused considerable pain. I raised the auto shotgun and started to take Zombie heads off at the shoulder as fast as I could. Dogg/Bear roared and I saw him swell up almost as big as the Giant Zombie and he charged through the Zombie crowd and all you could see was Zombies flying in the air. I saw Bear/Dogg slam head first into the Giant Zombie as I then saw Girl leap frog over three Zombies and landed in the middle of the pack. Zombies were flying everywhere, that little girl could punch… (I was thinking of Bruce Lee!)

As I ran out of shells in the shotgun, I used the gun as a battering ram until it was taken out of my hands and then I pulled the dagger and started to slice and dice some more. After about 10 minutes I lost the dagger as it was embedded in a Zombie skull and they jerked away and I lost my dagger. I then had to resort to hand to hand combat with Zombies. I fought for what was only a few minutes, but it seems like hours and I realized that even though I was strong enough to snap Zombie necks, I was getting weak and worn out after such a furious battle. I was overwhelmed by 10 Zombies and then I saw a flash of Girl power as she came to my rescue and whooped them back from me. She handed me my dagger and said, “Here old man, before before they kill you!” Then she smiled and leaped over twenty Zombies and left me to die by my own accords…

As fast as it started, the Zombies were all dead except the Giant Zombie and Dogg/Bear and the Giant Zombie were an even match. The Giant Zombie had a regular Zombie in each hand and was using them to smash at Bear/Dogg. That just made Bear/Dogg madder and madder. I saw Girl finally show the toll of the battle and she slumped against a fence post and looked as bad as I felt…

I turned my attention to Dogg/Bear and the Giant Zombie. The Giant Zombie had his back to me and I realized that my Katana was still sticking out of his back. Without thinking I ran and leaped up on his back and grabbed the hilt of the sword. Remember I said it was like a living extension of my arm and I drew it sideways through his backbone. I severed his spinal column and he went down. I knew he would heal if I was not fast enough and I proceeded to sever his spinal column with several more swipes, This sword was sharp and nothing stopped the blade. I reminded myself to throw the dagger next time instead of my sword…

Then a flash of light flowed from the Giant Zombies body and Bear/Dogg grabbed the light and pinned it to the ground. The Giant Zombie shrank until it was a normal guy and he lay there on the ground gasping his last breaths. He started to tell me something and I leaned in close to him to hear him, He said, “I am from Illillis, the planet of the Rictern Galaxy, You must destroy that Zombie Entity that controlled me! For only you on earth have the forbidden nukes and they will be back to try again. Keep him from leaving this planet. Thank god you were here as we did not know and you saved the Universe for now!”

Then his life force died and I saw a faint light float to the night sky…

I tuned to Bear/Dogg and with Katana in hand. I told Bear/Dogg hold that thing! I drove the sword into what would be its head and Bear/Dogg let go at my motion. I then sliced the thing down the middle and even though you would not think that you can kill an energy entity, this Katana was not an ordinary sword and it seemed to absorb and destroy the energy Zombie entity like it was a solid being. Then though the power flowed through the sword and went into me. I was thrown 30 feet and hit the ground like a sack of potatoes. That is the last I remember. Well until I woke up and saw Dogg playing with a Zombie head…

Now as I stood outside and look at this beautiful day. I realize that all the Zombies are gone and Girl walked up and handed me my sword. I looked at the sword and realized that thee was something very very special about this sword. Girl looked at me and said, “Not bad for an old grouch!” I just smiled at her and thought if you only knew, as I was thinking at all the Zombies that we have killed over the years…

As I held the sword, I realized that all of a sudden I felt a hundred times better and every cut, bite and tear on me body, healed instantly. I was better than new, I was fantastically great, I was perfect…

That was until Girl tossed me over her shoulder and said it is time to learn Kung Fu and Karate both…

Karate and Kung Fu? What! Do I look like I have written the word “crazy” all over my face?

Oh I guess I better tell you a little bit about Girl. I see that this is part two and I promised to tell some more about her…

It seems that Girl was born in Dengfeng, China where the Shaolin temple is located. No I never said she was an American. I never said she was anything but a girl. She is not from America, she is from China and she is smart, sharp and deadly! She saved my life last night and that allowed me to save the Universe, temporarily…

She does not remember who she is or what she is. She just knows certain things and she gave me a letter that she woke up with after she was left inside the gates of this base. She was left here about a year ago and has not left the compound as it had everything that she needed including food and as as the letter said, after I read it. It told her to stay put, someone will come for her, its words were “He who comes!”…

The letter also said something strange: It said, “He who comes, has been the body guard, but now he who comes, must be guarded by your life, for he who comes, once again is the key to eternity. You must guard, “He who comes!”

“He Who Comes!” It sounds like something from a horror movie!

Dogg just looked at me and said “Bow Wow” and I swear he smiled…

The Zombie Source Code!

PS: Time for Kung Fu lessons… 🙁